You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"Brother, are you threatening me?"

The eyes of the flower-armed man revealed the color of the prey: "You made a mistake. I'm just a small business. It's a big deal to do regular foot therapy. As for you, if you delay a day in the project, you will lose tens of thousands of dollars. Then report each other and see who Who can afford it!"

Lai Wu's eyes were full of anger, and he was angry and clenched his fists.

At this time, Chen Hao reached out his hand to stop Lai Wu and motioned for him to come.

Lai Wu is obviously still a bit energetic. Don't be afraid of such rascals, but you still need to master some skills to deal with them.

Chen Hao came out and said: "The world is just business, this matter can still be discussed."

"Well said, I love to hear that."

The flower-armed man gave a gloomy smile and was about to take out a cigarette, only to find that the cigarette case was empty, and he couldn't help being a little irritable.

When Chen Hao saw that he smoked Su Yan, he bought one on the spot among the tens of billions of subsidies.

Su Yan (soft auspicious), the price is 500 yuan/piece, and the subsidy price is 10 yuan/piece.

After Chen Hao bought it, he took it out of his handbag, and the whole cigarette appeared in his hand, and then placed it on the desk, with a light push, and he was in front of the flower arm man.

This can be regarded as his kindness. As for whether he can answer it, it depends on the man with arms.

"Oh, well prepared."

There was a slightly mocking smile on the face of the man with arms. He obviously didn't put Chen Hao and Lai Wu in his eyes. He opened a pack of cigarettes and picked up one, and his men were about to come up and light the cigarette.

However, the man with a flower arm let his subordinates avoid, he hooked his finger at Chen Hao, asking him to light a cigarette.

This is interesting. As Chen Hao, with the province's business tycoon, no one dares to let him take the initiative to light a cigarette. This flower-armed boss wants to find it hard for himself.

Faced with such insults, Lai Wu became angry at the time and pointed at the man with arms out anger: "Don't be shameless, our boss is under your command!"

With swords drawn between the two sides, the younger brother of the Huayi Man opened the cabinet at once. There were sticks and machetes inside. They took them out and threw them in the air. Each of the four subordinates had one. Seeing the skillful movements, it is estimated that there were no less fights.

Chen Hao stretched out his hand to stop the excited Lai Wu, and smiled. That smile was a pity for the man with arms and gave him face, but he didn't want it. The only thing left was bitter fruit.

"Then what you mean, is that you smashed with me to the end?" When Chen Hao asked, his eyes suddenly burst into a fierce aura, making the man with arms a sudden surprise.

"Why is this person more powerful than Dao Brother?"

The flower arm man was surprised, but did not show it.Ranwen Novel Network

He looked at the brothers on the left and right, both holding the guy in his hand, he was full of confidence, and said contemptuously: "Since you say it's business, then talk about business. I don't want to do it here anyway. I will be compensated for it all at once. Six hundred thousand, I will take the money to move, so naturally I will not complain to you again."

This is a rob, Chen Hao chuckled and shook his head. The flower-armed man thought he was too expensive, so he said: "Then I will give you another 20,000 yuan, and 580,000 will be auspicious. You can pay it off, whatever you want. Start construction, this is a good deal."

He extorted 580,000 others, but said it was a good deal. It would be a pity that this person did not go to a foreign country to become a politician, and he said nonsense with his eyes open.

"First of all, declare that I will not give you a penny."

Chen Hao raised his finger and shook it gently, "I have given you a chance. If you don't know how to cherish, then there is nothing to say."

"Oh? The truth is the same, what can you do with me, do you think you have the money to contract for the Temple Street project? Tell you, I'm Xu Lianshan in Temple Street, this is it."

The flower-armed man said with a thumb up to himself, and reported his name.

"If you don't listen to me, then you go back and wait to see if your construction site can still be opened." Xu Lianshan threatened Chi Guoguo.

"Boss, don't talk nonsense with him, good words are hard to persuade damn ghosts, this kind of person, do it all." Lai Wu said.

When they heard they were about to fight, the four younger brothers guarded the man with the flower arm in the middle, ready to do it.

"Want to move me, tired of you, tell you, the people I chopped off when I was young, plus ten fingers can not count."

Suddenly, Xu Lianshan drew a dagger and plunged it on the solid wood table.

Seeing that the other party showed a murderous look, Lai Wu quickly stepped forward to protect Chen Hao behind him.

Although his own boss has kung fu, as a subordinate, he must be ahead of him in case of trouble.

Chen Hao smiled slightly. He was very satisfied with Lai Wu's performance, but the rogue owner of the foot massage shop could cure him without any use of force.

Chen Hao said lightly: "You are too overestimating yourself. Dealing with you doesn't need me to take action. Just wait, someone will take care of you within an hour!"

"You're exhausted, I'll just wait here to see what you can do. Don't be careful when the construction site is smashed, the investment is ruined and then you jump off the building." Xu Lianshan sarcastically said.

At this point, the two sides talked completely, Chen Hao and Lai Wu turned and left.

"Pretend a large clove of garlic with me, and have you delicious fruit!"

Xu Lianshan winked at one of his subordinates, who quietly followed Chen Hao with a wooden stick, planning to take a sap.

After he approached Chen Hao, Chen Hao seemed to have eyes behind his back and kicked Zi Jinzhong. He didn't look back, but his leather shoes slammed into the belly of the person, kicking him a few meters away, and finally hit him. Arriving at some debris in the corridor, there was a rush of ping-pong-pong noise.

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