You can search for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Chen Hao didn't lose or win in this round. The small bet was taken away, and the big bet doubled, and the result was still 16 chips.

In another round, Chen Hao still bet on both sides separately, and it was still a tie after the draw.

"Hey, what are you doing? Is there anyone who plays Sic Bo like this?" Yan Duoshou said dissatisfied.

"Don't worry, we will officially play with the next one."

Chen Hao took the camera over, played back the black eagle's draw in slow motion, and then sneered in his heart.

Chen Hao saw that the other party's methods were not the best, he already had a way to deal with the black eagle.

In that case, Chen Hao decided to play a big one.

The Black Eagle took a new batch of dice, put them in the dice cup and shook them, and when they stopped, let Chen Hao bet.

At this time George had been ignored, and he also consciously did not participate in the follow-up betting. Now it is the fight between Chen Hao and Black Eagle.

This time the black eagle pressed the button casually, and the number of points in the dice cup was still "big", but he could change the size the moment he opened the dice cup, so he didn't care about the real number of points.

Chen Hao felt that this time the points were still high, so he bet all 16 chips on the big.

"Buy and leave."

The black eagle remained silent, and stretched out his hand to uncover the dice cup.

His action is to hold the edge of the table with one hand, and when he uncovers the dice cup with his right hand, he uncovers his side first, so that he can see the dice before Chen Hao, and then vibrates with skill when the dice cup leaves the base below. , The dice on that base will be turned over by vibration, thus changing the points.

Just as the black eagle was about to leave a thousand, an object flew in front of him, taking his eyes straight.

Eyes are human visual organs. When flying foreign objects, they will have the conditioned reflex to close their eyes and avoid them. This is not controlled by willpower. It is not ruled out that someone can overcome it through acquired training. With the ability to use, Chen Hao bet that the black eagle would close his eyes and avoid.

As a result, Black Eagle really had a blinking motion, tilting his head slightly to dodge, which made his hand movement a bit unbalanced. After all, cheating requires a very high level of skill. The original plan went wrong.

"not good!"

When the Black Eagle realized that Ikuchi might fail, he forcibly stabilized his body and completed the final small point-changing action, but because of interference, and the reaction time would be one second, it was difficult for him to complete this series of actions.

"It must be successful, it must be successful!"

The dice was indeed turned over by the shock, but it was not as expected and there was uncertainty. After opening the dice cup, the black eagle prayed in his heart, hoping that luck would be on his side.

However, the dice cup was completely uncovered, and everyone craned their necks to look at it. The points inside were surprisingly three, three, five, eleven, big!

In other words, Chen Hao won again.

"You give a thousand, interfere with me to open the dice cup!"

The Black Eagle was furious, and his mistake was completely caused by the thrown thing, and now he can see clearly that it is an ordinary blue bargaining chip, which was popped out by Chen Hao's finger.

"Chen Hao, you interfere with the croupier, according to Ruili's rules, you will automatically lose in this round!" 51 Pen Quge

Yan Duoshou stood up with a sinister smile in his eyes. This time he grabbed Chen Hao's handle. Although Chen Hao guessed the correct number in this game, he was the last winner according to the shop's rules.

"is it?"

Chen Hao smiled faintly, "But I have seen your shop rules. This one says that the customer directly threatens or touches the croupier's body or gambling equipment with their bodies or weapons. This is a negative, but I did not hit the croupier , And no gambling equipment, the treaty did not come into force."

"It's useless for your sophistry. You didn't read the last clause of the treaty. Our store has the final right to interpret. If I say that it violates the rules, it violates the rules!" Yan Duoshou began to arrogant again.

"However, the rules also say that the croupier will pay a thousand and the compensation will be doubled. My camera took a little bit of amazing stuff."

Chen Hao took the camera and retrieved the image just now.

Yan Duoshou suddenly became calm. He didn't know whether the camera captured the key evidence, so he asked Black Eagle with his eyes.

Black Eagle also gave an uncertain answer, because it happened too fast before, and he was not sure whether to leave evidence.

"Then you can show evidence to talk about it!"

By now, Yan Duoshou could only kill him and refuse to admit it. He couldn't admit defeat directly. Wasn't that the fact that he had given his side a thousand dollars?

Chen Hao slowed down the footage captured by the camera. In the video, he saw that when the black eagle was uncovering the dice cup, his finger was suspected of tapping downward, and the base vibrated slightly.

"Can this be used as evidence?" Chen Hao asked.

"No, you can't see it clearly from this angle, maybe it's a camera problem, it can't be used as evidence."

Although there are clues, Yan Duoshou refuses to admit it, instead rasping the authenticity of Chen Hao's video.

"Really? I don't have this angle, so the surveillance in your hall should have captured it."

Chen Hao pointed to the monitoring of the corner. Its angle was facing the back of the black eagle. If the black eagle cheats, clues will be taken. Therefore, Chen Hao asked Yan Duoshou to provide monitoring records to confirm the fact.

Now no one can guarantee whether the surveillance in the corner has captured key evidence. Even Yan Duoshou is not calm at this time. Regardless of whether it is captured or not, he will never provide surveillance, saying that Chen Hao is not qualified to watch surveillance.

"Then there is no way. I counted as losing in this round. However, I have taken the video just now. I think the majority of netizens will identify it for me."

Chen Hao’s trick is to retreat to advance. If he uploads the video just now on the Internet, let alone a big suspicion that the black carving is out of thousands, even if there is no one, it will also cause a great blow to the reputation of Ruili Gaming Center .

Ruili's business depends on tourists. If the reputation is affected and you go to other betting shops, the loss will be great and it is very likely to be ruined.

Yan Duoshou's anger rose, he couldn't stand Chen Hao's threat, patted the table, and shouted, "Do you think you can go out with your camera?"

After hearing the order, a dozen thugs in black suits walked in from outside the box and surrounded Chen Hao.

Chen Hao was not nervous, but took out his mobile phone and said, "You are so enthusiastic here. If so many people are here to keep me, then I have to talk to Chief Li Ying. She also invited me to dinner. I can't go. I have to say something."

Chen Hao's subtext is that if they are rough, they will report to Li Ying, now she is the local backer.

Li Ying’s reputation in the local area is very high, and her office will definitely go further in the future. Yan Duoshou also respects the woman. In addition, Li Ying personally called him yesterday to warn him that he is not allowed to be against the distinguished guests Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong. Now it’s hard to ride a tiger.

Let Chen Hao go, and the business in the shop will be hit hard. If Chen Hao is detained, Li Ying can't explain it. It's really a dilemma.

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