You can search for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Xia Jing is one of the most active elders of the month. Her purpose of playing black in King Glory is to hear that Xing Zetao is playing a good game, so she forced Qiu Yanan to go black with him.

"Sister Jingjing, you will always be my sister!" Xing Zetao was grateful, and secretly sent a message to Xia Jing.

"Shao and I are poor, if this one loses, don't see me in the future!" Xia Jing replied.

"That can't, I'm a god-level player, and I've been personally directed by the strongest king god." Xing Zetao is now devoting himself to the career of leading girls.

At the beginning of the game, Xing Zetao really had two shots. The headwind relied on his god-level Li Bai to carry the audience alone and won the final victory.

When the enemy crystal exploded, even Qiu Yanan looked at him with admiration.

"Is the game played well?" Qiu Yanan said a rare compliment.

"Fortunately, I will add friends to play together in the future, and score points in both rows."


Qiu Yanan is a girl who likes to play games. It is a good experience to play black with masters, so he added friends.

In this way, Xing Zetao, an otaku, took the initiative to obtain Qiu Yanan's friend position for the first time, an epic improvement.

In such a harmonious atmosphere, everyone rushed all the way to the competition venue in Yunyang, the provincial capital.

This competition is at the Olympic Sports Center of He Province. The venue is very large. The official publicity has been carried out in advance. This time there are obviously more media reporters.

The semi-finals are the winners of the preliminary rounds across the province, with a total of 35 people. In the end, the top two will be selected to enter the finals to be held in the capital. The promotion pressure is relatively high.

"It's okay, I'm confident. If my Xia family's ancestral court craftsmanship can't win, without the boss's scolding, my grandfather will hang me up and beat me."

Before going on the court, Xia Jing used a special way to express her confidence.

"If you go up and play, we will cheer for you!" Chen Hao didn't put a lot of pressure on her.

"Xia Jing Xia Jing, the game will win!"

The model girls took out light sticks and other support items to call for Xia Jing. This battle is no less than the fan lineup of some seven- or eight-line starlets.

"Is the female internet celebrity coming to the competition?"

People who don’t know the truth about eating melons are all surprised. It’s really amazing that you can see the support group in a cooking competition.

Chen Hao helped Xia Jing move the ingredients to the venue, and saw those huge boxes, she prepared the most ingredients in the audience.

After all, Buddha jumped over the wall with a lot of ingredients, and he bought all the best ingredients. Many foreign ingredients are fresh and transported. It is just a small piece of meat steak. They use a constant temperature and humidity incubator with a lithium battery. Grade.

"Play well."

Before leaving, Chen Hao gave Xia Jing one last encouragement.

"Don't worry, you and our tens of billions of subsidies will not be disappointed." Xia Jing pointed to the Bing Xixi slogan printed on her chef's uniform.258 Novel Network

Chen Hao nodded and walked off the stage. Soon, the game began.

"Dear viewers, what you are watching now is the scene of the provincial semi-finals of the National Young Chef TV Cooking Competition. You can see that the players are full of energy..."

A hostess came on stage, made an opening remark, and then announced the rules of the game.

The competition time is 45 minutes. The contestants bring their own ingredients to make a traditional dish, and then let the judges score.

The traditional dishes are different from home-cooked dishes and modern improved dishes. For example, cola chicken wings, French baked snails, Orleans grilled sturgeon, etc. do not meet the requirements. If anyone does not understand, the host suggests that they can listen to In the cross talk of "Dish Name", a dish name is randomly selected from it, that is, a traditional Chinese dish.

There were more than 20 stoves at the scene, and the contestants were divided into two groups. Xia Jing was the first group.

"This competition is sponsored by Howell Five-star Hotel, Yali Group, etc..."

When the host was reciting the sponsor’s name, the audience suddenly noticed the chef’s uniform that Xia Jing was wearing with an advertisement for tens of billions of subsidies. When the host finished reading, many attentive audiences discovered that she read There is no name in the list of sponsors.

"The host missed the name of the sponsor's father, and the salary will be deducted when I go back!" There was an audience roaring.

However, after such a noise, the camera lens gave Xia Jing a close-up, and no one had ever seen such a beautiful young lady cooking on TV.

Under the influence of the beauty economy, Bing Xixi's advertisement was also included, and a bonus item was added to Chen Hao's task invisibly, and the effect of the advertisement was achieved.

"The competition is about to start in one minute. Please be prepared, but don't touch the ingredients before the start. Violations will result in disqualification."

The host announced the rules on stage, and Xia Jing began to check her ingredients and confirmed that they were all complete, and Chen Hao had enough ingredients for her, and she could even make two.

After Xia Jing saw the ingredients, she suddenly felt chilly behind her back. She looked back and saw that a young chef was looking at her angrily.

This person was a bit familiar, and Xia Jing thought about it carefully before realizing that this was the Hou Bin who had been promoted with her in the preliminary round. He had questioned her dyed blue lobster.

It's normal to lose, and the result is hateful. This Hou Bin's temperament is really bad.

Xia Jing snorted and was too lazy to pay attention to him. Hou Bin and Chen Hao compared them, and they were like the sky and the underground. Xia Jing would not pay attention to a man with a small belly.

Hou Bin also found that he had been ignored, and couldn't help being even more angry. It was a shame to be looked down upon by a woman. He swears in his heart that he must perform well and win the first place in the semi-finals so that this woman can see his superb cooking skills.

"Game start!"

The host announced loudly, and then the group of thirty-five young chefs started together on the stove specially built for the competition. Everyone was swift and standard. Because the non-standard and not swift, they were eliminated in the preliminary round.

Those who can enter the semi-finals are all the elite chefs from various cities. They cross the sea with the Eight Immortals and show their magical powers. Soon the sound of "chop chop chop" appeared on the field.

Xia Jing handles the ingredients meticulously. She is very tight, because the Buddha jumped over the wall and simmered on a slow fire for five or six hours according to the ancient method. There is not so much time on the spot, so we can only take shortcuts with modern methods. The taste and the full version are a bit inferior, but it is also a compromise on the field, after all, there is only 45 minutes of cooking time.

The reason why Xia Jing chooses a variety of top ingredients is to use the taste of top ingredients to make up for the defects caused by insufficient stewing time.

There are a lot of ingredients in it that she has processed before coming. Xia Jing put these semi-finished products in a pressure cooker and steamed, and then she started to process some ingredients that must be processed on-site, such as peeling quail eggs.

When others were already cooking the dishes, Xia Jing still had only the pressure cooker steaming, and the others had not yet entered the pot.

Six minutes later, Xia Jing's other ingredients had been sorted out, and she began to process the most important jars.

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