I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 519: The Most Powerful Local Man

You can search for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Mr. Li, did someone say something to you?" Chen Hao answered the phone and asked.

President Li hesitated, but he hung up without saying anything.

It is now certain that Yan Duoshou has really mixed up the results of most of their hard work. This trip to the Olympic City seems to be fruitless.

But this also shows the fact that Yan Duoshou is very powerful in the local area, and most people want to sell his face.

But Chen Hao was not afraid. He had gone through the river and wanted to fight this local snake.

"Sorry, I was the one who caused you." Chen Hao apologized to Zhou Xitong.

"No, if you want to exchange dignity for those businesses, you don’t have to do this business. You’re doing the right thing, and I’ll be you, and I’ll do the same. You can’t make false claims with disgusting people for the sake of business. ."

Zhou Xitong is very sensible. She doesn't care whether she makes money or not. She is very happy to come out with Chen Hao.

Although Zhou Xitong didn't blame him, Chen Hao was upset and planned to help Zhou Xitong get a large order so as not to disappoint her.

However, can he negotiate a business with Yan Duoshou's disturbance?

Anything in the world can happen. Yan Duoshou is just a businessman and cannot cover the sky with his hands. As long as someone is not afraid of Yan Duoshou and cooperation can bring enough benefits, business can be negotiated.

Chen Hao stopped a waiter, gave him 500 yuan, and then asked him: "Who is the most powerful at the venue?"

Chen Hao's idea is very simple. Just find the best local people. He will definitely not be afraid of Yan Duoshou.

"Of course it is our chief commercial officer, Li Ying!" said the waiter proudly.

Chen Hao's heart moved, he took out his mobile phone to bring Baidu this Li Ying's information.

Li Ying, female, 42 years old, is currently the chief of the Olympic City Department of Commerce...

In the profile are her lengthy information and quite a dazzling resume. She graduated from a prestigious school and has a dual-degree female doctorate in economics and sociology. That's why this waiter has such a proud expression, and his feelings are an iron fan of Li Ying.

"Oh? Chief Li is also at the scene, where is she?" Chen Hao asked.

This made the waiter suspicious: "Aren't you looking for Chief Li to trouble you?"

"Of course not, I have a business to talk to Chief Li."

With that said, Chen Hao quietly stuffed him another 500 yuan.

Money can make ghosts push, and Chen Hao's handsome and neat image doesn't look like a bad person, so the waiter gives Chen Hao some advice.

In the business meeting room upstairs, Li Ying convened several pharmaceutical company bosses who participated in the business fair for a meeting. There was something secret about this matter. He, a waiter, had gone to deliver fruit, so he found out.

"thank you!"

Chen Hao immediately greeted Zhou Xitong and went upstairs to find the most prestigious lady in the area.

When he came to the door of the meeting room, Chen Hao pushed the door open a small slit and heard the sound of a meeting inside.

There is a middle-aged woman in a pale red formal dress, who is well-dressed and sits in the chair to preside over the meeting. It should be Li Ying, but her brows are slightly frowned, and it seems that the meeting is not going well.

"Is there really no way? Now the hospital urgently needs a batch of CR vaccine, the price is not a problem." Li Ying said.Cola Literature www.kelewx.com

Her voice has its own majesty, and Chen Hao estimates that Zhou Xitong and others will be the same kind of domineering president Fan when meeting his subordinates when they are older.

A male businessman said embarrassingly: “Chief Li, it’s not that we don’t want to make money. The CR vaccine is the latest domestically developed vaccine, and it is safe and without side effects. Only one biological company can be in shape, and its production capacity is seriously insufficient. The batch was bought by someone with a back office. We have been in contact for a long time, and the manufacturer says it will be out of stock within six months."

"Yes, CR vaccines are needed all over the world now, and the foreign black market has reached 20,000 US dollars. We also want to make money, but we can't get the goods." Someone agreed.

There was a lot of discussion among the participants, and generally there was no way to buy the most urgent CR vaccine.

Li Ying's brow furrowed deeper.

"Or, let's buy some foreign vaccines to cope with this time?" Someone suggested.

"No!" Li Ying categorically denied, "Many foreign vaccines have side effects. Rich people and politicians in their home countries don't need them. Instead, they come to China to grab CR vaccines and know which vaccines are of their quality. We can't let people on the island. Use low-quality vaccines."

In this way, the other businessmen were silent. Some people were fiddling with their fingers, and some were looking at their phones. The atmosphere was very dull.

Suddenly Li Ying stood up and bowed to the bosses of the pharmaceutical companies present: "On behalf of the citizens of Olympics, I beg you to think of ways. As long as you can get the CR vaccine within a week, I can reduce the company's tax for 3 years. And the vaccine is purchased at an ex-factory price of 50%."

This is a very generous promise. The bosses of the pharmaceutical company are very greedy, but they can only say their best, because they don't have a good way.

When Chen Hao outside the door heard the news, he immediately opened up the tens of billions of subsidies, searched for vaccines in the medical district, and found the CR vaccine they needed.

Anti-viral CR vaccine, produced by Tianxin Biological Engineering Company, with anti-counterfeiting certificate, 420 yuan per bottle, subsidized price of 20 yuan per bottle, limited to 100,000 bottles, delivery time 6 hours after the order is placed, SF Express will deliver free shipping by air.

Now that it was in stock, Chen Hao had confidence and immediately pushed the door in.

"Chief Li, I can provide CR vaccine."

Chen Hao walked into the conference room and Zhou Xitong followed him.

"who are you?"

The guards brought by Chief Li were very nervous and came up to stop them.

Chen Hao opened his hands and opened his coat, indicating that he had no weapons.

Chief Li also has the ability to know people during his ten years in the officialdom. He saw that Chen Hao was upright, not like a lie, and asked him: "Which pharmaceutical company's representative are you? How many CR vaccines can you provide? What? Will it be available?"

"I am from Zhou's International, and this is Zhou Xitong, the president of Zhou's International. The first batch can provide 100,000 pieces of CR vaccine, which can be delivered tonight, and there may be more vaccines in the future."

When I heard that there were 100,000 bottles, the bosses of the pharmaceutical company on the scene called out "impossible". Unless Chen Hao is the senior executive of Tianxin Company who delivered the vaccine, it would be impossible to get the goods.

Chen Hao smiled, meaning that if you can't get it, it means that others can't get it either?

"Zhou's International? Where did you get the supply? You are talking about the CR vaccine produced by Tianxin Pharmaceutical Group?" Li Ying asked worriedly.

"Of course the source of the goods is real. There is the certificate and anti-counterfeiting number of Tianxin Company. You will know the authenticity when you check it. You can buy the goods first and pay after you have nothing to do. Then you should rest assured. And just press the factory. I won’t make a difference in the price of a medicine that costs 420 yuan to save people.” Chen Hao said with a smile.

Buying goods first, paying later, this is quite courageous. It also shows that Chen Hao is very financially capable and is not afraid that the funds will not be returned. Of course, as a well-known local official, Li Ying will not fall behind.

"Let's talk next door."

Li Ying took her assistant to the small room next door to discuss, so the medical representatives in this conference room were all fried.

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