You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Ouyang Hai was proud to ignore one reason. The bus is indeed too bulky to drive. His bus is on the side of the road, and the bus cannot be driven out. However, the bus has a natural advantage of high quality and strong horsepower. When he collapsed, his over 50 million Pagani was a joke.


The front of the bus slammed into Pagani. After all, the bus was of high quality, but it recovered its balance with a slight vibration. Then it drove the supercar and drove out of the parking space, but the front was damaged. Go to the 4s shop to repair it. Just fine, it doesn't cost thousands of dollars.

But Pagani was miserable. The original intention of this car was designed for speed and appearance. The car body was thin and light. The glass was covered with spider webs in several places and the car body was also flat. It is estimated that it will be returned to the factory for overhaul. Can't get down.

"my car!"

At this time, Ouyang Hai felt that his heart was breaking. The five-thousand-year-old Marriott car that had been so begging for it turned into a war-damaged version after only a few days of driving, and this door could not be closed normally.

"You actually hit my car, I want you to pay the original price!" Ouyang Hai blushed and roared.

Chen Hao popped out a business card from the bus window, "You can go and sue as much as you want, and I can afford to pay for it."

When he crashed into a car, the clouds were so light and breezy, which was in stark contrast to Ouyang Hai's thunderous thunder.

"I won't just let it go, I want to see, what can you do!"

Ouyang Hai, who was paralyzed by alcohol, was a little floating. He immediately called all his friends and asked them to help. Today, he vowed to make a difference with Chen Hao in the car.

As for why he set the direction of the struggle only on the car, because in other aspects he has no chance of winning at all.

When Ouyang Hai was going to chase Chen Hao’s bus, he pressed the car key. After the cool gull wing door was knocked and deformed, the gull wing turned into a duck wing with folded wings, and they couldn’t close properly. Ugly.

What made Ouyang Hai even more angry was that after he entered the car, the door could not be closed automatically, and the switch device must have been damaged.

He had to manually pull down the door to close it. This handsome luxury car of 50 million yuan has become a manual closing method like a van, which is really a gun for a shotgun.

Ouyang Haiqi's teeth tickled, and then drove his war-damaged sports car, slammed on the accelerator and chased behind the BYD bus, muttering Zuan words in his mouth, but it was a pity that others could not hear him.

But he has become the pistachio of all the girls in the bus, Ouyang Hai looks so furious and funny, like a clown performing a pantomime.

"No wonder Xia Jing doesn't like him, this kind of stuff is incomparable to our boss."

"No, I haven't seen this kind of crazy dog. At first glance, he is a giant baby spoiled by his parents, thinking that everyone will follow him."

The girls are discussing on twitter.

"He is a strange flower. When I was still in my hometown, he also ps the wedding photos of me and him in order to chase me, and enlarged them and hung them at the gate of my community... Changed my house on the day I was sick. local."

Xia Jing was talking about the disgusting things Ouyang Hai had done before.

"Is this man a brain disabled?"

"It should be a metamorphosis to describe him!"

At this time, Wu Dan glanced at Chen Hao in the front row, and whispered: "If we had a tenth of our boss, it wouldn't be so annoying." Baolai Novel Website

"Forget it, he can't even match our boss's toenail."

The most straightforward Qiu Yanan made a detailed comparison between Chen Hao and Ouyang Hai, causing the girls to laugh and scold her as disgusting.

Ouyang Hai saw the girl on the bus pointing at him from the car, still joking and laughing, obviously speaking bad things about him, which made him unable to bear it anymore and determined to get back the place.

He decided to block Chen Hao and get him embarrassed, so he called his friends and asked them to create a traffic jam at the intersection ahead and trap the bus here. Seeing how good Chen Hao was, he couldn't get out!

Soon, the intersection ahead was blocked by two deliberately scraping cars, and the cars behind were forced to stop. Soon there was a long queue on the road, and the electric bus was also blocked.

Other small cars can also travel through the gaps, and the electric bus is too big to move. Lai Wu honking the horn in the car is of no avail. They are trapped in the car.

"Boss, it may take a long time to wait, or you get off first, I will ask Zhu Zi and they will drive you down the trail, don't delay major events." Lai Wu suggested.

Chen Hao looked back at the girls in a car, nodded and said, "That's okay."

So Lai Wu stayed and drove the car away when the traffic jam ended. Chen Hao got off the bus with the other model girls and prepared to find another car to leave.

They walked to the side of the street, only to find Ouyang Hai driving his deformed supercar and came to a halt on the side of the road. He lowered the car window, with a sinister smile on his face: "I drove the bus and hit my car, now it's traffic jam. Now, I think you’re a cow, don’t you come down and walk for me obediently."

"You blocked the road?" Chen Hao asked, squinting his eyes when he heard what he meant.

Ouyang Hai snorted coldly, and did not speak, but this was a silent answer.

"You are so naive!"

Chen Hao gave him a comment, and felt that this madman is boundless, so he said, "I can go anytime I want. Don't you want to block here, dig your own pits and jump yourself, what about your brain?"

"I'll be able to drive away in a while, don't you want me to follow you to see the car, you are driving a bus, I can wait!" Ouyang Hai sneered.

"Who are you, what are you proud of, you actually blocked the road on purpose, I want to expose you online!" Some girls were aggrieved.

"Hey, don't be familiar with him. A dog bites a person. People can't bite the dog instead. Just kick it away."

Chen Hao looked at the time. It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon. Wang Qiang has been urging him to pass. Chen Hao looked at the longer and longer traffic, then looked at the sky, and suddenly a drone flew over. Gave him inspiration.

If you leave by car, you have to walk a kilometer or two to another street. It is too far, and it will make Ouyang Hai look down on him. He thought of a better means of transportation.

So Chen Hao turned on the tens of billions subsidy VR mode and searched for options for civilian helicopters in the search bar.

In this congested street, there is nothing faster than a helicopter.

As a result, a row of product pages of various helicopters on sale in the market appeared in front of Chen Hao. Chen Hao arranged flashbacks according to the selling price. He always adhered to the principle that you get what you pay for, so he chooses the expensive ones.

In the end, a medium-sized helicopter that can carry 10 people was chosen.

The Sikorsky S-76C medium-sized helicopter (Royal customized version) is priced at 14.3 million US dollars, with a subsidy price of 128 yuan.

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