You can search for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The meal was almost done, everyone was basically full, so they put down their chopsticks, clinked glasses and chatted.

Chen Hao saw that the time was about to come, so he got up and went outside, lit the bonfire prepared in the courtyard, and turned off the surrounding street lights. In this way, in the dark and silent night, a group of orange-red flames brought uniqueness to everyone Feelings.

Hua Wu also walked out, the blazing fire shining on her pretty face, it looked so beautiful.

A few maid girls had rehearsed, quickly changed their clothes, the speakers in the yard played dance music, and they began to dance in front of the bonfire.

Being able to serve as a maid attentively during the day, and swaying as a dancer in the evening, these six model girls are really versatile and can be regarded as talents recruited by Chen Hao.

In order to set off the atmosphere, Chen Hao also specially ordered fireworks service in the tens of billions of subsidies. Shooting stars-like fireworks rose into the night sky, bursting out with a burst of brilliance, which is so beautiful.

Hua Wu's eyes were full of brilliance, she really liked the feeling that the whole world belonged to her.

"Today's hot pot bonfire party, do you like it?" Chen Hao asked.

"Like, like from the bottom of my heart!"

Hua Wu answered without hesitation, but she was a little lonely, "Is it about to end in a while? I am going back to the ordinary lonely Hua Wu?"

"How come?" Chen Hao smiled, "Do you think they really treat you as a princess or as a friend? There is no princess in our country, and the identity of a princess is only one day, but friends last forever, right? In the garden, you will not be alone!"

Chen Hao's words hit Hua Wu's soft heart all at once. She looked at Chen Hao madly and nodded subconsciously.

"But are you my friend...I hope to be the most special friend." Hua Wu kept haunting this sentence in her heart.

Xia Jing suddenly came over, stunned Chen Hao's arm, spread her hand, and asked Chen Hao for something.

"What do you want?" Chen Hao asked.

"The boss is so stupid, it's too bad if you don't use fireworks at such a good night!" Xia Jing said.


Chen Hao immediately ordered a lot of fireworks from the tens of billions of subsidies, and then distributed them to everyone.

Next, both men and women hold a handful of fireworks, and after they are lit in the fire, they either hold them for fun or put them on the ground to watch the gushing fireworks forming "thousands of pear blossoms", which is so interesting.

Although today is not Chinese New Year, it is even more lively than Chinese New Year. Everyone is having fun.

No matter how good the party was, when it ended, everyone sang and danced around the bonfire and set off fireworks. Until late at night, there was only a pile of dark red coals left in the fire, and their hands and feet were cold and their faces flushed.

"Okay, this is the end of today's party. Everyone should go back to the house to warm up. Don't catch a cold." Chen Hao clapped his hands and announced that today's show is over.

"Okay, let's send the princess back to the palace."

The six model girls were laughing and joking. They performed today's last service mission, and they returned to the room surrounded by Huawu, while the others dispersed.Zero One Reading Network

Chen Hao returned to his villa, sat on the sofa, untied his neckline, and poured a glass of warm water. Today, he was busy working all day, and he was indeed a little tired.

But not long after, knocking on the door twice, Xia Jing suddenly walked in.

"What's wrong? Something?" Chen Hao asked.

"Can't I find you if I'm fine?" Xia Jing asked back.

Chen Hao has already grasped Xia Jing's donkey temper, and when he breaks with her at this time, he will fall into endless stubbornness. Not answering is the best way to deal with it, and she returns to the subject by herself.

Sure enough, Chen Hao ignored her, Xia Jing sat next to him, shook Chen Hao's arm, and asked with a playful smile: "How about the reunion dinner I made today?"

"I didn't taste it, but I can tell it's great!" Chen Hao said.

"Then you said, what would be the effect if I made a reunion dinner in the final of the culinary art competition?"

Xia Jing's words gave an initiation, and Chen Hao suddenly realized that it seemed that Xia Jing had found the password to win the championship.

Recently, Chen Hao has relaxed the standard for Xia Jing, because he has seen the amazing skills of the talented chef Ge Fengbao in Hunan Province. Even Father Xia said that Xia Jing is at least ten years worse than his cooking skills.

In other words, the talented chef named Ge Fengbao has been practicing his cooking skills since he was a child. In addition, he has a culinary heritage. Even if Xia Jing is talented, he can’t make up for the gap in experience. He has little hope of surpassing him. .

Of course, cooking is not a simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. There are miracles. Perhaps Xia Jing's extraordinary performance on the day may win the favor of the judges and win.

Chen Hao hadn't hoped for this before. Xia Jing had already worked very hard. Winning the runner-up would be considered as completing the task. It was not unacceptable, but the task reward would be less.

And tonight Xia Jing suddenly created a reunion dinner that can make people "eating and crying". That's different. Maybe it can really impress the judges.

"You are right. You will improve the reunion dinner in the past few days. What support is needed? Just say, as long as I can buy the ingredients, I will provide them no matter how expensive they are." Chen Hao said.

"I don’t use the ingredients anymore. This time it’s not Buddha jumping over the wall. I don’t need too good ingredients. Instead, the more homely the better. That is, my kitchen knife is getting harder and harder to use. When will the kitchen knife you make for me be good?" Quietly complaining.

Chen Hao smiled and said, "Wait, I will bring it back for you tomorrow!"

It turned out that Senior Brother Hao Duo from the Swordsman Villa today has called Chen Hao and told him that the kitchen knife has been prepared so that he can pick it up at any time, but today Chen Hao is busy giving Princess Huawu and will not go tomorrow Go and get it back early in the morning.

"Well, with the kitchen knife in hand, I can bring you a champion!" Xia Jing was very confident.

Chen Hao gave her a thumbs up. No matter how narcissistic Xia Jing is, at least her winning mood is impeccable, much better than those players who get nervous and make mistakes as soon as they arrive in the competition.

After the two talked about business matters, Xia Jing's peculiar temperament reappeared. She rolled her eyes, and suddenly came close to her warmly, put her arm around Chen Hao's arm with her elastic body, and said: There is a beautiful Huawu sister who lives in. You are quite good at collecting beauties. When Cao Rui comes back next year, the garden is full of beauties. You are so cool."

"What do you say, I am so cool." Chen Hao glared at her, and not long after being serious, he started talking nonsense again.

Xia Jing was also a little annoyed, and let go of his arm with a snorting, and said: "You said you can't be scumbag? You are so handsome, rich, and considerate. Generally, girls are not resistant to you. Okay, be scumbag, the yard full of beauties are not your harem anymore, you can reappear a wine pond meat forest at that time."

Chen Hao really didn't expect Xia Jing to have such a wonderful brain hole, and could actually say such a thing. Under her pure appearance, there must be a woman's heart hidden.

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