You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"Boss, what are you up to?" Cao Rui asked on the phone, her tone still soft.

"The batch of new energy vehicles I told you before arrived today, and they will be picked up at the scene." Chen Hao took a photo casually and sent it via WeChat.

The two also switched to the more convenient WeChat for chat.

"Oh, is the location in the leasing company?" Cao Rui asked.

"Yes." Chen Hao replied.

"Haha, okay, then you will be busy and wait for the meeting." Cao Rui smiled and ended the voice chat.

Chen Hao didn't think much, and soon began to get busy again.

The men were busy, and Chen Hao was not idle anymore. He chose a luxury Bentley Tim Yue V8 and drove the car in person.

The condition of this new energy vehicle has nothing to say, the interior is luxurious, there is no water in it, the new energy is also energy-saving and environmentally friendly, it is a good car, this car will be rented out as the flagship car in the shared car, of course, the rent is expensive.

He drove around on the road outside, very satisfied, and even thought of driving for a few days.

After getting out of the car, Chen Hao watched the new cars he bought were unloaded one by one. He was deeply moved. He clicked his finger in the tens of billions of subsidies, and so many vehicles arrived. I really don’t know where the limits of the tens of billions of subsidies are. .

Speaking of the tens of billions of wool subsidized by Chen Hao, various subsidies and free cards have already consumed nearly tens of billions of dollars. I don’t know if there will be such large discounts after reaching tens of billions.

If there are no discounts, he will make money by his true ability and must plan ahead.

Time has come to the evening, the sky is getting dark, and the street lights begin to illuminate.

Chen Hao suddenly felt black in front of him, and a pair of warm little hands covered his eyes from behind.

Chen Hao smelled a scent of cosmetics in his nostrils, and the skin on the palm of his hand was very delicate. It was obvious that the woman behind him was a woman, but it was hard to guess who it was.

Among the naughty acquaintances, it seems that Xia Jing can do this kind of thing, but she has been sent back to the China Garden by helicopter first, so she probably won't come here, and the scent doesn't seem to be Xia Jing's usual taste.

"Is it Zhou Xitong?"

As soon as Chen Hao came up with this idea, he rejected it. His girlfriend is a high-cold female president. If she walks towards her in a mopping long skirt, she is almost the same. This kind of little girl seems to be playing around, she is definitely not her. style of.

Among the girls who are close to each other, there are lively ones, such as the model girl Qiu Yanan, but she knows how to score, and occasionally makes verbal jokes, but never engages in such intimate physical contact, who would it be?

Chen Hao suddenly thought of someone who was the rebellious and rebellious Hua Wu, but she should have the smell of Dabao, and it was not her from the scent.

After thinking about so much, it was just a momentary matter, Chen Hao gently broke free, and looked back, standing behind a timid beauty with long hair, looking at him tenderly.

"Cao Rui!"

Chen Hao suddenly exclaimed. He did not expect that she appeared in front of him just after calling.

Recalling when she was chatting just now, she asked where she was. It is estimated that she had already been to Baihe, so she found it according to the location.

"Are you scared?" Cao Rui asked with a smile.

The smile on her face has not disappeared. When Chen Hao saw her, he felt the happy riding face in the same way. With Cao Rui, he felt a particularly relaxed and comfortable feeling.

"Of course not, why are you here?" Chen Hao asked in surprise.Literary City

"I didn’t report to you. There will be a rum and wine party in Yunyang tomorrow. The winery was invited. I came to participate in the fair on behalf of the factory and promote the products by the way. So I came to Baihe one day in advance and wanted to see you. ."

In Cao Rui's words, there are boundless misses. Indeed, Chen Hao and this gentle and personal assistant have not seen each other for several months.

Thinking of the fiery body under the blanket at Cao's house that night, Chen Hao felt hot and wanted to give her a hug, but it would be avoided if he looked at the people around him. I'll talk about it when I look back for no one.

"You came just right. Today, Xia Jing got the qualification for the semi-finals of the culinary art competition. I am going to set up a banquet to celebrate in the evening, and you will join in." Chen Haoxin said with joy.

"I've heard Xia Jing say before. She sent me a message of good news for the first time. After a long time no see, she seems to have grown a lot, not as selfish as before." Cao Rui still smiled softly and shyly.

"You have also changed." Chen Hao looked at her as gentle as water, feeling.

"Well, one person managing a company can't be as indecisive as before and force oneself to be strong." Cao Rui said.

This is somewhat similar to Zhou Xitong’s experience, but Zhou Xitong is under more pressure to manage a domestic top 500 company, and she turns herself into the character of a high-cold female president. Although Cao Rui is quite mature, she is still gentle and smiling. It can melt a person.

A cold wind blew, Cao Rui couldn't help but shrink, her clothes were a little thin and cold.

"Don't stand here, I'll take you to the hotel!" Chen Hao said.

"Don't worry about me, there are still so many cars to install here!" Cao Rui still thinks about Chen Hao.

"Just leave it to them. If you do everything by yourself, I am afraid that 48 hours a day will not be enough."

Chen Hao greeted Cao Rui in the car, and chose the Bentley that he drove just now as the special car to welcome Cao Rui home to visit relatives.

Cao Rui sat in the co-pilot obediently, fastened his seat belt, and took care of it.

Chen Hao glanced at her with a funny heart, and started the car. Chen Hao still remembers Cao Rui's first time riding in his car, and it's fun to think about it.

"Boss, I feel that you have changed a lot. During my absence, you bought China Garden, opened two companies, and there are so many cars and helicopters. I can't keep up with you anymore." Cao Rui With emotion.

"Why?" Chen Hao smiled, "There is also your credit here. The sale of palace fruit wine is now becoming more and more popular. You are still my capable man, and I look forward to your coming back and helping me."

"You don't like me being clumsy." Cao Rui smiled sweetly.

"You are always so humble, you have to be more confident in the future, and show your courage as a factory leader." Chen Hao said.

"Well, I will try my best to change."

Cao Rui agreed, but her character is gentle and watery, no matter how deliberate she is, she can't learn Zhou Xitong's cold style, but Chen Hao likes her very much, and it can always calm his upset mood.

The car drove to the five-star Caesar Hotel at noon. Xia Jing and the others were all present. Chen Hao and Cao Rui went upstairs to the VIP box together.

When he opened the boxes, Chen Hao discovered that there were really beautiful women.

There are six model girls under his banner, as well as Xia Jing, journalist Zhu Min and others. They are all dressed up and flamboyant.

Chen Hao's goal now has a rudimentary shape. At least he is surrounded by beautiful women and becomes the envy of others.

Of course, there are also men in the house, his good buddy Xing Zetao is present, and the driver Lai Wu who drives the girls.

"Look, who's here?"

Chen Hao stepped aside, revealing Cao Rui who was smiling at the back.

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