You can search for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Box No. 1 is not luxurious, but it has a strong historical atmosphere. The surrounding walls are written with the history of the city of Austria and the portraits of the governors.

"Mr. Chen, Ms. Zhou, we are working here, what else do you want to eat, even if you order, but our chef here may not be able to make the taste of your hometown." Li Ying said apologetically.

"You're welcome, we do what we do in the countryside and are not picky about eating." Zhou Xitong smiled.

The two sides got along well, had a pleasant meal, and went to the conference room to talk about many projects to deepen cooperation. It was nine o'clock.

Li Ying said: "I want to pick up the plane on the spot, what are the opinions of Mr. Chen and Ms. Zhou?"

"Go together." Chen Hao stood up.

Although the tens of billions of subsidies have never made a mistake, it is better for him as the client to go to the scene, and he can also coordinate if something happens.

So Li Ying took two assistants and the group rushed to the Olympic International Airport.

Because of Lei Ying’s instructions in advance, civil servants from the Department of Commerce and the Department of Health have already picked up the plane at the airport.

Aocheng is located in the South, and the winter is not very cold. The night is about ten degrees Celsius. Chen Hao worried that Zhou Xitong would be cold, so he bought her a windbreaker from a tens of billions of subsidies in advance.

Now that the two are too close, Chen Hao’s secrets can’t be hidden, so they just let go. Chen Hao took out different items from the bag, even far exceeding the size of the bag...

Zhou Xitong just smiled when she saw it, and she didn't ask further. Although she was curious, she knew that if Chen Hao wanted to talk, she would definitely talk to her. If she didn't talk about it now, there must be difficulties.

I have to say that the two of them are really close-minded, no wonder they get along so well.

The weather was good. At 9:30, SF Express's international express plane arrived, and it slowly stopped on the tarmac, and a group of staff surrounded it.

Their single vaccine is a key insured item and will be transported as soon as possible after getting off the plane.

Chen Hao was the purchaser. After he took out his identity information to verify that it was correct, the personnel on the plane handed over. Two neatly stacked carton arrays were transported to the crowd by a forklift.

Because CR vaccines are in short supply around the world, Li Ying urgently wants to know the authenticity of these vaccines. She asked her staff to randomly select several boxes of medicines for random inspection.

When each box of vaccine is opened, there are tightly packed small medicine bottles. Various batch number procedures are available in the box and on the bottle body. The production date is also three days ago. There is also an anti-counterfeiting phone number on it, which Li Ying personally called to verify.

Enter according to the batch number, the proof is genuine, the production date and box code are correct, and the purchaser's name is Chen Hao, which is correct.

However, to be on the safe side, Li Ying also took 10 medicaments from different boxes and asked medical experts to perform tests. The results would be available in about two or three hours to verify whether they met the vaccination standards.

Although it is a bit troublesome, this is a necessary step. After all, a vaccine that is directly injected into the human body is a major accident, not to mention the amount of 100,000. It is forgiven for caution.

On the contrary, Chen Hao appreciates Li Ying's serious and cautious character. She has the ability to do big things. It is estimated that the official position can be further improved in the future. He is also optimistic about the cooperation between the two sides.

"Mr. Chen, we will accept the goods first, and the inspection results will be available around midnight. If the inspection passes, I will call you. Please don't worry about the medicine payment. It will be transferred to your account within ten days." Ying said.

"It's easy to say." Chen Hao doesn't care about the money very much. After all, 100,000 medicines are sponsored by tens of billions of subsidies, and the actual expenditures are not significant.

Li Ying shook hands with Zhou Xitong again and hinted that as long as the vaccine is qualified, cooperation between the two parties will be the green light, including the plan to build quantum communication base stations across the island.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it." Zhou Xitong smiled.

Li Ying said again: "So, does Mr. Chen Hao want to go to Aocheng for entertainment or take a rest? If there is entertainment, I will send a person to accompany as a tour guide. If you want to rest, I can arrange a hotel rest." Reading Novel Network

Chen Hao wanted to go out to play. When he arrived at the internationally renowned Olympic City, he wouldn't be sorry if he didn't go for a tour, but he saw that Zhou Xitong was a little tired, so he declined the offer to go out.

But Chen Hao didn't plan to go to the hotel provided by Li Ying, because he had a better place.

"The hotel will not go, we have a place to stay in Aocheng." Chen Hao said.

"Well, if there is news, I will notify you in time, then goodbye." Li Ying and the two wanted to say goodbye.

At this time, her mobile phone rang suddenly, and Li Ying gestured to the two of them to wait first, and she answered the phone.

"Oh, it is so? Then you have to beat Yan Duoshou and tell him that Chen Hao and Ms. Zhou Xitong are my distinguished guests."

Li Yingying sternly spoke to the phone, and Chen Hao's heart moved, it seemed that he was reporting something about him.

Li Ying hung up the phone and said: "Today the incident of illegal gathering outside the business meeting has been found out. It was Yan Duoshou's intention to target Mr. Chen. But you can rest assured that I will talk with him personally, so don't worry. "

"Then thank you Chief Li." Chen Hao was not afraid of Yan Duoshou, but he still thanked Li Ying.

Li Ying got things done properly and asked an assistant to escort Chen Hao to her residence, just to be on the safe side.

The assistant asked Chen Hao’s destination and followed behind his Apollo for protection, while in front of Apollo, the police officers riding motorcycles cleared the way. This lineup is indeed very versatile, that is, Yan Duoshouzhen. If you want to make trouble, it is estimated that this battle will die out.

"Where are you taking me?" Zhou Xitong asked in the car, "Is it the reserved hotel?"

"It's not a hotel, you will know when you arrive." Chen Hao smiled mysteriously.

"Yeah." Zhou Xitong was looking forward to it, and Chen Hao would surprise her every time.

The car drove to the Mid-Levels Villa District, where every inch of land is expensive, which is the most expensive place in Austrian City.

The person who escorted Chen Hao was also envious. Chen Hao must have been invited by a rich man. If you stayed here that night, you must know that the cheapest villa here is basically more than 50 million yuan, which is easily hundreds of millions. , And there are several ultra-luxury villas worth hundreds of millions, which is a dream that many people cannot reach.

Their motorcade stopped in front of No. 88 Banshan Road. This is a single-family three-story villa. The unique and exotic style shows that it is very valuable.

"Mr. Chen, Ms. Zhou, here it is!"

Li Ying's assistant came to greet him after getting off the car.

Chen Hao rolled down the car window, allowing them to leave.

"Chief Li said that he must escort you in. I'll call the doorbell for you." The assistant said enthusiastically.

"No, I have a remote control here."

Chen Hao took out a remote control and pressed it, the door opened automatically, and at the same time the sensor light in the yard turned on, as if to welcome its owner.

"Do you have the remote control key? This villa belongs to you?" the assistant asked in shock.


Chen Hao nodded gently, thanking the other party for the delivery, and drove into the door, and then the remote control door slowly closed.

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