You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"What's the matter?" Guan Song asked in astonishment.

"Boss, they seem to use a Kevlar set. The knives can't hurt at all. This set of equipment is worth more than 100,000 yuan. This set of more than one hundred people is an investment of more than 10 million yuan. It is very difficult for us to fight. !" A thug ran back and said.


Guan Song slipped out of the hood all of a sudden. Guan Song, who doesn’t understand military affairs, didn’t expect that his seemingly ordinary camouflage uniform was so valuable. No wonder the group of young people he called would lose so fast, over a hundred. People were beaten down in two or three minutes.

"It doesn't matter, we will be our own people soon!" Guan Song comforted himself.

What he was talking about was the group of black suit fighters. They were either retired boxers or Sanda enthusiasts. Anyway, they have a solid foundation. Normally, a single person can fight three or four of them. This is also the help of the society when it comes to trouble. , Helped him beat many people, this time it shouldn’t be a surprise.

Soon, those black suit thugs, also holding standard cold weapons, collided with Chen Hao's people.

"Boom boom!"

A series of dull hits sounded, and at last some camouflage youths were knocked down. Those black suit fighters were really experienced, and they focused on weakly protected areas, and they were merciless. Some of the young Litong county youths who were on the top had little experience. Was injured.

"A circular array!"

The security captain is the most experienced personnel. Before he retired, he had served as the captain of a mysterious special brigade. He had excellent commanding ability. When he saw this group of black suits had some ability, he commanded himself to become a defensive posture again.

Anyway, they are the dominant party. As long as they stay stable, they will win this battle.

The team after the change really changed in spirit and energy. With five camouflage youths injured and exited, the rest stabilized their decline, and began to gain the upper hand because of the advantages of equipment.

Those black suit thugs hitting the well-protected camouflage youth were just a bit sore and not a hindrance, but their counterattack black suit thugs couldn’t stand it anymore. When they swung their sticks down, they screamed, hitting their legs or arms. Above, either bruises or cracked bones.

Especially after the security captain took the lead in the battle, the professional security guards showed their skills. The black suit thugs were regressing, and the ghosts cried and howled.

"No, they have the equipment, they can't move!"

Because they are knowledgeable, these thugs are better able to recognize the strength of Chen Hao and his group. They are like dealing with knights in armor with their bare hands. They are not a level of strength at all. They are lucky to knock down a few people, and they will soon be taken by all aspects. Suppressed, a team of dozens of fighters quickly collapsed, losing the courage to resist.

"Why, don't retire, come on! Go!"

Guan Song was furious as he watched from behind, still asking the thugs to give him a face.

However, the strength did not change with a loud voice. The thugs who wanted to fight were quickly lying on the ground with a dry face. The remaining thugs dared to resist, and fled back one by one.

"Change to the front arrow formation, charge!"

The security captain changed his formation again. This time he beat the dog in the water. It was good at first, and it still maintained the shape of an arrow. But after more than ten meters of chasing, the Litong youth went crazy, regardless of the formation, and ran up to catch one. The thugs beat them fiercely and the formation was completely messed up.

But the opponent is even more unbearable, and there is no effective resistance at all. It doesn't matter if there is a formation.

The thugs all ran to Guan Song, and none of them dared to turn their heads back, because those who dared to resist were now lying on the ground with shoe prints on their faces and howling!

"Boss, go away, they are too good!" a thug shouted anxiously.

"Trash, it's all trash, so many people can't beat them!" Guan Song slapped the thug in the face, very tyrannical.

The thugs also dared not speak, but the boss is here, they dare not retreat, they can only bite the bullet and return to resist.

As a result, the thugs were quickly submerged under the torrent of the camouflage army, and the waves did not turn up a single flower. After their number was reduced, the camouflage army was packed with two or three people, and there were equipment advantages. This fight was impossible. , The only thing the thugs need to do is to hold their heads and squat down, so that they can take two less blows.

After another few minutes of finishing, all those black suit thugs were beaten to the ground and lost their ability to resist. They groaned on the ground. Under the cover of two bodyguards, Guan Song ran to the roof of a car as a precaution. Camouflage army surging around.

"Fuck them for Boss Chen!"

A camouflage young man swung his stick to hit the roof of the car. As a result, a middle-aged bodyguard was very skilled. He kicked the young man in the head with a kick, and the camouflage youth fainted.

"All back, leave these three to me!"

After Chen Hao saw it, he shouted in the regional channel, that group of young people went crazy and wanted to challenge the bodyguards. They were pulled back by the calm security team. Therefore, the group lasted for more than five minutes. She was suddenly quiet.

It can be said that this time the group frame won by Chen Hao's absolute advantage, a crushing victory.

Only less than ten of them suffered minor injuries. The young man who was kicked into a coma was also rescued, but his brain was dizzy. It was estimated that it was a concussion. You need to go to the hospital for a look. There are no other injured.

On the other hand, Guan Song and the group, apart from him and the two bodyguards, no longer could stand up, or some of them played dead on the ground without being injured, but they did not dare to stand up at this time.

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