I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 464: The Old Man's Sharp Operation

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!Lin Dayou ate a hard nail and had trouble with Hua Wu. In a blink of an eye, he aimed at Chen Hao. The fire-breathing gaze with the turbulent "hate of taking his wife" seemed to tear Chen Hao into The fragments were reconciled, his fists clenched "cack", and he would act if he didn't agree.

As a family of martial arts, Lin Dayou must be shocked when he started.

Grandma Hua hurriedly came out to ease the situation: "Master Lin, don't get excited, sit down and speak slowly. Our Huawu hasn't proved it yet. It stands to reason that both you and Master Chen have a chance. Now Master Chen has prepared a great gift. Although our Hua family is not a person who is greedy for money, we still want her children to live a good life. Of course, we hope that she will marry a capable man."

This sentence sounds nice, but it actually means that Hua Wu is still single, and if she wants to marry her, she will use more bargaining chips, which is the bride price.

The operation of calling both men to compete on-site for the betrothal is indeed a show, at least Chen Hao has never seen it before. Although the grandma is old, the operation is still sharp.

Chen Hao smiled faintly, and asked Grandma Hua: "Grandma, you received my double gift money yesterday, why did you invite this person today? Two-sided betrothal gifts, isn't this very authentic? In ancient times, money was always paid. Work, but the two companies collected money, but the matter was not done, which made me very puzzled."

After all, Grandma Hua is too old to answer this sharp question by Chen Hao. At this time, Lady Huawu came out and said: "It's not like that, Mr. Chen. We are just keeping the gift money. Both have the same property. If you are not divided into flowers, whoever shows greater sincerity will be qualified to marry Huawu..."

Hua Wu couldn’t listen anymore, and she interrupted directly: “Who can marry me is up to you? I’ll get a certificate from Chen Hao today. Can you control it? Remember, I’m not your product, the law You are not given this right!"

"Presumptuous! You unfilial granddaughter, no matter how your body is flowing with the blood of my Hua family, if you are so rebellious now, the heroic spirits of the ancestors of the Hua family will find you on your head in the future!"

Grandma Hua is cursing viciously.

Hua Wu sneered: "Yes, I never said that I am filial. My father who is really filial is already buried in the soil. From this point of view, the filial piety in the Hua family will not end well, so I will be a Don't be filial to your granddaughter."


Grandma Hua was angry again, almost the same as yesterday. She was helped by a few seven aunts and eight aunts to rest, and the scene became a mess again.

Chen Hao just watched quietly. The Hua family's affairs are historical grievances. It is not that the person involved is not easy to intervene, but Lin Dayou in front of him can "chat" well.

Lin Dayou glared at Chen Hao, and then said to Ms. Huawu: "I am willing to give more gifts. As long as you say a satisfactory number, I will definitely agree."

Aunt Huawu's eyes lit up, and she was already thinking about it. If they were a family of ten million...no, twenty million would be enough.135 Chinese www.135zw.com

At that time, she and her mother will get 15 million, and the remaining 5 million will be divided between them. When the time comes, the mother will drive to Hexi, and the money will be hers. When she buys a house elsewhere, she finds a young kid. When fresh meat is married, the happy life will begin.

As soon as my sister-in-law rolled her eyes, she said, "The promises of your other cars and houses remain unchanged. If anyone else can afford 20 million, Xiao Wu will marry her."

In her mind, Flower Dance has become a commodity, which is left to auction.

Even Chen Hao, a neutral person, can't listen to this. Is this still a relative?There is no human touch, if he lives in such a family, he will be suffocated to death.

The 20 million bride price is not considered a car house. The price is a staggering figure in the country. It is true that there are more bridesmaid than this. They are all married by the children of business leaders.

Hua Wu can only be regarded as a marriage in the countryside. Looking at the country, it can be said to be unique. Hua's appetite is really greedy.

Lin Dayou also felt that the price was too outrageous. Twenty million would be enough for him to start a company, but when he saw the beautiful and youthful Hua Wu there, he was really reluctant to bargain.

"Twenty million is too outrageous. No one can get married at this price. If it is six million, I would like to pay!" Lin Dayou said.

"Six million is not a lot." A female family member of the Hua family said in astonishment.

This woman is still wearing washable white clothes and is financially struggling. For a rural woman, six million is already an out-of-reach figure.

"Chen Hao, help me increase the price over him. You must marry me, and I will pay you back the money." Hua Wu said coldly.

Chen Hao thought it was too funny. He didn't expect that the bride price would one day be the same as the auction, and the price would need to be raised. It is said that novels are fictional, and sometimes reality is more magical.

Chen Hao smiled. This Lin Dayou is not a powerful person, and he doesn't even want to make 20 million. If Hua Wu is replaced by Zhou Xitong, let alone 20 million, that is, 200 million or 2 billion, Chen Hao is willing to do it. .

After all, Chen Hao had seen the world before, so he didn't bother to play with this kind of opponent, so he just got it right in one step and said: "I am willing to pay 20 million and transfer in cash. I don't want to talk nonsense."

After that, Chen Hao asked my sister to show her account number, and he wanted to transfer money on the spot.

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