I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 368 Pineapple Ancient Meat

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!"I learned another new dish today. The old meat of pineapple is sour and sweet. It's delicious. I'll make it for you tomorrow!"

Xia Jing pressed her shoulder while chatting with Chen Hao. At first, Chen Hao simply said that she heard it, and then only Xia Jing was talking, but Chen Hao just didn't listen.

"Hey, let me tell you a piece of good news that you are interested in. I just bought a suspender nightdress on the Internet. It has lace. It is very fancy. You must like it as a big wolf. Do you want to read it?"

Xia Jing deliberately stretched her tone to attract Chen Hao's attention, but Chen Hao didn't react at all, which made her very hurt.

"What do you mean, am I just like this without charm?"

Normally Xia Jing is so petty, and Chen Hao would come to coax her, but this time Chen Hao still didn't move.

Xia Jing turned to the sofa suspiciously, only to find that Chen Hao actually fell asleep comfortably.

"Big Pig, just fell asleep like this, you deserve to have no eyesight!"

Xia Jing paused for a while, and suddenly realized that Chen Hao who was asleep was actually very interesting, so she naughty took the tips of her hair to scratch Chen Hao's itching.

Chen Hao waved his hand uncomfortably to drive away the so-called "flies", then fell on the sofa, found a comfortable position and continued to sleep soundly.

Xia Jing succeeded in the mischief, and she couldn't smile, but Chen Hao seemed to be tired, so she took a blanket and covered her with Chen Hao, then turned down the lights in the living room and went out.

Xia Jing is a good girl who is arrogant, stubborn and considerate.

When Chen Hao realized it was in the early hours of the morning, he opened his eyes and found that he was asleep on the sofa in the living room. After he got up, a blanket printed with a cartoon little yellow man fell to the ground. No need to ask, Xia Jing must have covered him. Got.

After Chen Hao got up, he felt full of energy, and this feeling had already made up for his lost physical strength.

After a fierce battle yesterday, I abused Guan Song and drank a lot of alcohol in the evening. So when I came back, I was drowsy after a few gentle massages by Xia Jing and fell asleep.

It was just five o'clock now, and the wind was whistling outside, and it had dropped to just below zero, and frost had formed on the windows.

But Chen Hao was not afraid of the cold, so he put on a thin fleece and went to the small playground. Because it was still dark, he turned on the illuminated street lights, and then began his morning exercise.

He still followed the usual practice. First, he did physical exercises to warm up, push-ups, pull-ups, and 5,000-meter jogging. After doing one set, he was sweating and he didn't feel cold.

After the physical training is completed, it is the practice of Wu Qin Xi. The two actual battles yesterday gave him a considerable improvement. The use of tiger play is even more pure and pure. If you use 10 points to describe it, then Chen Hao's current level of tiger play has reached 8 points.

It didn't take long to learn the deer opera, and the level is still a little bit, but it can reach the level of 6 points, and it is no problem to apply it to actual combat.

Chen Hao planned that when the deer play reached the 8-point level, he would start to learn the next bear play, which was as heavy as a human tank, and learned that he can kill seven in and seven out of the crowd, modern Zhao Zilong.Wentingge Novel Network www.wentingge.com

After practicing Kung Fu, it was past six o'clock. When Chen Hao returned to the villa, he ran into Wu Dan and Qiu Yanan. They were all wearing thick jackets and sweatpants, and they also came out for morning exercises.

"You also got up so early?" Chen Hao asked curiously.

"Yes, we also have to learn from the boss." Two beautiful girls answered sweetly together.

"Okay, then you guys exercise, I have already practiced."

Chen Hao said goodbye to the two of them and returned to the villa. After he washed up, Xia Jing had already served him breakfast, which was really considerate service.

Chen Hao can tolerate her little temper because of the well-behaved "give you food when you are hungry, and cover you when you fall asleep". It is not easy to have a confidante who knows cold and hot these days.

But this morning’s breakfast was a bit novel. There was a piece of pineapple ancient meat. It’s not easy to eat this dish in winter.

"Should you eat sour pork in the morning?" Chen Hao asked with a smile.

"What? You asked me to do it for you yesterday. Did you forget it? You said you want to reward me, huh, the man's mouth is a lie!"

Xia Jing pursed her mouth like an angry little wife.

Chen Hao frowned, he couldn't remember when he said it, maybe he said it last night when he fell asleep.

However, Chen Hao was generous, and he had to coax the girl anyway, so he said to buy her a gift later.

"Okay, this is what you said, I want a unique gift." Xia Jing said with satisfaction.

But she was already happy in her heart, and she made up a reward for herself, and Chen Hao believed it. She got the benefits and thought that this trick would be used frequently in the future.

After breakfast, Chen Hao drove to the Miaojie construction site, which was the top priority.

The tenants in Temple Street have all moved out. Now the engineering team is working intensively. However, half of the old buildings have not been demolished because there are residential areas and business districts around them. Construction is not allowed after late night, and the progress will naturally be slower. .

Chen Hao knew the reason for slow work and meticulous work, and he didn't urge him. He just told the person in charge of the project that if there is a problem, he can solve it as soon as possible.

The person in charge of the project feels very comfortable. It's great to run into a reasonable boss like Chen Hao. Instead of scolding them when something goes wrong, he goes out to solve the problem himself. Such a good boss is really hard to find even with a lantern, so the person in charge decided , We must do our best to do the project well and live up to Chen Hao's commission.

Chen Hao presided over the work on the construction site and listened to the construction plan of the person in charge. He thought it was very good. He still needs experienced professionals to do the job. So Chen Hao decided to delegate power and let the person in charge decide the way of work. He is not a layman. Command blindly.

At noon, as soon as Chen Hao drove away from the construction site, she received a call from Zhou Xitong, and she was very anxious over there.

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