I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 400 The Only Three Anti-theft Safe

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!Chen Hao returned to his room, sorted out his personal belongings, and suddenly wanted to see a piece of information in the three-proof safe, so he entered the password in front of the metal safe, and with a click, the lock opened. Chen Hao opened the door with Li.

Chen Hao found the document in the grid. He stood in front of the safe and looked through it, then put it back. When the door was about to close, his eyes suddenly condensed, and the box he placed in the center disappeared.

It was to put the special box for the whistle that was bought from the tens of billions of subsidies, but did not know the purpose, but it was so good that it disappeared, and there was a note in the original position: "I will keep the whistle. If you want to return it ,Call me."

The font was printed by a printer, and there was a phone number underneath, and the signature "Xia Nu" was written.

"Xia Girl?"

Chen Hao wondered, he didn't know any chivalrous girl, and was there a chivalrous girl who stole things?

Although there is no real name, Chen Hao has already guessed who it is. It is the female snitch who has dealt with twice, once stealing his wine, and once rescued him and Zhou Xitong from the Kaihua Hotel. They are both enemies and friends.

And now, the female snitch who claimed to be a chivalrous woman stole his things again, which was still the most comprehensive whistle.

Chen Hao continued to search. There were a lot of gold jewellery and cash in the safe, which was not missing. The female snitch was quite principled and only took the whistle.

I have to say that her vision is really accurate. In the entire safe, that is the only thing Chen Hao cares about, which is priceless.

Chen Hao is not short of cash, gold, and the like. If you lose it, it is a drop in the bucket. Other real estate certificates and various bills can be reported for loss and refill at any time. This whistle is an accidental purchase under the tens of billions of subsidies. A magical prop, Chen Hao doesn't want to lose it.

Chen Hao looked at this brand-new safe and got angry. Didn't he say three defenses?Why is it just not anti-theft?I didn't call the police even if I was stolen. It was really a defective product.

Chen Hao carefully searched around the safe and found that there was no trace of violent damage. In other words, the female thief opened the safe with technology. It is impossible to imagine that the safe is not defensive against the thief.

Chen Hao wants to complain to the manufacturer, but the tens of billions of subsidies have never been after-sales. The real manufacturer is still abroad and had to give up.

Chen Hao took the note with his mobile phone number and looked at it. It seems that he can check the owner's information of the ID number. Xing Zetao is now in a disconnected state for safety. Chen Hao didn't want him to risk it, so he decided to find someone else to check it.

For this kind of privacy check, his subordinate Lai Wu should have a way out, so Chen Hao immediately called him and asked him to check the phone number, asking him to do it before tomorrow morning, but he could not disturb the owner of the phone number.

Lai Wu accepted and contacted immediately.

Chen Hao was a little depressed. The safe was actually too rubbish and he didn't want to use it anymore, but it was too hard to move it by himself, so he didn't bother to throw it away. There was nothing in it now, and he was not afraid to throw it away.135 Chinese www.135zwxs.com

At the same time, he felt the horror of this female snitch, who could open the safe without knowing it, wondering what other skills she had.

Chen Hao suddenly remembered something. He placed another batch of good wine in Room 101 of the Emerald Garden Community, which was a gift to the female snitch. Chen Hao wanted to know if she had taken it.

So Chen Hao called Xing Zetao and asked him to go downstairs to see if the wine was still in the room.

Xing Zetao just couldn't access the Internet, but it was okay to make a call. He immediately went downstairs to Room 101 when he received the call and took a few photos and sent it over.

After Chen Hao checked, she found that there was not a bottle of wine in the bedroom. The female thief never patronized it again. Then she stole her whistle and asked for a meeting. What was the purpose?

Chen Hao couldn't figure it out, because this female thief shouldn't do much harm to herself, otherwise she wouldn't help herself in Kaihua Hotel, so Chen Hao decided to talk to her for a while.

But it's too late today, let's talk about it tomorrow.

As for the whistle, Chen Hao is not worried, because this mysterious product has a disclaimer at the end, which is limited to tens of billions of subsidies for VIP users, which means that others cannot use it, and this female snitch is obviously not using it. The purpose of stealing in exchange for money is to steal everything from the safe.

Therefore, Chen Hao was sure that the female snitch had another purpose when looking for him, but she wanted to get back the place, after all, her unintentional behavior offended her.

Thinking of this, Chen Hao no longer worried and fell asleep.

The next day, after Chen Hao had breakfast, Lai Wu heard the news, saying that the owner of the number was an old farmer from another province who was in his sixties. Other than that, there was little information.

"Okay, I know."

Chen Hao understood now that the female thief must have stolen the phone card processed by another person's ID. It seems that it is impossible to trace the true identity of the female thief for the time being.

In this way, only by facing her in person can we know her fiction, and Chen Hao dialed the mobile phone number she left behind.

The phone rang seven or eight times before it was connected, and then there was a very lazy woman's coquettish voice: "Hey..."

The other party didn't seem to be awake, with a sullen tone.

Chen Hao was taken aback. He took a cell phone and looked at him. He was sure that he didn't dial the wrong number. Is this woman the female snitch?

This is too far away from the image he has dealt with before, making it hard for him to believe that he is alone!

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