You can search for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"This should be the top Liao ginseng. It is pure wild and has a good age. It is the first time I know that Liao ginseng can achieve this kind of taste. Just one bite is worth it! It's worth it, haha!"

As a result, Xia Jing conquered the No. 1 judge with only one piece of sea cucumber.

Then, judge No. 1 couldn't wait to start eating that pork knuckle.

The first is the appearance. The pork knuckle is handled well, the skin is not damaged, and there is no stubble, but the meat feels a bit strange, like jelly, and the chopsticks are trembling and jumping out.

For the time being, I couldn't tell whether this elbow was good or bad, so the No. 1 judge took a bite.

I thought that the meat would be difficult to bite, but it would break when you bite it. This taste is different from the stew. The skin and muscle fibers are elastic. It is really like eating jelly. One bite, there is a process of deformation under force. It was cut off. This is the performance of the cooking in place. It is both good bite and Q-bomb. The two completely opposite attributes are integrated into a pig's knuckle, which demonstrates the chef's extremely high cooking level.

"It's delicious, it's really fragrant! This pork is also the best, what kind of pork is it?"

Judge No. 1 got into entanglement. He was the one who opened the hotel and thought he had tasted the world's delicacies. However, he was embarrassed on this pork knuckle and couldn't distinguish the source of the meat.

"Jinhua two blackberries? There is a slight difference, this one is more fragrant, and the meat is a little tougher... Thai sweet pig? No, the sweet pig's trotters are definitely not so delicious."

Judge No. 1 got into entanglement and forgot to give Xia Jing a score.

"It seems that Judge No. 1 is hesitant, so we invite other judges to taste it."

The host hurriedly came out and let the other judges taste it first, so as not to get stuck here and affect the effect of the show.

The other judges saw that they were quite normal before the 1st. Why was this stupid?

The remaining judges each took a small bowl of Buddha jumped over the wall, chose their favorite ingredients, and then began to taste.

"Well, what kind of meat is this? It's so fragrant!"

"This fish lips, something is wrong, they are not ordinary fish lips, this taste, damn it, is really amazing!"

"This is Linwu duck meat? It's definitely Linwu duck! But how come it tastes so much better than the one I bought before?"

After the other four judges tasted it, they were astonished as they were the first time they ate it. They all ignored the scoring and fell into contemplation just like the No. 1 judge.

They couldn't figure out how this ingredient has such a great taste.

"Hehe, you can see that the judges have some doubts about this dish, then I will taste it too."

In order to ease the embarrassment, the host asked the camera to show her close-up, and she also took a small bowl and started tasting it.

"Wow, it's delicious. Is this a domestic stupid pig? The meat is so chewy and it smells of acorns. Why is there no acorn flavor in the other ingredients? This Buddha jumped over the wall and made it really great, better than me. The food in a five-star hotel is even better."

The host was still working hard to maintain the shooting effect, but after eating a few chopsticks, she became a female foodie and completely forgot that it was broadcast live.

So that she finished eating one bowl and wanted to serve a second bowl.

"Xiao Wang, pay attention to your image!"

The director used earphones to remind the hostess in the background that she only realized that she quickly wiped the corners of her mouth to round the scene with words.China Book Library

"Dear audience friends, this Buddha Jumping Over the Wall is the best I have ever eaten in my life. It is unimaginable. It was done by such a beautiful female chef!"

However, the hostess did not hesitate to praise, so that the audience questioned.

"These entrusted performances are too realistic? Are they professional actors hired by the repertory troupe?"

The audience in the audience was unclear, so they accused the judges and host of insider fraud, but their acting skills were remarkable, and there was no trace of the performance at all, as if the Buddha jumping over the wall was really delicious.

They don't know that this is a true reflection of the judges and others, not a performance.

"Here again? The preliminary rounds are just such exaggeration. Would you please help me in the semi-finals?"

Hou Bin, who watched the excitement on the sidelines, was not calm. The shadow of the defeat a week ago struck him again. It was exactly the same as the situation on that day. It was also Xia Jing's dish that made the judges insanely high.

"Are you acting again? Let me taste it too. If you dare to openly engage in shady, I will expose you!" Hou Bin stood up again and said.

The judges looked at him like a fool. Judge No. 1 pointed to the staff around him and said, “Give him a pair of chopsticks and let him taste it. It’s still shady? Can you make the same Buddha jump over the wall, I Immediately recommend you to the final!"

The judges on the 1st said that, the other judges realized that they had not given Xia Jing a score, so they scored the highest scores. As a result, Xia Jing easily won the first place in the semi-finals with a full score, and Hou Bin once again won the position. second.

"I'm not convinced, it's the same again!"

Hou Bin angrily took the bowls and chopsticks and came to taste the Buddha Jumping the Wall. He also deliberately added a few more dishes. Before it was cold, he couldn't wait to fill the mouth with hot hiss haha.

He is not hungry, but is eager to expose what he thinks is the "shady game".

"How is this, this smell? It must be my mouth being burnt and malfunctioning."

After Hou Bin ate a piece of meat, he doubted his life.

He is also a chef. He didn't believe anyone could make such delicious food, so he took a sip of mineral water and then blew a piece of pleurotus eryngii. This mushroom can reflect the taste of the ingredients itself. Isn't his tongue malfunctioning? Try to know.

As a result, Hou Bin is "really fragrant" again, and this pleurotus eryngii is too fresh!

Hou Bin knew something about Pleurotus eryngii, and he tasted it at once. The pleurotus eryngii is of the highest grade and fresh. It should be only a day away from picking. It must have been shipped by air from a border province. The cost is at least Four to five hundred yuan a catty.

"Is this woman the daughter of the coal boss? Why is she so rich and uses such good pleurotus eryngii for cooking!"

Hou Bin is sour in his heart now. He is also a young man. He is still struggling for life. And this beautiful woman uses such top ingredients to participate in the competition. She doesn't care about the cost, and the gap between people is too big. Up.

Hou Bin didn't know that Xia Jing just had a big backing. On her own, she couldn't afford so many top ingredients.

At this time, the judges did not worry about what the various ingredients were. They kept standing up and eating the ingredients in the fishing jar. The scene was a bit uncontrollable, and it was almost as lively as the supermarket.

The director had given up on the rescue, and decided to break the jar and shoot the scene where they were fighting for food.

The hostess remembered her responsibilities, and found that there were audiences questioning that they were "acting", so she decided to invite eight lucky audience members to come on stage to taste the food, otherwise they would not be able to eat such a big pot.

When these audiences came up and tasted a small bowl of Xia Jing as a Buddha jumping over the wall, they were all shocked, and they wished to swallow their tongues. The delicious food did not look like human food. Perhaps this is the legendary Tiangong delicacy.

No one questioned Xia Jing now, she deserves her first place.

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