I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 541: The Smell of Conspiracy

You can search for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Chen Hao still couldn't rest assured, so he called, but the result was that he could not be connected for the time being, so he could only give up.

As a result, Chen Hao was awakened by the ringing of the phone when he fell asleep until four o'clock in the morning. He opened his sleepy eyes and picked up the phone and found that the caller was Huawu.

Hua Wu's work and rest seemed to be opposite to those of others, Chen Hao was unable to complain, fully aware of the distress of being disturbed by Qingmeng.

Chen Hao rubbed his temples, then sat up on the bedside and connected the phone.

"The thing you are asking for is pretty obvious. The dens and the main personnel in Baihe City have already figured out. I am now stepping on the sites in several cities and counties in Hu Province. It is estimated that in a few days, the entire nest of the fraud gang will be able to figure it out." Hua Wu Report.

"You are too good!"

Chen Hao was too surprised. He thought that the den in Baihe City would have to be spent a few days, but he didn't expect that Huawu would have moved to provinces and cities thousands of miles away.

"They just have so many people, call records, home addresses, and a large list of them. You don't have to worry about them. They are from other places because I have to hurry. It takes a lot of time. The high-speed rail and planes take a lot. You have to underwrite my travel expenses. ." Hua Wu invited credit over there.

"No problem, when you are done, I will use my private plane to pick you up." Chen Hao said happily.

"Ah? You bought a plane? It's too arrogant. It seems a pity not to eat a big family. I would have known that I would not make friends with you. I will steal all of you and I will become prosperous."

Hua Wu was taken aback. Chen Hao knew she was joking, and embarrassed this 18-year-old girl. She took on such a dangerous job at a young age. Chen Hao reminded her to be safe, and then turned her on WeChat. I paid 200,000, and let her do the activity funds.

Hua Wu said that she would squint for a while, and she didn't sleep all night, and the two ended the call.

After receiving good news, Chen Hao realized that he was not sleepy anymore. It was still pitch black outside, but he didn't want to go back to sleep, so he went out to the courtyard and played a five-bird show.

This time, Chen Hao brought the excellent dagger presented by Hao Duo. After two improvisations of knife skills, Chen Hao realized that wearing cold weapons was more threatening than fists, so he should practice his knife skills appropriately, saying I don't know when to use it.

After practicing the various tricks of the tiger show with the dagger capital, Chen Hao found that the tiger show is very compatible with the dagger. There is no need to adapt to it. The dagger can be used as a tiger's claws to complete the attack, but it is more threatening to the enemy.

The next switch to the deer scene, Chen Hao feels that it is not so co-produced. The deer scenes are mainly dodging and defensive counterattacks. The deer hitting and other tricks in the center do not require hands at all. If the mood is destroyed for the purpose of dagger attack, instead not good.

It is understandable that if a deer has sharp claws, it is probably still used to eat grass. Only competing in the Central Plains and using a deer as a horse with a dagger is not satisfactory. Chen Hao does not consider the evolution of deer play.

Then there is the bear show. After confirmation, half of the “bear paw” and “bear fist” tricks used to shoot people in the bear show are suitable for evolving into a sword technique, while the pure defensive tiger back and the strength of the bear are not It is suitable for knives, so bear play can be used to enrich the techniques of knives.

With most of the tiger play, and half of the bear play, Chen Hao is already satisfied. It has no problems with ordinary masters, but it is not applicable to ordinary hooligans. He abuses them with his fists, and then uses the sword. , I am afraid that I will become a cold-blooded swordsman, killing one person in ten steps, and not staying for a thousand miles.

In a society ruled by law, this is undesirable.

After breakfast, Chen Hao went to the station to pick up Xia Jing. Tomorrow is the rematch. Today, she took the high-speed train back from her hometown.

As a little expert in accomplishing the task, Chen Hao attached great importance to Xia Jing and drove his extended Rolls Royce to pick her up.

Xia Jing was still as lively as ever. After the two met, they threw the heavy suitcase to Chen Hao, and ran into the car to sit. She was disciplined by her strict grandfather at home, and now she returns to China where she is the king and hegemony. The garden is equivalent to a tiger entering the forest, finally liberated.

"where's my gift?"

Back at the China Garden, Xia Jing stretched out her hand and asked Chen Hao for a gift.Love you e-book www.antxt.com

"It's all in your room, go and see it." Chen Hao said.

"Thank you boss! Boss is grandiose, Bi Xin Yo!"

Xia Jing awkwardly sold cute, and went to her room in a rush.

Chen Hao answered the call, and it was from Wang Qiang.

"Those crew members have already arranged dormitories. How do you usually fly? It's best to arrange a flight schedule, otherwise it's not the case that they are always idle."

"There shouldn’t be many flying missions. You can arrange it. As long as I don’t have a flight plan, the aircraft can be rented out. Idle is a waste anyway. Our leasing company needs to expand its business scope, not only renting construction machinery and cars, but now even aircraft Can rent, this is in line with our entrepreneurial spirit." Chen Hao smiled.

"That's what I mean."

Wang Qiang deserves to be Chen Hao's right-hand man, and he thinks in the same way. He then reported on the results of the work in the past few days, and then said that the shared car on Mr. Li seemed to have encountered some problems.

"Oh? Then I'll go ask Li Changjiang."

Chen Hao then called Li Changjiang again.

Li Changjiang is fully responsible for the car-sharing business. He is currently conducting trials in nearby provinces and cities, and he does not know what problems he has encountered.

"Old Li, what happened?" Chen Hao asked on the phone.

"A little thing, I heard that you were on a business trip, but I didn't report it to you."

As an investor, Chen Hao was respected by Li Changjiang, and he talked about it afterwards.

It turned out that after the trial, because the car sharing service is cheap, the APP's one-click car rental function is very convenient, and it can also make an appointment in advance to a designated location to send the car to the customer. In just a few days, all users who have experienced car sharing are full of praise and praise , Which shows that car sharing is very promising.

The only bad news is that more than 20 cars were vandalized in the provincial city of Yunyang. Some of the cars were smashed with glass, and some were scratched with paint. They were all sent to a 4S shop for repairs. Although they have insurance, they are also A sum of money was lost.

"Oh? Who did it, did you find it?" Chen Hao asked.

"Already called the police, but the police investigation and monitoring feedback was done by some children, which is difficult to find." Li Changjiang said helplessly.

Indeed, if an adult breaks the law, he usually has a criminal record, or it is very convenient to find the suspect through some technical means such as face recognition. However, the police do not have relevant files for the child, and the child’s privacy must be protected. The surveillance video must be released. In coding, finding someone is like finding a needle in a haystack, basically you have to admit yourself to bad luck.

Li Changjiang thought it was an annoying matter, so he didn't report to Chen Hao, he wanted to suppress it himself.

"Is it the children rowing each time? Is it the same child or a different child?" Chen Hao asked suspiciously.

"It's a different child," Li Changjiang replied, "It's weird to say that we are eyeing our shared car. There are also private cars around, but the children just don't scratch them and just destroy our car."

"Is it a wicked thing done by colleagues?"

Chen Hao smelled a hint of conspiracy.

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