You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!A hacker team of several hundred people, organized by Xing Zetao, began to conduct sabotage activities on Woodpecker-related websites.

In just ten minutes, the hacker compromised the official website of Woodpecker Company, obtained management authority, and directly published news of the company's bankruptcy on the homepage of the website.

The unsuspecting stockholders saw this sudden change and almost lost their pants in shock.

Once the company goes bankrupt, the stocks in the hands of stockholders are waste paper. When they see the news on the official website that the company is bankrupt, stockholders will fry the pot immediately. Email to ask Woodpecker Company, what is going on?

As a result, their company’s phone system was also disturbed by hackers, and none of them could be connected. Naturally, the mailbox of the website could not be opened. Instead, they were all set to auto-reply. The reply emails were all written with scary headlines: "Our company The bankruptcy liquidation process has been entered, and the mailbox has been abandoned..."

Everything is done the same as it really is.

All this came too quickly, and hackers actively disseminated these screenshots. When the media reporters knew it, they couldn’t tell the truth or not for a while. Of course, this kind of explosive news had to be reported. Make the traffic first, and then talk about it. Hours later, the entire network learned the news that the Woodpecker Group might go bankrupt.

Of course, Guan Yunchang also discovered this terrible situation. He was furious. He was scolding his subordinates who did not understand the network technology. Why would his website be modified by others at will, and he couldn't change it back?

"The hackers who attacked us this time are organized and their strength is unprecedented. Our computer experts can't handle it. The most important thing now is to shut down the website so that this kind of rumors can't spread." The secretary suggested.

"Hurry up and turn it off!"

After Guan Yunchang roared, he felt that this was not enough. He had to dispel the rumors as soon as possible, so he was asked to contact reporters. Since the internet was not available, he held a live news conference to clarify the matter.

When the secretary called, he found that there was no signal on the mobile phone. He thought it was a problem with the mobile phone and planned to borrow a mobile phone, but found that the mobile phones of his colleagues had no signal. This was obviously interfered.

"Damn hacker!"

The secretary cursed and went to call the landline. As soon as he picked it up, he was busy and couldn't call out.

The secretary was right. This was indeed done by hackers, but not through hacker means.

Today’s hackers are not so powerful enough to hack the 5G signal of a building at a long distance. This is because someone drove a truck downstairs at Woodpecker’s headquarters. There was a large jammer on it to block the other’s signal. , This trick will not last long, but one or two hours is fine.Infinite Novel Network

This time, Xing Zetao personally commanded from the rear, asking everyone to use various methods to hold the Woodpecker Group, so that all their command departments were paralyzed, resulting in the inability to issue government orders to cooperate with Chen Hao's attack.

The secretary found that something was wrong. On the one hand, he reported to Guan Yunchang. On the other hand, he drove out of the company. After the car drove one mile, the cell phone signal finally returned to normal. He immediately called the police. This time the hackers were too powerful. Big, they can't handle it alone.

Soon, a few police cars drove downstairs from the Woodpecker Company. The hacker brothers on the truck saw that the situation was not good, and immediately drove around, blocking them for an hour and achieving their expected goal.

The telephone communication was restored, and Guan Yunchang immediately called and contacted the correspondent he was close to, and he held a press conference in Woodpecker. The hackers should not be able to stop it.

The press conference was held as scheduled at one o'clock in the afternoon, and many media from inside and outside the province participated. Everyone wanted to know what happened to the Woodpecker Group.

At 13:00, Guan Yunchang personally went into battle and held a press conference in the company's auditorium.

There is a large LED screen in the auditorium with the words "Woodpecker Group Press Conference" and some promotional slogans.

This is normal. When the time came, the reporters also turned on the cameras and started live broadcasting.

Guan Yunchang cleared his throat and shouted angrily in front of the microphone: "I believe you have seen it. Suddenly inexplicable remarks appeared on our website. They are all nonsense. Hackers attacked our website. This is immoral. the behavior of!"

When he said that others were immoral, he forgot that he had used more despicable means to deal with Chen Hao before.

"I want to solemnly declare again that this is a hacker attack. Our Woodpecker Group is operating normally, has no bankruptcy, and has strong financial resources. The stock is also rising. Everything is going in a good direction..."

Guan Yunchang was still talking, but the reporters below were all staring at the large LED screen in shock. Each of them opened their mouths wide and saw an incredible scene.

Guan Yunchang also loudly condemned the hacker's behavior on the stage. Seeing the strangeness of the reporters, he thought he was overwhelmed by his domineering spirit. He was quite beautiful in his heart, but then his secretary ran like burning eyebrows. Coming up, he said in horror: "Dong, Chairman, look at the back!"

"What are you panicking, what kind of style!"

Guan Yunchang first screamed, irritated that he interfered with his speech, and then turned his head carelessly. It's okay not to look at it. When he saw that he almost committed high blood pressure, he saw that his nephew Guan was on the big LED screen with the slogan behind. The video of Song and the three women's multiplayer sports is breathtaking. The situation is fierce, the action is wild, and the fancy is complicated.

That is, there is no sound effect connected to the scene, or I am afraid that it will burst the audience.

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