You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Among the crowd, the security captain looked at Chen Hao with deep and complicated eyes. He was amazed and thought that Chen Hao is really a powerful figure. Judging from the tiger-like martial arts with that few tricks, he has already practiced like a fire , I might not please go up there.

As an old classmate, Wang Qiang was also surprised, as if he no longer knew this good buddy. At the beginning, Chen Hao was very ordinary at school. They lived together for four years. They never realized that Chen Hao knew martial arts and was so rich. This is a real person. Not showing up.

In any case, Wang Qiang is happy for his buddy Chen Hao. Chen Hao has such a strong strength, he will surely become a young man in the future.

Chen Hao pressed his hands down and signaled everyone to stop making noise. He just won a game, so there is no need to fantasize.

Chen Hao immediately walked over, the middle-aged bodyguard was frightened with his hands holding his head in defense, while Chen Hao hung his hands in the air, actually trying to pull him from the ground.

This is as sympathetically as the players on both sides of the sports field.

The middle-aged bodyguard was dumbfounded, and then smiled. His opponent is very virtuous. He didn't lose injustice, so he accepted Chen Hao's kindness and was helped by him.

Chen Hao was very sorry for hurting him. He stuffed a business card to the bodyguard and said that his medical expenses would be paid in full.

"Thank you Mr. Chen!"

The middle-aged bodyguard returned to Guan Song lonely.


Guan Song slapped the middle-aged bodyguard. He was so angry that the private bodyguard hired by a high salary could not beat Chen Hao, which made him lose face.

This time, the previous battle scenes could not be sent out to pretend, but he has blown Haikou on Weibo, and now it is all videos of his own abuse, and he can only delete the posts.

"Go on, you beat him, I will reward you one hundred thousand yuan!"

Guan Songxu shouted to the last lean bodyguard with a lot of money.

This bodyguard was a lean man, about 30 years old, and he was not overjoyed when he heard so many bonuses.

He and the strong middle-aged bodyguard often played against each other. The two were half-hearted, and his colleagues were defeated, and it was difficult for him to go up.

But at this time, I don't want to go, but I want to go. The skinny bodyguard came up with a grim face, clenched his fists, and constantly took broken steps, doing fake moves, which seemed to be a Sanda routine.

That's right, this skinny bodyguard is not a martial artist, but a native of Sanda. Everything starts with actual combat. There are no specific moves, but the goal is to knock down the enemy.

Chen Hao also suddenly changed his temperament, his ferocious appearance just disappeared, and he became cautious and alert.

That's right, Chen Hao has already withdrawn from the tiger show and replaced it with a deer show. He wants to practice his own deer show's enemy experience.Destiny book

Lu Xi is good at group battles, but it doesn't mean that you can't fight alone, you can fight in group battles, and there is no reason why the number of people is reduced.

The key to martial arts is to rely on human performance. No matter how powerful it is, it becomes a joke in the hands of children. It is the Wangbaquan that is not popular in street fights. It is also a killer move that can kill people when used by a master.

Now that Chen Hao used the deer show, the thin bodyguard felt bad.

When he was watching the game just now, he seemed to have discovered several flaws in the tiger show that could be used. However, Chen Hao's temperament has changed at this moment, should he change his tricks?

"No, how can one person have two completely different skills!"

The thin bodyguard comforted himself like this, and then tentatively hit a straight punch.

Chen Hao's eyes condensed and he saw that this man's move was a false move, so he simply chose the most suitable move in the deer play-that is, Lu Wuyu.

That is to say, Lu Wuyu is an idiom. The original meaning is to go into the mountains and fight deer without the help of officials familiar with the terrain and deer nature.

This trick refers to the opponent, let the opponent's tricks return without success, specifically to break the opponent's false trick.

This is like a sika deer living in the forest. If you are constantly nervous and run around when there is wind and grass, it will be very tired. Therefore, you must be able to distinguish those that are not dangerous and those that are fatal. It's much easier.

When Chen Hao used it, it seemed as if nothing happened. His body was slightly bowed and his arms drooped naturally, which made the thin bodyguard very surprised.

However, the thin bodyguard also reacted accordingly, turning a false move into a real one, and blasted Chen Hao to the face.

The corner of Chen Hao’s mouth was upturned, and the opponent was still fooled. His move, Lu Wuyu, was a false move. When the opponent’s fist was about to hit, Chen Hao suddenly twisted and grabbed the opponent’s hand. Wrist.

"how come?"

The thin bodyguard did not expect Chen Hao to react so quickly that he miscalculated and was caught by his wrist.

However, he immediately used another fist to attack the enemy and he would save him, and at the same time he twisted his wrist to break free from Chen Hao's restraint.

The thin bodyguard's counterattack was very sharp. Chen Hao didn't want to exchange his injury with the opponent, so he stepped back and loosened his wrist. The two were tied.

"Yes, just fuck him like this!"

Guan Song was excited over there. This was the first time he saw Chen Hao retreating. He thought it was Chen Hao's loss to his bodyguard. He didn't know that this was just a strategic retreat.

The thin bodyguard said that he was lucky. He couldn't figure out Chen Hao's way this time, and started to walk around again.

When Chen Hao saw that he was afraid to go, he took the initiative to attack.

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