I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 608: Shrinking One Percent

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Chen Hao suddenly saw Ouyang Hai, and he was still talking on the phone with a surprised look over there.

Chen Hao said to a group of Yuantong people: "You still listened to his command before, didn't you?"

"Sorry Boss Chen, we were bewitched by this kid Ouyang Hai!"

The group of Yuantong employees immediately showed their loyalty.

Chen Hao said, "I don’t blame anyone who doesn’t know. Now I’ll give you a chance to take a guilty conviction and give me control of Ouyang Hai, as well as those who beat me yesterday. Several masterminds have been found out. I will deal with them later. ."

"Know! Know! Let's do it now!"

In order for this group of employees to commit crimes, a group of people began self-inspection.

Adhering to the idea of ​​a deadly daoist fellow, I pulled out a few doglegs that hugged Ouyang’s thighs. Yesterday they beat the people the most, so they also received Ouyang Hai’s praise and red envelope rewards, everyone knows This matter.

This is really a present-day report. These doglegs got red envelopes yesterday and were still complacent. Everyone boasted that they had beaten Li Changjiang into an inhuman form. As a result, they became a target today, and the parties were trembling and frightened.

The traitor had been found out, and Ouyang Hai was still missing, so a large group of people rushed towards Ouyang Hai at the door.

Chen Hao smiled slightly, satisfied with the feeling that these few words can be used for him...

At this moment, Ouyang Hai was still talking on the phone with his boss, and he asked why his family company would be transferred.

When Ouyang Chun heard this, he scolded himself as a rebellious son: "What the hell! Are you drinking too much again? How could I sell the company!"

"Dad, really, I didn't believe it at first, but the police are here, and they are all true. If you don't believe it, check it yourself." Ouyang Hai said with a sad face.

"I can be mad at you, even a little Chen Hao can't handle it, it's really embarrassing to me!"

Ouyang Chun was so angry that he went to check suspiciously after putting down the phone.

When the result of the query was displayed on the computer screen, the owner of the equity had Chen Hao's name written on it, like a nail, pierced into his heart.

"How come? When did I sell the equity?"

Ouyang Chun felt a heart attack inexplicably, he rubbed his eyes carefully, but the result remained the same.

"There must be something wrong with the computer system, how could there be such a serious error!"

Ouyang Chun was comforting himself, and then he went to the safe at home and searched for the equity documents he had deposited. That was the strongest proof that he was the boss of the company.

As a result, when he opened the safe, took out the shareholding book and checked it, he suddenly found that the content of the shareholding book in his memory had changed. The current owner of the shareholding that belonged to him also had Chen Hao's name written in black and white. And there is a brand new transfer agreement next to it, and the signing date is actually today.

"Damn it!"

Ouyang Chun checked and found that the various ID numbers were correct, as well as the number of the transfer and payment by Chen Hao.

Ouyang Chun went to check his bank account again, and she realized that a sum of more than 90 million yuan worth of funds was indeed entered today.

But according to his original company valuation of nearly 10 billion, this gap is too much, and it has shrunk to one percent. This is precisely the discount ratio of using the discount carousel.

This money is the tens of billions of subsidy special edition. When completing this transaction, Chen Hao collected 9 points after discounting, and then transferred to Ouyang Chun's worth of funds. As for why it is so small, that is, the special edition has only so much valuation.

The special edition of tens of billions of subsidies is a fair, just and mysterious app. Even if it is a compulsory sale, it will pay clearly marked prices.

It collects points from the VIP user Chen Hao, and then transfers the corresponding amount to the seller. It is not deceptive, and it will magically change various procedures at the same time. It has been implemented in this way before, and others can't find the problem.

But this time, by coincidence, Chen Hao used the discount carousel. Originally, there was a large purchase order for 900 points of equity, but it turned into a 0.1% discount, that is, one percent of the original price. Under the effect of the prescribed procedures, The actual payment amount represented by the amount of 9 points has shrunk a hundredfold, from more than 9 billion to more than 90 million.

No one is wrong in this, but only Ouyang Chun himself suffered a blood loss. It is said that Chen Hao is lucky and strong, and Ouyang Chun is also self-inflicted. If he does not provoke Chen Hao repeatedly, Chen Hao will naturally not find him. On the head, and use the discount carousel.

Maybe this is just the retribution that he has done too much.

Ouyang Chun didn't think he was wrong. He thought it must be a conspiracy against him. When he got the bad news, his first reaction was to call the police. It must be Chen Hao who was pitting his property. This was a fraud!

However, when the call was connected, he suddenly looked dull and hung up. The reason was simple. It was useless to call the police. It was the same as his son who was warned when he called the police.

There is his own handprint and signature on this transfer contract, as if he wrote it up himself, and his account has indeed received money, and the contract number is also real, that is, the transfer is reasonable and legal.

This is a legitimate business transaction. As for the selling price of only one percent of the original price, it can only show that the selling price is low, but it cannot be classified as a fraud, and it is useless to call the police.

Ouyang Chun wanted to find someone to talk about this unthinkable thing, but after dialing a phone call, the friend was startled at first, but when Ouyang Chun said that all the procedures were complete and the contract was in his safe. , The documents were all automatically changed, and the friend urged him to take more rest.

Indeed, only after being overly tired, will there be this kind of unclear performance. For others, who would believe Ouyang Chun's words?

It was because of a friend, otherwise that friend would think Ouyang Chun was crazy.

This is the power of the Special Edition of Ten Billion Subsidy. You know there is a problem, but you can't find evidence.

Even Chen Hao, the only VIP user, couldn't find out, and Ouyang Chun didn't make it.

"What the hell is going on? I have to go to Chen Hao to make it clear!"

Ouyang Chun stayed for a while, suddenly a Ji Ling stood up, he immediately asked the driver to drive and took him to Yuantong Company, he wanted to figure out what was going on.

And his son Ouyang Hai, who was in Yuantong Company, just put down the phone, he found a group of respectful employees who used to follow him, surrounded him aggressively...

At this moment, in the general manager's office of Yuantong Company, Chen Hao was sitting in the boss chair, listening to the company's senior executives introducing themselves.

Those supervisors who usually live up to the top, now have their heads low, standing in a row in front of the new boss Chen Hao, ready to report work one by one.

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