I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 467 Powerful Wind Talisman

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!"Chen Hao, come on, how are you able to bully me? Get up and beat him hard!" Hua Wu cheered behind.

However, this made Lin Da feel jealous. He suppressed his anger and was counting down to Chen Hao: "Give you three numbers to consider the time, 3, 2, 1, 0!"

When the count reached 0, Lin Dayou suddenly launched an offensive and barely saw him making a punch. However, Chen Hao felt dangerous in the sixth sense and turned his head to avoid. Lin Dayou's fist rubbed his ear and hit him. In the past, the strong wind brought out Chen Hao's hair messy.

Before Chen Hao could react too much, the second punch came again. This time it was heartfelt. The speed was too fast to escape. Chen Hao could only subconsciously use his arms to defend.

This time it was strong, the arm felt sore again, and then the third punch came one after another, the target was the shoulder.

Chen Hao's shoulder was rubbed by the opponent's fist, and his shirt was torn, and there was a tingling pain. It is estimated that the skin has been scratched.

"Is this Lin Jiaquan? So fast!"

Chen Hao was shocked in his heart. He didn't expect the ancient Chinese martial arts to have such a powerful offensive power. The description of flying into the sky and breaking the rocks with bare hands in the martial arts novels does not seem to be too exaggerated.

Now Chen Hao is in a comprehensive disadvantage, and what follows is the opponent's fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth punches. As long as Chen Hao is able to parry, he can't fight back.

Chen Hao still lacks actual combat experience with masters. The previous routines of torturing young hooligans are completely useless. Lin Dayou's quick punches that bring out the shadow of the boxing are heavy and quick, making Chen Hao who is walking the power line overwhelmed.

Hua Wu was a bystander in the back, and immediately gave Chen Hao a word and instructed: "He fists fast, you have to speed up, you must win!"

This sentence made Chen Hao feel like a flash of lightning flashing through his heart, and the hall instantly brightened, because he thought of a prop that could reverse the decline, that is, the reward wind charm obtained by playing the "Happy Beat" game. The effect is to double the speed. Now use It's just right.

So Chen Hao directly turned on the tens of billions of subsidy VR mode, in his inventory, clicked the wind symbol, and chose to use it.

"The gust of wind is in use, the remaining time is 59 seconds."

Following the system's prompts, Chen Hao felt that his body suddenly became lighter, and that Lin Dayou's invisible fast punch seemed to slow down a lot. He could clearly see the opponent's punch.

It's not that the opponent's speed has slowed down, but that Chen Hao's reaction speed has become faster.

Chen Hao knew that the wind talisman took effect, and the opponent's fist was about to hit him, so Chen Hao used the dragon and tiger steps to open the distance. As a result, with the bonus of the wind talisman, he flew back two or three meters, making Lin Da All the next punches failed.

"So fast!" Moxue Literature Network www.moxue99.com

Lin Dayou was also taken aback. Chen Hao's sudden increase in speed was beyond his expectations. He was also planning to break through Chen Hao's defense within five moves, and then severely inflict him. As a result, the distance was widened and his desire Fell through.

Lin Dayou has been pressing against Chen Hao now, and also showing pride, despising Chen Hao, and then catching up, continue to attack.

However, Lin Dayou is still the same Lin Dayou, Chen Hao is no longer the same Chen Hao, his speed doubled under the action of the wind talisman, and his movement speed, attack speed, and reaction speed have all doubled.

This led Chen Hao to see Lin Dayou's fist moves clearly, and he made the first strike, using twice the speed of the fist, before Lin Dayou could react, a counterattack hit him on the shoulder.


This time it was Lin Dayou's turn to be recruited on the shoulder. He staggered back two steps, his shoulder was burning like a hot pain, and Chen Hao suffered minor injuries in just one shot.

Chen Hao was suppressed before because of lack of on-the-spot experience, and the external acceleration was not as good as the opponent. After all, the world's martial arts is only fast.

This time Chen Hao's speed doubled, it would be faster than Lin Dayou's speed, and his strength advantage would be fully utilized, that is, he had an absolute advantage.

Chen Hao then used various moves in the Wu Qin Xi to take turns.

The swift and fierce boxing moves such as the black tiger digging out the heart and the crouching tiger, hiding the dragon also let Lin Dayou experience how it feels to be suppressed.

Lin Dayou was struggling to deal with it. He was completely lost under the powerful offensive of Chen Haohu's drama. His face changed suddenly, and he forced his punches to counterattack. The enemy would be saved, hoping to fight back.

However, in the face of absolute speed, these counterattacks were futile. At the moment he shot, Chen Hao doubled his reaction power to predict his actions, and then easily walked around his side, a black tiger digs his heart and hits. Lin Da has the weakness.


Lin Da screamed, and his ribs were in pain. It is estimated that at least one rib was broken. Chen Hao's fist strength was a big killer. The fragile part was hit and there was no good fruit to eat.

But Lin Dayou still clenched his teeth and persisted, unwilling to be defeated by his rivals. He pounced back like a mad tiger, but was hit by an elbow from the center of the mouth by Chen Hao, who was more like a tiger.

Now Lin Dayou's abdominal organs were violently shaken, and he collapsed to the ground without getting up.

He remembered to fight again, but his heart throbbed, causing him to fall back on the ground, his ribs and heart were painful, he was obviously injured by internal injuries, he had no fighting power, and he was completely defeated by Chen Hao. .

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