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The group came to the Red Cross Hospital where Li Changjiang was located. There were more than 20 of them. Among them, Lai Wu and others took Ouyang Hai into the elevator together. What others didn't know, they thought it was the patient's family.

Ouyang Hai's cheeks were red and swollen, and he was dragged into the ward without any strength.

In the ward, several injured employees in other shared cars were there. They saw Chen Hao coming, and they said hello together, and Li Changjiang also struggled to sit up.

After recuperating today, he has improved a lot, but he can only lie down, his body hurts and his head is dizzy.

"Don't move. I brought the person who beat you. You can figure out how to vent your anger later."

As soon as Chen Hao waved his hand, the five guys who instigated the beating were pushed in. The other four walked in by themselves, while Ouyang Hai was still standing with two people, just like dealing with criminals.

"It's you, Ouyang Hai!"

Li Changjiang didn't expect Chen Hao to actually arrest the eldest son of Ouyang's family.

You must know that Ouyang Chun is also the number one big man, knowing many famous figures in the auto industry, and of course his son has also become the prince of the auto industry, no one dares to mess with.

But now Chen Hao actually took the risk of offending Ouyang Chun in order to give him a subordinate who was not a die-hard man. Li Changjiang choked with excitement.

"Why are you still in a daze, apologize, President Li doesn't let go, don't want to leave!"

Seeing that these people didn't respond, Lai Wu let out a stern cry from behind, making the five people shudder.

Lai Wu followed Chen Hao for a long time, and now he also has the momentum in him. Although it is only a little bit, it is terrifying enough for ordinary people. Every time he hears a word, he is frightened.

The four who beat them were all under Ouyang Hai's instructions. Now that Ouyang Hai is arrested by Chen Hao, they have lost the courage to resist, and bowed their heads one by one, confessing to Li Changjiang.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Li, we did something wrong yesterday and shouldn't hit you. We know that we were wrong, and we will bear the cost."

These four people are all aware that it will be easier to admit their mistakes at this time.

One of the more flexible minds noticed that Li Changjiang would not be relieved, and he might as well do it himself instead of waiting for others to punish him.

So he lifted his hand and slapped his face fiercely.

The other three saw that their colleagues had slapped themselves, and they could not lag behind, so they all followed the same pattern. The slapped slaps in the ward appeared one after another, as if they were playing a piece of percussion.

The depressive atmosphere on the scene made these four people dare not stop. Although their cheeks were burning, they all gritted their teeth and continued to smoke until Li Changjiang was relieved.

"Forget it, the four of you are also instructed by others, so be it."

Li Changjiang took a deep breath and forgave the four people.

He had no grudges or hatreds with these four people, thinking from another position, if Chen Hao asked him to hit someone, he would not hesitate to do it, so these four were just accomplices, but not so hateful.

They slapped themselves, with fingerprints on their cheeks and heavy hands, so Li Changjiang was relieved and decided to let them go.

"Thank you Boss Li for his generosity!"

The four people bowed together and apologized, then stepped aside.

Only Ouyang Hai was left on the scene, and everyone focused on him.

After all, Ouyang Hai is a dude. He used to beat others, and he hadn't admitted his fault to others. He was scrupulous about face and didn't say anything. He looked away without any apology, and he didn't even say anything.

Lai Wu shouted again: "Ouyang Hai, do you want me to teach you how to apologize? You didn't say it yourself, don't force me to apologize for you yourself!"

The "help" Lai Wu said here is probably similar to the previous two slaps, using practical actions to let him learn and grow.

Ouyang Hai's cheeks on both sides were still aching, thinking that he might have to be twitched, he felt a little scared, his mouth squirmed, but he still didn't say anything.

"I check 5 numbers, 5, 4, 3..."

Lai Wu gave him a countdown, and Ouyang Hai gritted his teeth, remembering his glorious time, no matter how he went out, others would call him a young master, for the sake of the image and face of the young master, he decided to carry it out.

When Lai Wu counted to 0, seeing Ouyang Hai still not moving, he became angry too. He walked over and raised his big hand to continue slapping.

Ouyang Hai closed his eyes in fright and flinched and hid back. However, the two brothers who were holding him grabbed his arms to fix him, so that he could only concentrate on pumping.


Two more heavy slaps slapped Ouyang Hai's hair into a mess, looking in a trance.

When he came over, he felt salty in his mouth. When he vomited it out, he found that there was red foam, and it was bleeding from his gums.

Young Master Ouyanghai got angry and said fiercely: "You have the ability to kill me! Why don't I just beat someone, and I didn't die, how much medical expenses, say the number, can I still pay for it?"

Ouyang Hai said it lightly, as if things in the world could be solved with money.

This attitude was too bad, Lai Wu was furious, raised his hand and continued to fight, but Chen Hao stopped.

"Lai Wu!" Chen Hao shouted.

Lai Wu immediately stopped and stood at attention, waiting for the boss' orders.

Ouyang Hai breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that if Chen Hao was convinced by his master's manner, he should know that Ouyang Master was not easy to provoke.

Unexpectedly, Chen Hao hooked his finger and called the employees who were injured yesterday.

"Didn't you listen to him? Kill him if we have the ability. As employees of the company, of course, we must meet the needs of our customers, so let him enjoy the treatment."

Listening to Chen Hao's words, Ouyang Hai felt that something was wrong.

Chen Hao continued: "We don’t want his life either. Just follow Li Changjiang’s injury and copy it on this young master Ouyang. The requirements are exactly the same! How much medical expenses he spends on the treatment, I will double it, not triple it. , I'm so talkative."

The injured employees were a little startled. Look at me and I look at you. They were all surprised at this order for a while. This is for them to take revenge.

Lai Wuze urged: "What are you doing in a daze, do it! The boss has given you a chance, I don't know how to use it, is it a man?"

These employees heard that since there are big bosses backing them up, they are not afraid. They just avenge President Li and vent their anger, so when someone goes up, they punched him and hit the face of Ouyang Haiyou.

The rest of the employees are not polite now. Some round their fists, some slash their hair and kick their feet. Anyway, they all saw how Li Changjiang was beaten yesterday. Boss Chen Hao asked for a perfect copy, so they even had to beat up. Copy exactly the same.

The two strong boys who had supported Ouyang Hai before then withdrew their hands and left to make room for the revenge brothers.

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