You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!When reporter Zhu saw these art-like dishes, she had a great appetite. She couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks and put a piece of pork in her mouth. The fragrance was overflowing, and the juice burst with one bite. The taste was really amazing.

She said "Uh-hmm" in praise of this delicious dish.

"Don't worry, there is a lot more behind, eat slowly." Chen Hao smiled and pushed the dishes and plates towards her.

"Chef Xia is really amazing. Not only is she beautiful, she also cooks delicious dishes. With her cooking skills, she is better than some five-star hotel chefs. I guess I can win prizes in the chef competition." Zhu Min said. .

"I guess she doesn't like to show up in the limelight." Chen Hao said.

The dishes quickly filled the table, and the two began to taste the food.

Chen Hao poured a glass of the latest court fruit wine for Zhu Min. This was the first batch of grape-flavored fruit wine. Zhu Min happened to love grapes and was full of praise after drinking.

"This is the best wine I have ever had!"

Zhu Min happily picked up the fruit wine packaging, and took a picture when he liked it.

However, she was still unfinished, and asked: "Can I buy a few bottles? I want to give my dad a taste. He likes wine very much."

Chen Hao's heart moved. This was the first time he heard Zhu Min talk about her family.

"Of course you can, as much as you want."

For this female reporter with a mysterious background, Chen Hao's request was of course met unconditionally, and she would certainly not charge for it. It was given for free. At the beginning, Zhu Min helped him once and saved him hundreds of millions of dollars. Later, Zhu Min’s consumption , He can contract it.

Hearing this, Zhu Min was even more happy, raised the goblet, the two touched, and then Zhu Min put the mouth of the cup close to the red lips and took a sip of delicious grape wine.

The two of them were drinking and chatting, and soon the topic was about the hottest woodpecker incident.

As a well-informed reporter, Zhu Min certainly knows that Woodpeckers are protected, they have done so many illegal and ethical things, and can still get away with it. This makes Zhu Min, who is honest, a bit angry.

"Really, I reported so many secrets in vain. The leader actually pressed my follow-up report without publishing it. The previous news was also deleted. I had a fight with him today. He was afraid of power. The journalists have no integrity."

Chen Hao watched, smiled, and persuaded her: "This society is like this, but your leadership also has difficulties. If he doesn't follow suit, he will be laid off the next day, and it will even hurt your entire TV station. Many people rely on this job to support their families, so you have to understand him, and try not to quarrel with the leader." E-book

Zhu Min is also a graduate of journalism who has just graduated for a year, and he has a hint of idealism brought out by the school, so he complained.

After hearing what Chen Hao said, she thought for a while, and felt that what Chen Hao said was reasonable. When a person reached a certain leadership position, she had more worries. Not only must she consider her own future, but also consider subordinates who eat with her. Like a single young woman, she is youthful and fearless.

Although he understood the actions of the Taiwanese leaders, Zhu Min was still aggrieved by the matter, and the delicious dishes were not delicious anymore.

Chen Hao persuaded a few words, but it had no effect.

Zhu Min recalled in her mind that when she was in school, the teacher taught them that journalists should be arrogant and report the most real events, not afraid of power and violence. She vowed in her heart to abide by it. With certain achievements, I forgot the original oath.

"No, I'm going to make a phone call, otherwise the food won't taste good, sorry, wait for 10 minutes." Zhu Min put down his chopsticks and stood up and said.

Seeing her so righteous and awe-inspiring, Chen Hao was inexplicably moved in his heart, vaguely guessing what she was going to do, and immediately made a bold decision.

When he took the opportunity to open the door for Zhu Min, he stuck a "button" on the back of her trench coat. It looked like a button, but it was actually the tracker he used to catch a thief last time in college.

This tracker has a powerful recording function, and Chen Hao wants to learn about the secret behind Zhu Min through recording.

Leaving a woman with such a mysterious and strong background by her side, it is very dangerous to know nothing about her.

Of course, in order to protect Zhu Min's privacy, he will not record the call, he just listens to it once.

Zhu Min walked out of the box and went outside the restaurant. Through the window, she could see her taking out her mobile phone and making a call in a secluded corner.

Chen Hao also took out his mobile phone in the box and put on a Bluetooth headset through the real-time monitoring function of the tracker to eavesdrop on Zhu Min's call. Only Zhu Min's voice was in the monitor.

"Dad, I found a particularly delicious wine and I will send it to you tomorrow."

"I'm fine, it's just that my work is not going well. Have you seen my report? It's the woodpecker group..."

"Hey, Dad is the smartest. I can't hide anything from you, but the delivery of wine is sincere. While you are drinking, you should also ask about it. Just stop."

Speaking of this, I heard Zhu Min acting like a baby on his father on the phone. The sticky tone made Chen Hao realize that the old and resolute reporters also have such a delicate side.

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