I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 365: The old lady is angry

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!Chen Hao still had no breath in his heart, but the caretaker Song had his nose and tears, and also verbally admitted that he was soft, and Chen Hao stopped bullying.

Chen Hao straightened up, turned his head and said: "Clean up the scene, take the injured brother, let's go!"


This group of young people cheered triumphantly. This fight was really cool, and it would last a lifetime.

So what if others can fight, can they wear hundreds of thousands of equipment to fight a group of 300 people?

What if others fight too much, can they see how handsome boss Chen Hao is?

Therefore, Chen Hao conquered the hearts of these young people in Litong County this afternoon, and he will also have a group of diehard fans in Litong County.

The Litong youths filed in the bus. Except for the brother with the concussion, the injured were all skin wounds. Just go home and wipe some potion.

Before leaving, the security captain came to say goodbye to Chen Hao. He solemnly shook hands with Chen Hao, and then said: "Boss Chen, I have learned a lot today. I have never admired anyone in Zhou Zhun's life. You are the first one. If you have something, just contact us, we will be there on call!"

"Good to say." Chen Hao shook hands with him, and then the two groups parted outside the warehouse in Suiyuan.

Chen Hao and a group of young people from Lichuan County left by car, leaving only the group of people brought by Guan Song.

This group of people was very miserable, most of them were injured. One by one saw Chen Hao gone, so they dared to get up from the ground and came to the boss Guan Song's side. Seeing the boss's miserable appearance, all of them were silent. .

The two bodyguards were also released, and the middle-aged bodyguard shouted angrily: "What to see, don't hurry up and drive the boss to the hospital."

This group of people hurriedly helped Guansong get into his car, and then left.

The rest of them helped their companions, and all of them got into the car, and they all went to the hospital nearby. Most of them had to go to the hospital for injuries, and there were a few unconscious people who were expected to be hospitalized for observation.

The news that Guansong Baihe City was beaten up quickly spread in the circle. Some people were shocked when they heard it. They were shocked by Chen Hao's strength. Even the young master butler was beaten casually. This is simply against the sky.

This could not help reinforce the rumors, and would rather suffer three times than to provoke Chen Hao.

When Guan Yunchang learned that his nephew had been injured by Chen Hao and was admitted to the hospital, he immediately rushed to the hospital to see him. He saw Guan Song's miserable appearance, his entire arm was splinted, and his eyes burst into anger.

Guan Song was lethargic, lying on the hospital bed without opening his eyes. The shock today was too great. Chen Hao shattered his arrogance, and his whole person was just like the eggplant that Shuang beat.

"Chen, I will make you pay!"

Guan Yunchang is an old fox after all. He didn't do anything immediately after roaring, but reported the incident to his family.Schoolbag novel www.shubao100.com

The housekeeper’s ninety-year-old grandson, when he heard that his most beloved grandson had been injured, he was so angry that he threw the leader’s crutches off his head and ordered Guan Yunchang to come back and vent his anger. , What happened, their butlers were not afraid.

This is equivalent to a mortal order, implying that even if people are killed, they will not hesitate, no one can challenge the majesty of their Guan family.

"Call me all the bodyguards and thugs at home, I want to bloodbath Chen Hao's house!"

After Guan Yunchang got out of the hospital, he began to mobilize people.

Suddenly, two of Guan Song’s bodyguards approached him, and the thin bodyguard said cautiously, “Guan Dong, the young master took 200 people with him this time. Among them, 70 or 80 members of our bodyguard team were all folded. The people of Japan are fully armed and wear special forces equipment. Many people are not feasible. If you get a thousand or eight hundred people past, the movement will be too loud and it will disturb the provincial government."

"What? More than 200 of you haven't beaten anyone?"

Guan Yunchang was very angry and really embarrassed his butler.

However, what the bodyguard said is also reasonable. It is not useful if there are fewer people. If there are more people, it will be noticed by the upper level. Relying on more people is the next best thing. No matter you win or lose, you can't afford it.

Guan Yunchang gradually calmed down and said gloomily: "Then find two kung fu masters. Call everyone you know, and bring Chen Hao back to me. I will leave it to the old lady to deal with him personally."

"At least we need to find a master above the master. Our friends may not be good. The thin man and I were injured when we were singled out against Chen Hao. We have no chance of winning. Even if we have several people to besiege, he can escape if he can't beat them. "The middle-aged bodyguard's answer is serious and serious.

"What? You were injured by Chen Hao himself? It was not because they swarmed and lost?"

Guan Yunchang was shocked. This seemed to be completely different from what he expected. Chen Hao was so powerful, which was far beyond his expectations.

"Yes, it is true. We are not as skilled as others and are willing to be punished, but we never dare to lie to you." The thin bodyguard also said.

"how is this possible?"

Guan Yunchang paced irritably back and forth. He couldn't figure out that a young man in his twenties with no background, no matter if he had money, he still had contacts, he had more than one hundred brothers, and he still had kung fu. Like the male protagonist in a movie, he is so powerful that he is completely incomprehensible.

Since the use of force is not desirable, the scheming Guan Yunchang soon has a new idea, and he will come to Yin if he fails. He is best at this.

"Go, find our acquaintances to report the case, then file the case with the young master's injury case, and then take Chen Hao into the prison, find a few cell bosses to serve him, and dispose of him in the prison!"

Guan Yunchang found the secretary and whispered to him.


The secretary led away, and a conspiracy against Chen Hao began.

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