You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Zhou Xitong immediately launched the hypothesis: "First, the board of directors fluctuated, the capital chain was broken, customer confidence was lost, business was stagnant, and some branches with poor anti-risk capabilities quickly closed down. I, the president, must take the initiative to resign, and a large number of employees resigned. It’s a disaster if you lose it! Therefore, woodpeckers will face the same situation, and they will not be able to recover in at least one or two years."

"That's Guan Yunchang's self-conceit, he provoke us first!" Chen Hao snorted and asked, "Then is there a way to add a fire and completely let the woodpecker out?"

"It's very difficult at the moment," said Mr. Huang. "Unless we have an attitude of burning jade and using the entire Zhou International to make a bet, we can take a shot. But this is too risky, so I don't approve of it, and it's unnecessary. It's good to beat a dog in the water, but you have to risk drowning and chase after diving, which is stupid."

Zhou Xitong nodded and said, "Yes, but there is still a possibility that the other party will be overwhelmed."

"What, talk about it."

Chen Hao was very interested. His goal was to get Guan Yunchang to accept sanctions, but it was not enough to cost him 20 billion.

That day, Guan Yunchang wanted to get involved in Temple Street, tricked Zhou Xitong into a reception, and allowed his nephew to send dozens of thugs to chase and intercept them. Later, he also made a demolition restriction order against the Zhou International. Up.

"Unless they have a more serious fault than tax evasion and violate the law, they may be investigated and liquidated." Zhou Xitong said.

Chen Hao was inspired. The black material was originally the most suitable for Xing Zetao to collect from the Internet. However, because of the live broadcast incident, hackers became the target of public criticism, which triggered severe crackdowns by relevant departments. A special cleanup campaign is being carried out on the entire network. The focus is on Hackers like Xing Zetao.

This time the crackdown was unprecedented, so much so that Xing Zetao cat was at home and did not dare to go online these days, playing single-player games and watching movies every day.

The power of hackers is great, but after all, they have to be in the dark.

Therefore, this matter of collecting and managing Yunchang black materials can only find another way. The revenge action against him seems to have come to an end, and Chen Hao is very unwilling to take down his opponent.

Seeing that Chen Hao looked a little unhappy, Consultant Huang smiled: "Then let me say something happy. This time I sniped the Woodpecker Group. Thanks to Mr. Chen's accurate information and the efforts of his colleagues in the investment department, a total of profits were made. More than 3.2 billion yuan is currently being cashed out gradually, which can make up for the losses in the previous attack and make a lot of money."

"Finance is really a Pandora's box, which can make companies lose 20 billion in a few days, and can make us earn 3.2 billion in a few days!" Zhou Xitong said with emotion.

This is how the woodpecker fell and Zhou was full.

However, Zhou Xitong just sighed, and immediately returned to the solemnity of the female president: "Chen Hao, thank you for your hard work during the days when I was away. I will return the funds you invested in Zhou International as well as the highest interest rate. "Yeszbook

Of course, Zhou Xitong has better compensation, but some outsiders are embarrassed to say that the two are flirting with each other, everything is in good shape, and there will be additional programs in the evening.

The meeting is over, the time is more than eight o'clock in the evening.

The two got off work tacitly together, drove to the top floor of the Emerald Garden Community, which was their new love nest, and immediately started the most popular activity between couples.

Two hours later, Chen Hao drove Zhou Xitong back to her home. Although the weather outside was freezing and it was already below zero, Zhou Xitong's cheeks were still red, and the active factor that had just been aroused had not subsided.

"good night!"

"good night!"

The two said goodbye in front of Zhou's villa. Zhou Xitong was very reluctant to leave. How much she wanted to stay in the community with Chen Hao. The happiest thing is to open up together and fly together.

It’s just that Zhou Xitong’s mother is a traditional person and would not allow Zhou Xitong to live with others without getting married.

Chen Hao saw the dissatisfaction in her eyes, so he urged: "Why don't you just tell my mother that you are working overtime today?"

"Do you think my mother will believe it?" Zhou Xitong said, "I lied and escaped class once when I was in school, but was caught by my mother on the spot and was taken aback. Since then, I never dared to lie to her again. Up."

Chen Hao frowned. It seemed that Zhou Xitong's wisdom was inherited from his mother. Her future mother-in-law is not a foolish old lady, and this matter needs to be considered.

"Don't worry, I will try to persuade our mother to let her agree to live with me. I promise her that I won't touch you." Chen Hao swore.

Zhou Xitong couldn't help being so handsome, Chen Hao could not touch her, but there were so many other tricks that she couldn't fool her mother.

"Then I look forward to it."

Zhou Xitong left a thought for Chen Hao, and then left in a hurry.

Chen Hao thought that he could sleep with his goddess in his arms every day, with Wenxiang Nephrite in his arms. This enjoyment was at the level of gods, so he had to consider the feasibility of this problem.

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