You can search for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Chen Hao felt that these weapons were of art level, and wanted to buy one to hang at home, so he asked, "Are these weapons sold? I want to buy a few."

"I'm sorry, the weapons of our Jianjian Villa are not sold to the outside world. They are only sold to martial arts people who have registered in the association. As long as you join the association, you can buy them."

It turns out that this is the case. From this it seems that the Wushu Association is also beneficial. The responsibilities and obligations are equal. It is estimated that some rules must be followed.

Chen Hao asked Hao Duo what conditions and rules he needed to join the Wushu Association.

Senior Brother Three said: "You are misunderstood. Our Wushu Association is not an organization of the old green forest heroes. In layman's terms, it is more like a large WeChat group. Everyone is a martial arts group. There is someone to help. Of course, if someone is being bullied, you also need to stand up for them. Of course, you must also abide by the rules. Committing heinous felony crimes, such as murder or robbery, will be expelled from the association and even be handed over to the police."

Chen Hao nodded. If what Hao Duo said was true, then the Wuxie Association was much better than he had remembered. It was not the group of people with strict rules in the novels and movies who were fighting all day long.

Chen Hao is not so repulsive to this Wushu Association.

Continuing to visit, Hao Duo took Chen Hao to the martial arts field, where you can hear the loud roars far away. A group of young people in their twenties are sweating and practicing here.

In the winter, he was shirtless, and his body was hot. It really was a winter training thirty-nine. Seeing their swift and mighty moves, these are the really capable people, much better than the closed disciple who came to deliver the letter.

"Mr. Chen, how are they doing?" Hao Duo asked pointedly.

"Very good, solid foundation, all good hands." Chen Hao answered truthfully.

"Then they haven't practiced for nothing." Hao Duo smiled.

The two then went to the depths of the villa. In front of a modern building, Chen Hao heard the sound of reading a book, and the words "Zhujian Primary School" were written at the door.

"Do you still have a school here?" Chen Hao was surprised.

"Yes, we have elementary and junior high schools here, for the children of the villa's family members to go to school, and then according to personal wishes and qualifications, some stay in the villa to practice martial arts, and learn some high school knowledge by the way, and some children who are suitable for studying are sent to the high school in the city. Studying, and then taking the university entrance exam. In fact, we are similar to a large group of people in Jianjian Villa. The clansmen are equivalent to employees, and they will not interfere too much in life. It is a mutually beneficial relationship and does not necessarily have to practice martial arts. I will return to the villa to work. For example, the several Ph.Ds in materials science we are currently working on go out to study in the villa and come back to serve the villa."

Chen Hao began to admire Zhujian Villa. They weren't a mindful way of making people practice martial arts, but to keep pace with the times and develop scientifically to create the flourishing scene of the Villa. Chen Hao is very optimistic about their development model.

The patriarch Long Xiaoyan and this Hao Duo are so humble, they are worthy friends.

Of course, it does not rule out that the opponent is a Yue Buqun-like hypocrite, acting in front of Chen Hao, but Chen Hao is not a fool, he can distinguish clearly, and he is sure that the opponent is an upright person.

The entire villa is similar to the scale of a small town. There are small hospitals, supermarkets, leisure places, etc., as well as residential buildings in the family area. Some contributing members will share houses. This is absolutely attractive to current talents. Chen Hao I didn't see that this was a closed villa. Everyone had a smile on their faces, and I could see that they had a very happy time.

This gives Chen Hao a new level of understanding of Zhujian Villa. Perhaps this is still a modern utopian existence. Those who like martial arts can learn martial arts, and those who are aspiring can go to universities at home and abroad for further studies. Moreover, the patriarch is also a concession system. Hereditary, every time a different surname succeeds, this is difficult to be valuable and commendable.

After Chen Hao finished all of this, he completely changed his view of Jianzhu Villa, and lost his original guard.127 novel

Of course, Chen Hao's purpose is to build kitchen knives, but the finished swords here are not for sale. If you don't join the association, you won't make kitchen knives for outsiders. Chen Hao intends to take a look at the Wu Qin Xi demonstration in the afternoon before making a decision. How to solve the problem of kitchen knives.

After making a big circle in the village, it was almost noon, Hao Duo called for a commuter car and took the two back to the main building.

In the window room on the third floor of the main building, the restaurant is here. The table has already prepared food and drinks, but there are only a few people from the younger generation, and the patriarch Long Xiaoyan did not appear.

Perhaps it was due to seniority considerations. After all, the head of the Long family is a senior in martial arts. Chen Hao does not have such a big name in the martial arts world. It is unlikely that the elderly will come out to accompany guests in person, so the third brother and some young disciples came to accompany Chen Hao. eat.

"What wine does Mr. Chen drink?" Hao Duo asked.

In the wine cabinet next to him, there are white, beer, domestic and foreign wines, all of which are good wines over several hundred yuan.

"Stop drinking, drinking is a mistake."

Chen Hao has a memory and never drinks too much outside. Besides, he still drove here.

"Okay, then we will change the drink. You can drink tea or juice as you like."

Hao Duo talked very well, and did not forcefully persuade the wine, he greeted everyone to move their chopsticks.

As the host, Hao Duo raised his teacup and said: "Today, I will entertain the distinguished guest Chen Hao on behalf of my teacher. We are not so polite, Mr. Chen, do whatever you want to drink."

On the contrary, Chen Hao liked this kind of atmosphere, instead of the hypocritical politeness, he poured a cup of tea himself, and then ran a cup with everyone in a distance.

After eating a few mouthfuls of food, one of the young disciples was using his eyes to communicate with the people at the table, apparently plotting something.

One of the disciples couldn't hold back anymore and asked, "Mr. Chen, I heard that you will perform Kung Fu in the afternoon. Can I ask you for advice after the meeting?"

Before Chen Hao could reply, Hao Duo scolded: "Don't talk about this kind of question during dinner, Chen Hao is the guest."

The young disciple stopped talking and ate his head.

Chen Hao slightly understood, but he must be angry but he beat the patriarch's closed disciple. The younger generation in the village must be unconvinced in their hearts and want to take the opportunity to challenge themselves, to vent their anger for the brothers, or to build the sword villa. Regarding the name rectification, no matter what the reason is, it is estimated that I will discuss it with some people this afternoon.

The opponent is a family of martial arts, but Chen Hao is not worried at all. On the contrary, he will increase his experience in fighting, which is conducive to the growth of Kung Fu practice.

The meal was fairly enjoyable. Although the food was simple, the people at Zhujian Villa were not pretentious, and there were no garish intestines. Everyone talked very happily.

In the afternoon, Hao Duo took Chen Hao to an auditorium, where Long Xiaoyan, the patriarch of Zhujian Villa, was in it, and there were eleven people sitting on the main seat, with gray-haired old people, and no shortage of mature men.

What these people have in common is that they are full of energy, vision, and a sense of mastery.

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