I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 602: Ouyang's Information

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Chen Hao decided to listen to Zhou Xitong's opinion. He called Li Changjiang and asked Li Changjiang to contact Ouyang Chun. Chen Hao expressed his willingness to negotiate a settlement. As long as he gave the other party some sweetness, maybe this wealthy businessman in the auto industry could still be used for him.

This is just like Lai Wu at the beginning. Lai Wu came to find faults at first, but was educated by Chen Hao, which made him feel repentant and eventually became a capable man.

If operated properly, this Ouyang Chun can also be used.

Then just wait for feedback. Chen Hao treated the Ouyang family with all his benevolence. Ouyang Hai did not severely hold him accountable for what Ouyang Hai did. He didn’t take responsibility for what he did, Ouyang Chun. In my heart, it can be considered very generous.

However, Chen Hao's kindness was not taken seriously by others. At one o'clock in the afternoon, Li Changjiang gave Chen Hao a video report.

On the other end of the video, Li Changjiang's complexion was not very good, and Chen Hao knew that things were going wrong.

"Boss, I didn't do things well, I'm sorry!" Li Changjiang, a half-old man, was bowing and apologizing to Chen Hao.

"Talk about the situation."

Chen Hao was not busy criticizing, and decided to understand the situation before talking.

"The other party didn't see me at all. I waited for a long time outside their company's door before some manager came to pass a message, saying that he wanted you to go in person, and said and said..."

Li Changjiang is embarrassed to say the next thing.

"Just talk."

Chen Hao is already prepared.

"I also said that you want the media to apologize publicly, and prepare another million in compensation, and then talk to him." After Li Changjiang said, he lowered his head, not daring to look at Chen Hao.

He was mainly afraid that the boss would get angry. After all, he was going to handle this matter, and it turned out to be like this. He didn't even have the face to see Chen Hao.

Chen Hao laughed. The name Ouyang Chun was really correct. It was really stupid. He didn't know how to cherish him down the steps. Putting these conditions, thought he was a counselor who likes to cede land for compensation?

"Since he doesn't want to talk, then don't talk about it, I will solve this matter." Chen Hao said.

"Okay, I need how to cooperate, boss, you just need to say something, I will go through all kinds of fire and water, and I won't hesitate." Li Changjiang promised.

Chen Hao waved his hand and he didn't need to show his loyalty. This Li Changjiang was a bit tricky and slick, and his brain was not very bright. It was okay to be a defensive manager. It is not realistic to expect him to do big things.

Since the Ouyang family has no repentance and can make an inch of it, then tough measures are needed.

Similar to dealing with the Guan-style family, the first step in dealing with enemies is to obtain information. This task is still routinely handed over to good buddy Xing Zetao.

Xing Zetao now lives in the China Garden, and he circles around his beloved Qiu Ya-nan every day, but the progress is only to speak normally. Qiu Ya-nan has a high vision and currently has no feeling for Xing Zetao.

Although Chen Hao is her boss, but feelings are not easy to force, he will not interfere with his brother's feelings.

When Chen Hao approached Xing Zetao, he immediately returned to his room, connected to the computer, and started to inquire about Ouyang Chun for Chen Hao.

Ouyang Chun is not a big person with a background. His information is easy to find. A few hours later, a printed stack of information is placed in front of Chen Hao.

"Ouyang Chun, he made his fortune by dumping second-hand bread. At that time, it was popular noodles in the past nine years, and he somehow made it. Later, he started selling new cars, drove all the way, branded 4S shops, and went to the provincial general agent. Finally, the import and export of automobiles. The business is getting bigger and bigger. Now he conservatively estimates that he has seven or eight billion in assets. The money is nothing. The key is that he has the right to speak in the automobile overseas trade line and the automobile industry. So that it can catch the neck of our shared car."

Xing Zetao told Chen Hao what he had heard.

Chen Hao is noncommittal and is looking at this information carefully.

"Hey, let me tell you that this Ouyang Chun is not well-known outside the car circle, but I have to mention his son Ouyang Hai, but half of China knows it. The news that the dude broke a few years ago was not playing a female star. That is to say, the big-bellied female college students are always abandoned, and there are too many reports on Weibo. Also, is he not a car? Ouyang Hai drives a tiger, often making a certain model of luxury cars in the world Crash, because the accident did not miss the news, and the cars that had lost money were of good quality, or else they were two meters tall."

Xing Zetao is most interested in these gossips, and next will give Chen Hao the second generation of popular science car Ouyang Hai.

Speaking of Xing Tou, he suddenly remembered that in his 20 T hard drive, there seemed to be a video of Ouyang Hai and the female celebrity.

"It's so exciting, the flower that the two played with is simply a textbook. Would you like to show it to you?"

When Xing Zetao talked about this, he was not sleepy anymore, his eyes were bright, and he was eager to share good things with his friends.

"No, watch less of that kind of video, it's bad for your health."

Chen Hao put down the information and educates his good buddies.

Xing Zetao "sincerely" smiled: "Isn't that what I saw when I didn't have a girlfriend before to resolve my loneliness? If I chase Qiu Yanan, who would look at that stuff? Isn't it good for real people to practice it?"

Chen Hao was amused now, and he started to fantasize without a stroke of the good brother, but Chen Hao still wished him success, leave the order as soon as possible, and no longer rely on the finger girl to live his life.

After the nonsense was over, Chen Hao began to analyze Ouyang Chun's weaknesses from these materials. After reading the materials carefully again, he suddenly found a bright spot.

"Look, although Ouyang Chun has the final say in the auto industry, he doesn't seem to have an official status." Chen Hao said.

After Xing Zetao looked at it, he also found out: "Yes, many wealthy businessmen are members of the association in a certain industry. It seems that he did not join the association because he had committed a problem before and was not clean.

"That is to say, as long as he sells his company, then his power in the auto industry will belong to me?" Chen Hao pondered.

Xing Zetao's expression moved: "It seems to be such a reason. What Ouyang Chun is really compelling is that his car sales involve a long industrial chain. People in the industry dare not offend him. If Brother Hao, you buy his company, it will be a It’s a good opportunity to enter the automobile industry. Driving a luxury car will be as easy as drinking cold water."

Xing Zetao finished thinking about it, but showed an embarrassed expression: "However, his Yuantong Automobile Trading Company seems to have a very good business. It is a cash cow. I guess he will not sell it!"

"It's okay, he is not a sole proprietorship company, I can buy it!" Chen Hao said confidently.

He has a special edition of tens of billions of subsidies as a backer, and he can even directly use points to force the acquisition. There is no need to worry about this, just prepare the points.

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