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"Three Body" has a classic saying: Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, but arrogance is.

This dog-legged employee had committed the original sin of arrogance. He thought that he could beat the enemy in front of Young Master Ouyang with 10 people to claim credit, but he didn't know what kind of opponent he encountered.


Although Lai Wu had a small number of people, he was awe-inspiring. The four people he brought were all a little loose and solid. He drew out a standard ASP swing stick in his hand and formed a complementary horn formation to face twice and a half of the enemy.

"Kill them and vent your anger to Young Master Ouyang!"

The dog-legged staff here would also encourage him. He took the rubber stick borrowed from the security guard and took the lead.

It was him who was waiting for Lai Wu. After exchanging eyes with the other brothers, they unified their tactics. They were not in love with each other, so they went to meet that dogleg.

Dodging the first stick from the opponent, Lai Wu and the other brother suddenly slammed a stick on the other's cheek, and suddenly the man sobbed and screamed, and hard particles spewed out of his mouth, and then fell to the ground. On the ground, the whole face felt hot and painful.

The other three brothers were also unambiguous, each of them knocked down the two opponents in front of them, and then they immediately retreated and regained their defensive formation.

The other party is a white-collar worker who usually sits in the office. I have seen such ruthless people there, and the momentum is stopped.

Lai Wu and others are the masters of fighting on the street all year round, and they will take advantage of the opportunity to see that the other party's momentum vents, but instead greet them and shake them out.

After receiving the training, they are desperate and ruthless in fighting, as if they are fierce, and compared to the white-collar workers of Yuantong, like flowers in the greenhouse, facing the stubbing sticks, they will be unconscious. To protect yourself, there are subconscious behaviors of closing your eyes and muscle contraction for defense.

The brave who fought on the battlefield won. Lai Wu and the others had the advantage of kung fu. Now they still have the advantage of momentum. If they have too much advantage, they turned into a victory. Their attack again defeated two people and injured. One person, then immediately retreated, avoiding the opponent's counterattack.

Lai Wu stepped back and adjusted his formation again, which was back to his previous state, except that the opponent had already been beaten down for a few people. As long as there were a few more rounds, the opponent had such a small number of people, and they were only allocated as sandbags.

The fact is that they don't need to fight again. The flowers in these greenhouses, who have seen the ferocious appearance of these wolves and tigers, are timid one by one, but they only helped the injured colleague and returned to the line.

Everyone has selfish intentions. This fight during working hours is just the salary of the boss. If you are injured, you don’t know if you suffer, and you don’t know if there is a work-related injury reimbursement. No one wants to fight hard.

Therefore, in less than a minute, the dog-legged 10-member team was defeated by Lai Wu.

Fighting quality, superior and superior, and Laiwu came out on top.

Lai Wu came back and Chen Hao returned to life here: "Boss, the kid who disrespects you has already slapped your mouth, do you still feel satisfied?"

Looking at that dog leg again, people are a little faint, the whole mouth is bruised and swollen, the corners of the mouth are full of blood, and the air leaks when he opens his mouth. Because he has four front teeth, three of them were knocked out by Lai Wuyi stick. Now his mouth is numb. I can't tell.

This is the price he dares to offend Chen Hao's boss. No matter who you are, you will slap your mouth when you swear, but this time the slap is not with a slap, but with a stick. Lai Wu, the former Litong County eldest brother, played hard.

"Young master, you have to call the shots for me."

The bloody dog ​​leg, sobbing to Ouyanghai.

"Trash, dozens of them hit others and got hurt, what did you eat?"

Ouyang Hai didn't comfort him, instead he yelled at him. This shameful embarrassment made him ashamed. It would be kind to him if he didn't kick him a few feet.

This sentence suddenly chilled the staff of Yuantong. They worked as a helper for Ouyang Hai, the second generation ancestor, and ended up being injured and scolded. No one of them really worked hard, and they all became wait and see.

"Don't jump up and down like a clown."

At this time Chen Hao stood up from his chair, the time was up, there was no need to talk nonsense with Ouyang Hai.

"Master Ouyang, this person's brain is a bit abnormal, so don't get familiar with him. You can just find someone to arrest him and send him to a mental hospital."

In addition, an employee wearing glasses offered flattery and a bad idea.

"Insult our boss, are you tired of life?"

Lai Wu's eyes suddenly became fierce, and the security company personnel behind him stood in a row together, and they all took out a unified-standard swing stick and placed a charge formation.

In their hearts, Boss Chen Hao should not tolerate blasphemy, and they have one more target for punishment.

Seeing this situation, the spectacles employee was afraid of stepping into the footsteps of the previous doglegs, so scared to shrink back, he dared not speak.

Chen Hao smiled. With such courage, he still wanted to challenge him. It was an insult to win.

"Okay, we don't need to be familiar with these people, we should go in to take over the company." Chen Hao said lightly.

Lai Wu's eyes lit up, and he knew well that Chen Hao never said slurs, so this huge Yuantong company seemed to be newly acquired by the boss.

So he led the team in front of him and escorted Chen Hao into the company.

As for the employees of the other company, they couldn't help but retreat one by one, and they retreated into the company. Some even suggested to block the door quickly so that no one would come in. It was okay to persuade them.

"Retreat or retreat, give it to me, hit hard, if something happens, I will go around!" Ouyang Hai yelled in the last row.

However, the people around him were chilling, and they screamed happily, but none of them came forward. Instead, they were still backing away.

They were fifty or sixty people, and they were scared off by the fifty or thirty people Lai, and they were not in the same rank at all.

There was Yuantong’s supervisor who had to stand up. He shouted, "You all quit, otherwise I will call the police!"

However, no one backed down. They followed Boss Chen Hao to take over the new company. Why are they afraid?

The supervisor also felt that he could no longer retreat, otherwise he would not take responsibility. Afterwards, his supervisor would end up, so he bit his head and led his colleagues to stop Chen Hao and his group from going.

"Get out of the way, otherwise don't blame us for being rude." Lai Wu snorted coldly.

"You are invading illegally and gathering crowds to make trouble, aren't you afraid of being arrested?" the other supervisor shouted.

"We Chen always come to take over your company, and it is you who make trouble!" Lai Wu shouted.

"Nonsense, we have tens of billions of companies, and there are branches all over the country. Can you country folks afford it?"

The people over there proudly said.

"Our manager Chen has great financial resources. It is not easy to acquire a small broken company from you."

Lai Wu's young men were not to be outdone and ridiculed.

If the words were not speculative, just when the verbal conflict was about to be transformed into a physical conflict, a Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle rushed from a distance. The car drove to the door of the company and slammed the brakes, making a very harsh friction sound.

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