You can search for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Chen Hao is now beyond his reach and cannot help. He can only wait for the feedback from his staff. Next, he wants to think about how to deal with this fake alcohol incident.

There are even fake wines in Baihe City, and there are many feedbacks on the Internet. It seems that this fake wine has been sold in many cities for some time, which has seriously affected the product image of Palace Fruit Wine and brought huge losses to the company. The fraud gangs must be wiped out as soon as possible.

Now, how to find the fake gang is a difficult problem.

As for countermeasures, Cao Rui first needs to report the case locally, but a police station is unable to track down the situation of fake alcohol in many places, and needs to assist in the investigation to speed up the progress.

Cao Rui went to report the case in the afternoon, but only got back the report receipt. The police feedback and investigation should be carried out slowly. According to past experience, it usually takes months or even years to track down fraud dens and counterfeit sales networks. The day lilies are cold like that.

In order for the police to pay attention to it, there must be a talented person in the local area who will report to the superior to supervise the case. Then, resources will be tilted and multiple joint cases will be formed, and it is possible to arrest criminals as soon as possible.

However, although Chen Hao has a lot of funds, his contacts are weak. The people he knows are generally only a little capable in Baihe City, but not in other places. The same is true for Zhou Xitong. The social network is acceptable in the province, and there is no one outside the province. Fame.

Through Zhu Min, she may be able to contact her mysterious father, but such a trivial matter is not worth using this great god, and we need to find another way.

Chen Hao looked through his phone's address book to see who could help. This person must have some power.

Suddenly, he found the Wuxie group he had just joined, and the people who spoke in it basically used their real names, as well as information about the resident and sect, which was convenient for everyone to contact.

Seeing them greet the passing martial arts colleagues enthusiastically drinking and eating, the feelings are very good.

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, Chen Hao said in it: "Hello everyone, I am the new Chen Hao. Who is involved in the Taring City Public Prosecution System? I have a problem and need help."

"I'm in Taling, my iron buddy is in the criminal police squad, you can talk about it in detail."

"You are Chen Hao, and my brother-in-law is the deputy director of Dong'an Branch. Just talk about it if you have anything."

Unexpectedly, not long after Chen Haogang spoke, two people expressed their willingness to help.

Chen Hao told about the fraud that the winery encountered.

"Hey, you make the palace fruit wine. I said it earlier, I always drink it!"

Among them, the brother-in-law of the deputy director immediately became enthusiastic, saying that he is a loyal user of court fruit wine, and has also been victimized by fakes. Before, he bought a bottle for cheap and vomited after drinking. It was unlucky to admit that it was Chen Hao's property. This time, he couldn't just sit back and watch.

When Chen Hao heard that, no matter whether someone else could get things done or not, at least this attitude made people very comfortable. In the face of difficulties, if someone is willing to come and give charcoal in the snow, it is very difficult to be valuable.

These two martial arts fellows both went to find a relationship, and Chen Hao was not idle, and asked for his two addresses, he would let Cao Rui send them a few boxes of fruit wine to express his gratitude.

"What are you doing? We are not helping you to drink your wine. First of all, I called."

Those two had the same tone, as if Chen Hao gave them gifts to look down on them, but they came to help out of comradeship. If they received the gifts, they would fall behind.

Chen Hao felt the enthusiasm of modern martial arts people, and he was deeply touched by the feelings of seeing fellow villagers.Literature 520

Not only are these two colleagues helping out, but there are also many colleagues in the legal profession in the Wuxi Group who came to give Chen Hao free ideas, telling him how to collect evidence and make good use of the power of public opinion. They were very enthusiastic.

When there are difficulties, you can see the warmth of the favor. Chen Hao noted down this favor. If there is a need for help in the future, he will spare no effort to lend a helping hand.

Afterwards, the third senior brother Hao Duo of Zhujian Villa saw Chen Hao's speech in the group and called Chen Hao himself, which was also about fake wine.

"My teacher has also heard about you. He is already communicating with several heads near Taring City. They have contacts in the local area and will help you, so please be at ease and trust your fellow Wu Lin."

Chen Hao felt warm in his heart and thanked him. He joined the Association for one day. Those who have basically never met and offered help without asking for anything in return, and sincerely, with this organizational cohesion, the Wushu Association will definitely be better. The better.

Before waiting for the feedback from her colleagues, Chen Hao decided that he would also take the initiative to attack. In the evening, Chen Hao came to Jie Zhen’s Juyuan Bar alone to find her information about fake wine.

After Sister Zhen knew his intentions, she called on the spot to ask those alcoholics who had bought fake wine, and confirmed a message.

Those who sell fake wines are all driving in a car, and the drinks are in the car, and then they also advertised that they deal with the most popular court fruit wine on the market at a low price. It is a mobile sale. Once someone buys it, they drive away. The customer found it was fake wine, but there was no one, so it was difficult to catch someone.

"Why don't I find dozens of people, drive on the street to find people every day, and get them out sooner or later!" Sister Zhen said indignantly.

She hates the people who make and sell fake wines so much, not only because she is the exclusive agent of fruit wine in this city, but also because of her relationship with Chen Hao. Zhou Xitong is one aspect. Chen Hao helped her solve the troubles of her ex-husband Bi Chongliang. Saved her from the madman's ex-husband, so Sister Zhen also regarded Chen Hao as a true friend.

"It's too troublesome to rely on the crowded tactics, I have a good way." Chen Hao smiled mysteriously.

"What way?" Sister Zhen was very interested.

She has a wide range of local friends, and immediately said that if she needs manpower, she can help.

"I don't need a lot of people for the time being, it will be done after my news." Chen Hao then left the bar.

The difficulty of finding people is only for ordinary people, and Chen Hao has a good buddy, that is Xing Zetao.

Xing Zetao is proficient in hacking techniques, and asking him for help can get twice the result with half the effort.

These fake wine sellers are a bit cunning, but they also need to sell fake wines, so they will not let go of such an anonymous publicity method on the Internet, so Chen Hao is sure they will leave clues on the Internet.

So Chen Hao immediately called Xing Zetao and asked him to help search for all news about the sale of palace fruit wine on the Internet media of nearby provinces and cities.

"Is there such a thing? If you dare to fake court fruit wine, I have to find out all his underwear!"

After hearing the news, Xing Zetao was filled with indignation and immediately started operating on the computer.

With the help of computer programs, it is fast and efficient, and any information that meets the conditions will be searched.

Soon, Xing Zetao has searched tens of thousands of similar messages, most of which are irrelevant content and need to continue to be screened.

Chen Hao drove back to the China Garden and came to Xing Zetao's room. He wanted to find the counterfeit dealer himself.

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