You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Huber said: "You should understand the bear. If it is an adult black bear, even a tiger will dare to provoke it easily. It has a thick skin, and it will be fine if it climbs up a tall tree and falls down. It has a fat body. It’s hard to bite easily. This defensive power is the bear’s skill in the wild. Think about it, if you have the ability to fight as steel as iron, no matter how fast the opponent’s punches are, it will be difficult to cause you Fatal injuries. By then, your various methods will not be vegetarian. Replacing injuries with injuries will be enough to drain the opponent’s fuel."

"So that's it." Chen Hao suddenly realized.

"Originally, another bear’s ability is huge strength. This also requires supplementary medicine, but you have already taken Jinjin and Bodybuilding Pills, so you don’t need to increase your strength alone. The current medicated bath only needs to increase your physical defenses. To make your bones stronger and harder."

"Please also ask Huber to help me configure the medicated bath!" Chen Hao saluted again.

"It's okay to make a medicated bath, but the ancient medicinal bath I know has two medicinal materials lost. If you can find it, you can refine it." Huber said.

"Which is the difference? Ask Huber to make it clear."

At this moment, Chen Hao felt relieved, with tens of billions of subsidies in hand, what medicinal materials could not be obtained?

Hu Bo regretfully said: "One of them is called Black Earth Dragon, and the other is called Purple Frost. I know that some people are cultivating it, but Black Earth Dragon has been extinct for a long time. Without any of them, it can’t be Medicine."

"I can contact and see."

With full confidence, Chen Hao began to search for these two medicinal materials in the tens of billions of subsidies.

But when the information came back, Chen Hao was mixed.

The good news is that there is really information about Heidilong.

Heidisaurus, a rare medicinal material, is stored in the National Plant Gene Bank. The price is not available, the subsidy price is 1381 yuan, and the purchase limit is 1,000 grams.

The price of this black earth dragon is not at all, it is already inestimable value, and only two catties, this rare degree can be imagined.

The worry is that Ziwu Grass was out of stock after searching and it could not be purchased from the tens of billions of subsidies.

Chen Hao asked Uncle Huber: "I can buy two catties of Heidilong, is it enough? I can't buy purple fog grass. Please tell me where it is."

Uncle Hub was surprised: "You can get rare things like Heidilong. It's really good! Two catties are enough, and the dosage is only a little. It is used as a medicine. As for the purple fog grass, I heard a patient say, In the School of Botany of Yunyang University where he works, there are a small amount of planting. I don’t know if it is still in stock. You need to contact it yourself."

Huber then told Chen Hao of the patient's mobile phone number and asked him to contact him. As long as he could find the missing medicinal materials, he could refine the medicated bath formula.

"Okay, I'll pass right away."

Chen Hao couldn't wait to improve himself. After saying goodbye to Huber, he went outside and called the patient.

The phone was connected, and I heard that it was a friend of the famous doctor Huber. This former patient was very enthusiastic.

When he heard that Chen Hao came for purple fog grass, he said sorry, he is no longer teaching at Yunyang University, and it is not clear whether there is purple fog grass now, so he contacted Wang Han, a former acquaintance of the College of Botany. Tell Chen Hao that he needs to contact him himself.

Looking for one person after another, the process of seeking medicine was really bumpy.

Chen Hao was not afraid of trouble, so he called the director of the Institute of Botany called Wang Han.

"Hello Director Wang," Chen Hao said, "Is there any purple fog grass cultivated in the school?"

"Purple fog grass is cultivated, what can you do?" TXT Bookstore

Listening to the voice, the other party is a man in his thirties. If he wants to be the director of a university research office, this person should have some level.

"I need more than 20 purple fog grass as medicine, I want to buy it." Chen Hao said.

"Scientific research supplies are not for sale." The other party directly hung up.

Chen Hao heard the phone beep, this Wang Han had a bad tone and a bad attitude.

The other party refused on the spot. Chen Hao wanted to strengthen himself and had to get purple fog grass, so he had to go to the university in person. Maybe there would be a turning point.

So Chen Hao drove to the provincial capital.

Recently, Chen Hao has gone to the provincial capital a lot, and the company's business development also has plans to establish a branch in Yunyang, the provincial capital. After waiting for some time, he needs to buy real estate in Yunyang. When he comes to work here, he has a foothold. The place.

After driving to the boundary of Yunyang, Chen Hao drove to the outside of Yunyang University.

Since people and vehicles outside the campus were not allowed to enter the campus, Chen Hao parked in the parking lot outside and walked into the university.

I inquired about the place of the Institute of Botany with a few students and walked over and found that it was quite far away. Fortunately, there are shared bicycles here. Chen Hao rode one and went to the northeast corner of the school.

Riding on a shared bicycle, Chen Hao thought of the shared car he recently invested in. In a few days, the more than 1,000 new energy vehicles he had booked under the tens of billions of subsidies were about to arrive, and then there would be another business.

The College of Botany at Yunda University occupies quite a large area. The whole corner of the school is covered with greenhouses and farmland. Because it is winter, there are no crops in the farmland, but you can see that there are a lot of plants in the plastic greenhouse. Maybe he wants it. Purple fog grass is in it.

Chen Hao came to the interior of the Institute of Botany and asked the guard to find out the office location of Director Wang Han, and he went up.

Chen Hao knocked on the door outside the office. No one spoke. Chen Hao opened the door by himself and saw a man in his thirties wearing glasses, wearing a white lab coat, with a serious and classy face. The face of struggle.

"Who are you?" the man in glasses asked.

"I'm here to find Director Wang Han, are you?" Chen Hao heard the voice of the other party, who was on the phone before.

"It turns out that it's you. It's useless if you come. The experimental plants are not sold." Wang Han still refused coldly.

"I can pay a high price." Chen Hao decided to use the most advantageous money weapon. In this era, there is nothing that money cannot do.

"I said if I didn't sell, I didn't sell!"

Wang Han's attitude was very bad, he stood up and went out by himself, leaving Chen Hao here.

Chen Hao was a little confused by the second monk. He confirmed that it was the first time he saw this Wang Han and had not offended him. How could he be so coldly treated.

Anyway, he must get the purple fog grass. Chen Hao is already thinking about asking Hua Wu to come and help him "get" some purple fog grass to use. The big deal is to leave some money for the school, he won't take it for nothing.

"You should stop asking Teacher Wang for errands recently, and come back in a few days."

Suddenly, a woman's voice came from another corner of the office.

Chen Hao looked over and found that it was a girl in casual clothes. She looked twenty-six or seven years old. She had short hair just past her ears. She was slightly fat, and her face was a little fat, a little cute.

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