I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 563: Eating Hot Pot and Singing Songs

You can search for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Well, I'm ready to taste Chef Xia's craftsmanship." Chen Hao smiled.

"Hey, let me ask you," Xia Jing smiled suddenly, and asked coldly, "Why did the princess suddenly appear this time? I think her photos are too beautiful, not inferior to me, you Could it be..."

Xia Jing's eyes looked like a policeman interrogating a prisoner.

"Don't be so nasty as I think, Hua Wu is a poor girl. It should be taken care of her."

Chen Hao briefly told about Hua Wu’s tragic life experience. Of course, there were reservations in it. Some things that were too private were not said, but this was enough for Xia Jing to sigh. She could hear two drops of emotional tears .

"She's so pitiful, you're right, you should pet her and let her be a princess."

After all, Xia Jing's nature is kind, and a story touched her and completely changed her impression of Hua Wu.

Xia Jing then felt that she wanted to make a loving dish for Hua Wu. This was her heartfelt thought.

She immediately went to the kitchen, picked up the kitchen knife, and started cooking with passion.

Chen Hao didn't disturb her cooking, and instructed the nanny at home to arrange all the seats, and prepare the bonfire outside. There will be a small ceremony after dinner.

Soon after, Chen Hao heard the noise of a girl outside. It turned out that it was Huawu who came. She came to Chen Hao surrounded by a group of maids.

This time Hua Wu put on a long dress in purple and black, with makeup on her face, a bit like an adult Snow White.

"His Royal Highness, please!"

Chen Hao used a gentleman's gift, and then everyone invited Hua Wu into Xia Jing's two-dimensional villa amidst the noise.

Hua Wu used to come here secretly. The lights were not turned on at the time. Now the lights in the room are dazzling, and the various atmosphere lights reveal the style of the room.

Hua Wu's concept of the two-dimensional animation is still in the low and young cartoons, was suddenly reversed and let out a "wow".

"It looks good here, like a fairy tale world!" Hua Wu couldn't help sighing.

"This is all set by Chef Xia Jing. Your personalities are a bit similar and you should have a common language." Chen Hao smiled.

At this time, Xia Jing also came over, and she smiled when she saw Hua Wu, and welcomed her: "Welcome to your Royal Highness Princess Hua Wu to visit the humble house. I have already cooked some food, please take a seat."

"Thank you." Hua Wu politely said.

They then sat down at the table, the bottom of the pot was ready, lettuce and raw meat rolls were placed next to each other, ready to cook.

In a cold winter, there is nothing more pleasant than having a hot pot meal. If so, eat two meals.

"Lai Wu, you guys take a few group photos, and then automatically take the camera over there, let's eat together." Chen Hao greeted.

Those present here today are all busy people working for Princess Huawu. In the evening, we have a reunion dinner together, which is also a commemoration of today.

So everyone, except for Chef Xia, who was still busy, sat in a circle. The girls drank each other's drinks. Today, they drank palace fruit wine. It was delicious and it was the first choice for parties.

As the host, Chen Hao first toasted and said: "Thank you for your hard work today for Princess Huawu. On behalf of the princess, I would like to toast everyone!" Read the book www.yshuobaxs.com

Hua Wu also stood up immediately, and said touchedly: "Thank you all today, for cooperating with me in my mischief, I have nothing to report to Hua Wu. If you have anything in the future, just ask me!"

"Is it possible for the cat to ask the princess for help after running to the tree and not coming up or down?" Qiu Yanan quipped.

"Of course, no problem."

Hua Wu smiled sweetly, then clinked glasses with everyone and drank the sweet wine.

Chen Hao feels funny in her heart. Hua Wu's ability is not only to go to the tree to catch cats and to go to the house to catch birds. If anyone goes out and locks the house with the key, she will open it in seconds and she can be promoted to China Garden. The chief unlocker.

"Come and come, cook all these top ingredients. This is specially prepared by the boss for you. The beef is from Kobe, the pork is from Italian white pig, this is royal chicken, Liancheng white duck, Sichuan's top pleurotus eryngii, Hokkaido Sashimi, Australian three-headed abalone..."

Xia Jing, who came over to serve, was giving everyone the luxury of popular science ingredients.

"Boss atmosphere, today's meal is really luxurious!"

The subordinates are extremely enthusiastic, and you can't eat such top-class food elsewhere.

Hua Wu used to visit the houses of corrupt officials and profiteers to rob the rich and help the poor. Knowing the prices of these luxury ingredients, she whispered in surprise: "You have prepared such expensive and delicious food for me. It's too expensive!"

Chen Hao smiled and replied: "It's not expensive, I have internal channels, and you can buy these very cheaply. Just eat it. Am I still worried that I can't afford you this snack?"

"Raise me..."

Hua Wu pondered this sentence in her heart, and suddenly thought of an old movie "The King of Comedy" that she had watched. In it, the heroine Cecilia Cheung shouted "If you don't go to work, you can support me", the hero can't afford it. However, it seems that Chen Hao's financial resources do support her casually.

This is just a movie clip, but Hua Wu's face blushed for some reason, and she was a little shy and picked up a cup of alcohol to hide her inner thoughts.

Fortunately, it is hot next to the hot pot, and everyone's face is red, so it is not very obtrusive.

"Xia Jing, there is enough food, no need to work, sit down and eat together." Chen Hao greeted.

"There is still the last special delicacy prepared for the princess. It will be finished soon, and I will come as soon as I go."

Xia Jing smiled mysteriously and went to prepare her special food.

The rest of the people ate the hot pot and sang songs. It was so lively.

The top ingredients are delicious, the mouth is fragrant, and the taste is first-rate.

It looks inconspicuous, but as soon as you eat it, you know that the ingredients in ordinary hot pot beef restaurants are different. Ordinary hot pot restaurants, Haidilao, etc., are mainly full of food, and the ingredients here are of gourmet level. It's an ultimate enjoyment.

Thanks to their work under Chen Hao, otherwise it would be difficult to taste these delicacies.

This is not to say how expensive these ingredients are. Ordinary people can occasionally eat some top-quality ingredients in luxury. The point is that some ingredients are extremely cherished, that is, there are still goods in the tens of billions of subsidies. It is difficult to see the genuine products on the market. If you can't buy it, such as three-headed abalone, you can meet but you can't ask for it.

The reason why this hot pot is so delicious is that the sauce and bottom of the pot specially prepared by the Xia family magnify the deliciousness of the ingredients themselves, so everyone is full of praise for this hot pot.

"It's really good to work for our boss. Not only is the salary high, the remuneration is good, but you can also eat good food. Let's thank the boss together, OK?"

The lively Qiu Yanan stood up and proposed a toast, which was unanimously approved by everyone, so everyone came to respect Chen Hao.

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