You can search for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Today was a happy event. In the evening, Chen Hao arranged for everyone to have a celebration banquet at the star-rated hotel. The staff and friends who participated in the daytime press conference were also present, as well as Zhou Xitong.

This is the first time Chen Hao has brought Zhou Xitong to dinner with his subordinates as his girlfriend, which is equivalent to publicizing the relationship.

Now with Chen Hao's identity and strength, no one would say anything to eat soft food, Zhou Xitong now relies on Chen Hao instead, he is eating hard food.

Chen Hao's men, Wang Qiang, Lai Wu, Zhu Zi, etc., were very polite to Zhou Xitong. Everyone toasted a glass of wine and wanted to have a good relationship with the future boss.

On the contrary, Zhou Xitong felt that these simple and honest men were very interesting, and had a completely different atmosphere from her international dinner at Zhou's.

In Zhoushi International, she is the president, and other subordinates talk to her in awe.

In Chen Hao's place, although Wang Qiang and other subordinates were respectful, they didn't have that kind of deliberate greet. The atmosphere was much more harmonious, and some jokes could be told. This made her very relaxed, so the meal was also very enjoyable.

The meal lasts not long. There is still an important thing to do tonight, which is to review the sample of the advertisement.

At seven o'clock, Chen Hao took a group of brothers and friends back to the China Garden.

In Chen Hao's villa, the seven girls who participated in the commercial shooting, together with Zhou Xitong, all sat in a row, waiting to see their own commercial.

Others include Cao Rui, the manager of the winery, Chen Hao’s right-hand man, Wang Qiang, an old classmate, Lai Wu, good buddy Xing Zetao, and Zhu Min, a great reporter.

This time Chen Hao intends to listen to everyone's opinions widely, after all, the eyes of the masses are discerning.

Chen Hao has already received the sample on the phone. He put the phone on the big screen, and then lowered the lighting in the viewing area, which was similar to the feeling of the theater. The curtain was lowered, everyone kept quiet and watched Chen Hao's first An official commercial.

The first thing that catches your eye is the corridor outside the China Garden.

With a crisp wind bell, people gathered their minds at once, and then their seven court ladies walked in front of the camera. The background blur effect was used to highlight the beauty of the girls and the wine bottles in the tray. .

At this time, there is no background music, only the later foley, which amplifies the footsteps of the girls, and the audience seems to have returned to the Qing Dynasty two hundred years ago.

The footage of about eight or nine seconds in the early stage then turned to the scene of Zhou Xitong's noble concubine drinking. The mandarin duck brocade was lying on her side with a beautiful "concubine empress" who was poised to toast and drink.

The graceful half-lying posture, the graceful face of the article with every face and smile, shocked everyone's heart, as if in front of them was a real imperial concubine of the Qing Dynasty. Only the familiar face between the eyebrows can make people react. Zhou Xitong.

Next, Zhou Xitong drank the wine in the jade cup, and the strange little movement of condensing his eyebrows made people feel that the taste of the wine was unusual.

After that, there was a subtitle showing that the imperial concubine loves to drink this kind of tribute wine, named the palace fruit wine, summoned the wine master to brew the royal wine, and personally wrote the inscription.

Then there is the picture of Zhou Xitong writing the Chinese calligraphy. Because of the length of time, only the last two strokes of the traditional Chinese character "" were kept, but the shot shows that she wrote it herself instead of looking for a substitute. This is better. Many professional actors have passed.

"The palace fruit wine, originated from the palace formula, has now entered the homes of ordinary people..."

Finally, there is a transition, from the Qing Palace to a modern family dinner, and the background sound is a powerful man dubbing, it sounds like a heavy sense of history, just like the voice actor of Guojiao 1573, it sounds very With sense.

At the end of the video, the QR code and contact number of the winery are also left to facilitate customers to order.

The length of the entire video is 21 seconds, which is considered a relatively long advertisement. If the advertisement cost is broadcast, it will be about twice as expensive as the short

"What do you think of this advertisement?" Chen Hao turned on the ambient light, and then clicked the loop to let everyone watch it a second time.

"I think it's good!"

All the girls felt very happy when they saw themselves on stage, they couldn't fault it.

"Generally, it is possible that the advertisements are relatively long, and there may be restrictions on the TV channels. In some periods, long advertisements cannot be broadcast, and the advertising costs are much higher."

Wang Qiang pointedly raised the biggest problem of this advertisement.

"I think it's good." Lai Wu and Xing Zetao didn't understand advertising, so they just felt good.

"Yes, above level."

Professional Zhu Min gave her opinion.

"Tong Tong, what do you think?"

Chen Hao called his girlfriend the nickname in front of everyone.

Zhou Xitong smiled and said: "The advertisement is very beautiful. I will not repeat the advantages. As for the disadvantages, Wang Qiang also pointed out a few points. I will add it. This advertisement has shaped the high style of the product. As the saying goes, there are Forced, then the reverse is ungrounded, high-pitched and unreliable. I don’t think the palace fruit wine can always maintain this high-end image. It is best to shoot a grounded advertisement in the follow-up to expand the user population."

Zhou Xitong is a business elite, and his analysis is also from a business perspective. Once consumers believe that palace fruit wine is a high-end wine, it will contrast with high-end national wines such as Moutai and Wuliangye.

The quality of palace fruit wine is not bad, but this has brought a problem. Nowadays, high-end wine bureaus mostly talk about business, mainly drinking white wine. They pay attention to the unspoken rule of business negotiation after drinking, which is the traditional wine table. culture.

The palace fruit wine is only refreshing, but it rarely makes people drunk, which limits the consumption of the product and is not conducive to the spread of the product.

Therefore, Zhou Xitong said that he wanted to come up with a down-to-earth advertisement, so that ordinary people could choose palace fruit wine for family banquets or outings, so that it would be conducive to the promotion of drinks.

"Yes, this idea is very good, then let the director shoot a few more different types of commercials." Chen Hao agreed, and he decided to increase the advertising investment, guaranteeing a minimum of 50 million.

Fifty million is not so difficult for Chen Hao, who is making money every day. If you are frugal, you will only need to save a week.

Everyone put forward various suggestions, but unanimously praised the quality of the advertisement, and the advertisement passed.

Chen Hao called the manager of the advertising company Cen and said that the advertisement was ok. According to the original plan, it would be broadcast on the whole network tomorrow.

Manager Cen was a little embarrassed and said it would cost a lot of money.

Advertising broadcasts usually first sign a broadcast contract with major media platforms, such as TV stations and websites, to determine the broadcast period, duration, and price. This also takes several days to sign.

However, Chen Hao can’t wait. Today, a press conference has just exploded. Tomorrow, the entire network will be spread out to achieve the most explosive effect. Time is money. One day later, when the topic cools down, the effect will be greater. discount.

In this era, money is not omnipotent, but money can do many things that could not be done.

Chen Hao is willing to spend twice or even twice the price to broadcast the advertisement. Zhou's advertising company will discuss this matter, and strive to start broadcasting the new advertisement of palace fruit wine in major media and well-known TV stations tomorrow. Broadcast.

If the prime time doesn't work, then other secondary time periods are also OK. Anyway, fatigue bombing is required to let people remember the name palace fruit wine mechanically.

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