I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 403 Tie Your Hands and Let Me Hit

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!Chen Hao felt bad. This trick should not be so easy to hide. He quickly scanned left and right and found a good place, an unfinished wall with steel bars exposed.

Chen Hao immediately ran there.

"Where to run!"

The heroine's ultimatum was finally taken. The whip hits straight like a stick, and it whizzes with air friction, full of force, and it may break the bones and tendons when hitting the body.

Chen Hao heard the sound and avoided to the right in advance, and then the whip seemed to have become a living thing, and turned to chase to the right.

Chen Hao withdrew again, but the whip also changed direction again, even with a tracking attribute.

The whip is a dead thing, of course, it will not be tracked. It can only show that this woman is a master at using a whip, with a long whip skill.

This whip ran faster than Chen Hao, and came behind him in a blink of an eye. If there were no unique skills, Chen Hao would have suffered a bad back.

Chen Hao secretly was lucky. Fortunately, he had the foresight and ran to the broken wall ahead of time. At the last moment, he suddenly turned around, and the whip wiped his sleeves and pulled it over.


Chen Hao's sleeve was torn by the long whip, but the whip also hit the broken wall, knocking out a cloud of dust.

When the heroine missed the air, she was about to take her whip back again, but Chen Hao suddenly reached out and caught the whip that had almost stopped.

"Let go!"

The heroine was a little anxious, remembering that she was dragged by Chen Hao in the bedroom that day during the wrestling process. She was far less powerful than Chen Hao, and realized that her whip was about to be taken away again.

"Okay, listen to you, I'll let go."

Before letting go, Chen Hao quickly wrapped the whip on the exposed steel bar a few times, and then tied a knot. Although he let go, the woman's whip could not be withdrawn and was firmly tied. Rebar.


The heroine was also angry, and angrily abandoned the whip, and said angrily: "It's not fair, your man is stronger than me, it's not fair."

"It's really unfair, I keep smoking me, I can't fight back, it's really unfair." Chen Hao also replied.

"You are still bullying me!" The female hero angered.

Chen Hao was speechless, she was holding the whip, but she was bare-handed, and she didn't know who was bullying whom, so she couldn't stand still and let her pump it. That would not be a fool.

"Then what do you say?" Chen Hao asked her patiently.

"You tie your hands, don't use your strength, and then let me take 20 whips, it's almost the same." The female hero said a very "pertinent" condition.Electronic Chinese Network www.dzzzw.com

Chen Hao calmly looked at him, using his powerful eyes to make her realize how naive this was.

Seeing that Chen Hao didn’t cooperate, the heroine had no choice but to throw a bait: "Well, as long as you don’t use your hands, you can resist me with 20 strokes...no, fifty...100 strokes, I will return the whistle. you."

Perhaps it was because she realized that Chen Hao was very difficult to deal with, the number of tricks she promised kept climbing, and finally fixed at 100.


Chen Hao nodded, she can't be harassed by her all the time, otherwise, with her thief skills that come and go freely and open a safe is more convenient than a refrigerator, I am afraid that her family will never be peaceful, and even Wanguan family wealth can't help this kind of delusion. It's the bank. Can be emptied for you.

"Very well, then you tie your hands." The female hero said with satisfaction.

Chen Hao took out a roll of scotch tape from his pocket. Of course, he didn't bring the tape when he came, but he bought it from the tens of billions of subsidies.

Chen Hao wrapped his hand a few times, and finally broke the tape with his teeth, and signaled to the heroine that he did as requested.

In this way, binding your hands with tape and breaking away at any time is a surefire solution.

"Yes, then let you learn, the female heroine's boxing technique!"

The heroine ran a few steps closer, facing Chen Hao, and then posed a starting pose, which looked a little weird.

Chen Hao is not an expert in martial arts. He only knows how to play Wu Qin Xi, and he hasn't played against Lian Jiazi very much, so he doesn't know what kind of boxing this is.

But no matter what boxing technique it was, he didn't know it, and he didn't plan to fight back. Anyway, he would survive until the female heroine was tired.

He moved his ankles, and then he was about to move around. Since his hands were tied, he couldn't use the tiger show that needed more upper limbs, so he just used the deer show.

Deer lives in the forest, mainly for escape and defense, without too much upper limbs to cooperate, so it is suitable for this unequal battle.

"Hi, look at the trick!"

The heroine first came with an eagle attacking the sky, lightly vertical, top-down pounce.

Chen Hao frowned. It would be okay for a master to use this trick, but once he is counterattacked in the air, there is no place to hide. It is also very simple to solve this trick. Just raise your legs directly and the heroine can only Hardwired.

However, the strength gap between the two is huge, and the end of the hard connection can be expected.

However, Chen Hao wanted to regain the whistle and couldn't let the grudge deepen, so he had to give up the opportunity to fight back and flash away.

With just one move, Chen Hao knew the depth of the heroine's kung fu, in eight words, it was more than agile, lacking experience, and mostly flashy moves.

Sure enough, the heroine then had a tricky killer move, which was extremely gorgeous. With her enchanting figure, she could often perform some incredible poses. Chen Hao watched the same martial arts movies.

Then it was gone.

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