You can search for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Chen Hao immediately took out his mobile phone, and the tracker APP showed that the car was driving and was almost out of the city, and finally stopped at a location on the outskirts of the city.

Xing Zetao immediately entered the satellite map and checked that there was an old factory building. It was estimated that they were renting there.

"Brother Hao, are you planning to find someone to monitor them?" Xing Zetao asked.

"It is necessary to have specialized personnel to monitor, otherwise it is easy to be caught and startled. It is best to inquire about their internal network and destroy them at the same time."

Suddenly, Chen Hao had an excellent candidate, who was capable of monitoring the job, and that was Hua Wu.

It's just that she is on the right track and is working hard, not knowing whether she will accept her order.

But this is not the most important thing right now, because Zhou Xitong has already got off work and rushed to the community. He is going to the medicinal bath. Being gentle with his girlfriend is the first priority.

Chen Hao left the buddy's room and went to the love nest on the top floor.

Today, Zhou Xitong was busy at the company for a whole day, but after the meeting, she came to comfort Chen Hao. She would also help with the fake alcohol.

"I'm fine, I already have a look." Chen Hao said.

"That's good, let's start the medicinal bath first, and talk later."

Zhou Xitong now took the initiative to remove the clothes on her body, and then changed her bathrobe with her back to Chen Hao. Her smooth back was as beautiful as Venus.

Chen Hao immediately felt fierce and hugged her from behind.

"Well, go to the medicinal bath first, and there will be time later."

Zhou Xitong smiled Wen Wan, turned around and kissed Chen Hao's lips.

There is nothing to say about having such a considerate girlfriend. After Chen Hao put the water in, he added a medicine packet to the water, and then got in.

Zhou Xitong came to help him wipe his body, and then talked about fake wine.

"Zhou's International products often encounter counterfeit phenomena. Would you like to hear about my anti-counterfeiting experience?" Zhou Xitong asked.

"Of course, I'll listen carefully." Chen Hao digs out his ears, making a serious gesture.

Zhou Xitong smiled at him, and then said: "I thought about the anti-counterfeiting of the palace fruit wine before, but I was entangled in things and ignored it. I didn't expect the counterfeit to appear so quickly."

She then said several anti-counterfeiting matters: "First, update the packaging and bottle body. The fruit wine takes the national style. It can't be upgraded with ordinary glass bottles. It can be replaced with white porcelain bottles, especially like ancient royal wine. It can attract a wave of traffic, give relatives and friends the first choice, and then cooperate with the Forbidden City and other departments to produce a joint fund. This is a common routine."

"Then back to anti-counterfeiting. When changing the packaging, it is necessary to add a number of anti-counterfeit signs, and build a function that can scan the code to verify the authenticity. You only need to scan the QR code of your mobile phone to know the authenticity. Only when the logo is broadcasted, it is necessary to place advertisements. I suggest using this wave of counterfeiting incidents for publicity, which can save advertising costs and turn bad things into good things."

Chen Hao was greatly inspired by Zhou Xitong’s reminder. He only paid attention to how to catch counterfeiters, but if the benefits were still there and the anti-counterfeiting technology could not keep up, then if Zhang San was caught, there would be Li Si and Wang Wu. Just next.

"Otherwise, I won't go to Aocheng and deal with the fake wine." Zhou Xitong suggested afterwards.

"Don't delay, and I don't have to go to the battle to catch fake liquor dealers, I will arrange it." Chen Hao said, touching her hand.

"That's good, I don't want you to delay business." Zhou Xitong said.

"Do you think I am like the faint king of the lords of the beacon play?" Chen Hao joked.E-bookshop

"I think it's a bit like, there are a lot of beautiful girls in your Chinese Garden."

Zhou Xitong is not the kind of woman who cares about it, and she rarely mentions this. Today, it's just a rush to talk about it, and she will pick up the plane to express her slight acidity.

"Well...Whether the family members are replaced by men? Then I won't worry about you marrying in!" Chen Hao deliberately teased.

"I'm just joking casually, don't take it seriously, I have seen those little girls you hired, they are pretty good, and I can rest assured of you." Zhou Xitong smiled.

The two were the intention of Langqing concubine, and soon after taking a shower, they rolled together.

When the rain closed, Chen Hao sent Zhou Xitong home, and he drove back to the China Garden.

While driving, Chen Hao started to call Cao Rui and relayed Zhou Xitong’s suggestion to the palace fruit wine to Cao Rui, and asked her to immediately start the upgrade of the anti-counterfeiting label. It was required to be prepared within 20 days and he would also plan once Large-scale propaganda activities advertise anti-counterfeiting methods to the public, so as not to give counterfeiters a chance.

"Okay, I will do it as soon as possible, but the police have made little progress." Cao Rui said.

"I see, I have asked someone to help, and I will get rid of the counterfeiters as soon as possible." Chen Hao said.

This matter made Cao Rui a girl to resist the pressure too much, and Chen Hao took the initiative to come over.

When he got home, Chen Hao called Hua Wu. It was night, which should be her active time.

"It's rare to call me, what's the matter, let's talk about it." Hua Wu said on the phone, and there was also the sound of water splashing from the spray.

"What are you doing?" Chen Haoshun asked.

"Take a shower." Hua Wu replied grimly.

In front of Chen Hao's eyes, a scene of a flower dance with tall legs and white flowers, showering in the steam...

Chen Hao shook his head quickly to drive away this dangerous thought.

"Then wait for your convenience." Chen Hao said.

"No, it's not just time to use it, and it's not a video chat. What are you worried about?" Hua Wu asked rhetorically.

Chen Hao didn't want to be entangled in this topic, and immediately said the business: "I want to ask you for a favor."

With that said, he confided about the fake liquor and asked Hua Wu to help him trace the network of counterfeiting and selling fakes, and obtain first-hand information so that they could be wiped out.

"If there is such a thing, the fraud has hit you, okay, let me help!"

Hua Wu agreed without even thinking about it. She was essentially a hot-blooded girl who didn't rub sand in her eyes, not to mention Chen Hao, she was obliged to help.

"Well, I won't let you help in vain. You help me do this. I will forgive you 3 million in debt and can also provide various monitoring equipment."

After Chen Hao said these words, he felt a little fever on his face. He left the white wolf without spending any money, which seemed to deceive the little girl.

However, when Chen Hao was in Huacun, he had already paid the funds in advance, which was not a waste of money.

"Three million, so much, hehe, this is the first big order I've ever taken. Okay, I'll take it, and I'm sure it will be beautiful for you," Hua Wu promised.

However, she later explained that this matter cannot be urged, it takes time to investigate this kind of matter, and it may also be traced to other places, so she can't be anxious.

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