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There are not only food on this street, but also a variety of folk souvenirs. There are young and lively girls in the queue. Everyone is new to see, and you have to buy a little.

Xing Zetao, who was chasing Qiu Asian male, was regarded as a coolie carrying a bag. The girls bought things and let him hold them.

Xing Zetao, a top hacker, now smiles cheerfully, thinking that carrying a bag is his honor, and Qiu Yanan can praise him, and he probably won't sleep at night.

It has to be said that love can indeed reduce people's IQ, impulsive and blind.

It is now the stall for dinner, surrounded by people, all tourists.

The girls were shopping and playing happily. Suddenly a tourist looked at Hua Wu in amazement and said, "Aren't you the beautiful palace lady who photographed the palace fruit wine?"

It turned out that Hua Wu was in a bare-faced state when she filmed the advertisement on the same day, plus the overwhelming push of the court fruit wine advertisements over the past two days, so that the male tourist suddenly recognized her.

The other model girls painted heavy makeup at the time, but their original appearance has not changed. After recognizing Hua Wu, they were also recognized by the way.

It was the first time that the girls had encountered this kind of recognition. They thought they were already famous, so in addition to Hua Wu, the six model girls confessed their identities shyly.

"It's great, I didn't expect to meet you guys here. Your commercial is made like a movie. It looks good. I have rebroadcast it more than 20 times. I really like it. Can you take a photo with me? "The male tourist said excitedly.

The emotional girls have really met Yan Fan.

The girls were in a good mood, so they agreed to the male fan's request. Six model girls stood with him and took a picture, which was considered a special treatment.

As soon as the surrounding tourists heard that they were actors in the commercials of court fruit wine, the people's lively nature played a role, so they surrounded them with three floors and three floors.

Some people asked for a group photo, some people asked for autographs. In short, they all admired the girls' beauty.

The model girls are also delighted with this kind of celebrity treatment, and take the trouble to meet the various requirements of fans.

The girls are interacting with fans, while Hua Wu is standing outside the circle, looking like no one is near. Chen Hao asked her why she didn't sign, maybe she could gain a few fans.


Hua Wu said happily.

She has a rebellious personality. Others like to be lively and famous, but she doesn't like it. At the beginning, she wanted to shoot an advertisement, not because she liked it, but because Chen Hao called and she completed it as a task, not because she wanted to be famous. Or express yourself.

Hua Wu also remembered the teachings of her deceased mother during her lifetime. As a descendant of the thief, she should not be too famous. Although she does not live by theft, she does not like the excitement.

"Well, let's just watch it by the side."

Chen Hao and Lai Wu and the others are maintaining order outside, so as not to overwhelm the small girls inside.

The model girls are regarded as young celebrities. More than half an hour has passed. This group of fans has continued to increase. The crowd has become more and more bloated. People who didn't know them before saw beautiful girls all around, no matter who it is. , I signed my name first and took a photo together, so I can brag about it in the future.

This caused the girls to be overwhelmed and quickly drowned in the crowd. One by one, they were squeezed like flat boats in the angry waves, and they couldn't stand firmly, and their faces couldn't help but lose their color.

"Alright, that's the end of today's fan meeting."

Chen Hao saw that it was their turn to go, so he squeezed into the crowd with Lai Wu and the others and rescued the six girls.

Those fanatical fans were still unwilling to let the idols go, and they chased after them. Chen Hao Yifu was in charge of Wanfu, his arms were crossed, and the huge power made people unable to pass through, isolated and left empty.

The model girls hurriedly used the opportunity the boss created for them to escape the scene.

Chen Hao then caught up, and the model girls thanked Chen Hao with lingering fears.

"Thank you boss, we are all suffocating inside." Qiu Yanan said fearfully.

"Now that you feel the troubles of the stars, you are all small celebrities. Remember to wear masks and sunglasses when you go out in the future, otherwise it will be difficult to move." Chen Hao laughed.

Indeed, Chen Hao has developed this habit with Zhou Xitong. Zhou Xitong is a well-known business woman who is often surrounded by people. Therefore, he and Chen Hao are always wearing masks and sunglasses.

"Remember now," said Wu Dan, "but when did we become so famous?"

She, a person who doesn't like the Internet, doesn't quite understand this fact.

"Of course he's famous. Although it's not as good as the traditional stars, you are the one who has been the hottest recently."

Otaku Xing Zetao is a network operator, and there are no hot spots on the Internet. In order to prove his point, he took out his mobile phone and opened Weibo, searched for palace fruit wine, and then pulled down the information bar to see a lot of related content.

At first they were discussing the many celebrities of the press conference, but then they began to lose their taste.

The frequency of fruit wine advertising topics has increased significantly, and the eight actresses among them have captured the hearts of many otakus.

The seven court ladies headed by Hua Wu, everyone is like arguing about sweet and salty tofu, each has its own fans, and even netizens even named the model girls Damei, Second Beauty, Sanmei, and Liumei according to their positions.

However, the last Huawu is not called Qimei. She is kindly called "Little Seven" by netizens without makeup, or Qiqi, which is too tired.

"Gosh, I didn't even know I was so famous!"

Qiu Yanan was stunned, and rummaging through his cell phone, it turned out to be the same.

Not only on Weibo, but also on Douyin and Station B where young people like to shop, there are also many of their editing works. Any video can get hundreds of thousands of likes. It is really hot and hot.

"You are not the most popular, our President Zhou, that is the most popular TOP1. We all know that she is a strong business woman. I didn't expect that the commercials will be so amazing. Zhou always has countless hardcore male fans overnight, but also loses Brother Hao is strong, otherwise so many competitors, we should be nervous."

As soon as Xing Zetao finished speaking, everyone laughed, but they all knew that Zhou Xitong and Chen Hao were a pair made by nature, and it was impossible for others to separate them.

Chen Hao also smiled and said: "I really didn't expect an advertisement to make everyone angry, but this is also considered unintentional, but you beautiful girls should pay attention. After you become famous, you will be no better than before. A little thing will be ulterior motive. People are magnified, so some private things in your social accounts must be handled now, so as not to become a taint of attacks in the future."

Chen Hao is right. The Weibo and Douyin of these girls have more or less crazy photos of them during their youth. For example, like Teacher Yu from Deyun Club, he likes to smoke, drink and burn his head. It's the little transparent that no one cares about. When he becomes famous, he may be spread by Heizi and Fanzi.

These girls became nervous one by one, and hurried to deal with the things on the account, even the account name and their own avatar were changed, so as not to be picked out.

"You don't need to be so nervous. When everyone was young, you were all good girls. You are not afraid of shadows. If you encounter problems, tell me in time, and I will help you too." Chen Hao said.

"The boss is the best to us!" Qiu Yanan said cheerfully.

"Then of course, Brother Hao is my best buddy, of course it is interesting to us." Xing Zetao continued.

Qiu Yanan was unwilling to be snatched by him, so he rolled his eyes and glared at Xing Zetao.

Xing Zetao wilted immediately, his neck shrank, and he was speechless.

Everyone was laughing secretly. Xing Zetao was destined to be a strict wife.

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