I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 443 Childish Flower Dance

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!When Chen Hao was fortunate to finally escape the crisis, he heard a string of silver bell-like laughter behind him.

"Haha, whoops, I'm laughing so hard!"

When Chen Hao heard this familiar voice, he turned his head and saw a young woman in a green coat leaned forward and closed with a smile, and then looked at her hand, there were calluses, and the Hermès bag that he gave out was still on her arm , Confirm that this is the real flower dance.

She was obviously wearing a green dress, but she said she was wearing a red dress, just to make fun of herself.

"I remember someone said that she is a chivalrous woman and never tells lies." Chen Hao vomited.

"I have no choice. I will fall asleep standing there. If I don't have some fun to adjust, I will really fall asleep where I am."

Hua Wu slowly stopped her laughter. She wore a blue mask, which covered most of her face, but from the exposed part, her facial features were delicate and her skin was fair. Unless her mouth looks terrifying, she is good enough. It was a beauty, not the Qiao Biluo she said.

"Oh, laughing, my stomach hurts. Okay, go sit there and wait for a while, and the ticket will be checked immediately." Hua Wu said, pointing to the empty seat over there.

Chen Hao went with her. The two sat on the chairs next to each other. Chen Hao smelled a familiar scent, the smell of Dabao. This scent made Xia Jing perceive, and the arrest of the rape happened that morning.

"How do you like to use Dabao?" Chen Hao asked casually.

"Dabao is cheap, but expensive can't afford it." Hua Wu replied.

Chen Hao doesn't believe it at all. She steals something with this method, and uses Dabao poorly?

What's more, she still uses Hermes. It is estimated that she is also the first person to wipe Dabao with Hermes. Chen Hao only treats herself as if she is washing herself.

After sitting down, Hua Wu was looking at Chen Hao, and he got a comment: "It's still so-so."

"Well, thank you for sure."

Chen Hao replied an irony, it was the result of his careful matching, and he was not very satisfied.

Hua Wu didn't hear the irony, took out her mobile phone and sent a message.

Chen Hao discovered that she was still using that old phone, so he asked her curiously: "Why don't you change the phone? I want to give you what model you want."

"No, I'm used to this phone. The big screen is easy to break, but the small screen is comfortable." Hua Wu didn't appreciate it.

Chen Hao followed her, and he took out his cell phone to send messages to some of his confidantes, telling them about his business trip today.

They were naturally reluctant, and asked when Chen Hao would return.

Chen Hao said that Tian was back, so they didn't have to worry about it.Go to listen to the book network www.7tingshu.com

"Please note that all passengers, the G2333 train from Beijing is about to arrive at the station, please check in at the B12 ticket gate to get on the train!"

At this time, the station radio broadcast the arrival information of their trains, and the two stood up together and walked to the ticket gate.

As a man, Chen Hao asked Hua Wu to stand in front.

He looked from the back, Hua Wu was really tall, about 1.75 meters tall, and her hair was braided in a fancy braid, not very long, but it looked very nice and had an ancient charm.

Coupled with her slender figure, the name of this assassin from the back is firmly established, and the eyes of the surrounding men have been peeked several times.

It was Huawu's turn to check the ticket. She took out her ID card and swiped it directly into the gate. From a short pause, Chen Hao saw the information of Huawu's ID card.

The name is Huawu, but he was a little surprised at this age. He was only 18 years old, and he was just over two months old.

Most of the other girls like her are still studying on university campuses, and this Huawu, who walks around the door and picks the lock all day long, has a very different life path.

"It's so small..." Chen Hao thought to himself, but he didn't expect that he would say something in his mouth.

Hua Wu, who was walking down the stairs of the platform, had very good ears. When she heard it, she turned her head back. The eyebrows on the top of the mask were erected, and she said angrily: "I was not hit by your forehead when I was young. I am still in pain today. , If you don’t grow up in the future, you will be dead!"

What she was talking about was Chen Hao's mind-bending head bump. It was indeed a bit reckless to bump, but she was obviously misunderstood.

Chen Hao hurried to clarify: "I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about your young age!"

"What's wrong with my young age, do you look down on young girls?" Hua Wu turned on the bar precision mode, and Chen Hao was wrong now.

"Oh, why are you arguing with your girlfriend? Let the girls!"

A middle-aged man passing by educates Chen Hao in a very strong dialect.

This was pure misfortune. He misunderstood the relationship between the two, and Hua Wu immediately pointed the finger at him: "What look in your eyes, will I talk to him about friends?"

This middle-aged man was talking to Hua Wu, but he didn't expect to be stunned by her. He felt inexplicable. He didn't want to care about such a little girl and turned away.

When Chen Hao saw that Hua Wu and the donkey were about to have a temper, he quickly pointed down: "The car is going to drive, hurry away."

This sentence is very effective, Hua Wu only then tempered her temper, and Chen Hao stepped into the carriage first, and stood in the carriage and compared him with scissors.

"Well, I won, I am number one."

Chen Hao was speechless, Hua Wu was really naive, but thinking about her age, I can forgive her.

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