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"Isn't this the little seventh palace lady?"

"So pretty, so cute!"

At this time, there was a cry of exclamation. It turned out that Hua Wu was recognized by the tourists, and a group of male and female fans gathered around.

However, Hua Wu didn't like contact with strangers. She stepped lightly. She could not stop the others, she shuttled out in the crowd in a few strokes, and no one could touch the corner of her clothes.

"Sorry, I don't accept interviews and photos." Hua Wu entered the China Garden after leaving a sentence.

"Wow, I have a character, I like it!" The eyes of a few male fans shined brightly.

The main reason is that Hua Wu looks good, and no matter how cold her temper is, the enthusiasm of these lonely men cannot be quenched.

A few tourist girls came over and begged the security guard: "Brother security guard, you are the most handsome, so let us go in. We can give you the ticket money, just take a look and don't touch your house."

The security was also embarrassed by the begging of the girls. He glanced at Chen Hao. The boss is here, so he dare not act favoritism.

"No, you can't go in without the boss's order. This is a private house." The security guard said sternly.

"Really, it's really hard to get out of the car when they drive, and they won't let in. It's really disappointing." The girl vomited.

This sentence moved Chen Hao's heart. He had an immature idea. Maybe it is not a bad thing to be blocked by tourists.

Chen Hao returned to the courtyard and found a model girl who was practicing dance.

After a few days of development, their six sisters started dancing with flowers, so tourists from all over the world would come in to meet them. However, they are still practicing dance conscientiously. Be proud of being famous.

"Hi boss!"

The model girls saw Chen Hao coming and took the initiative to say hello.

"You are welcome, you practice yours, and Wu Dan will come over."

Chen Hao called the eldest sister Wu Dan aside.

U Dan is very prestigious among model girls. Usually, her words represent the other five girls.

"Boss, what's the matter, please tell me!"

Wu Dan respects Chen Hao very much. He took them in when they were at a low point in their lives, and they were treated very well. They have become popular recently. This is the blessing of the boss, and she is content.

"That's right, I want to talk to you. You have gained popularity recently. I want to ask, do you have any plans for your future career plans?"

Chen Hao wanted to know if they had any plans to quit and fly solo. If so, he wouldn't force it to stay. After all, everyone has their own ambitions.

Although Chen Hao and them are bosses and subordinates, they are more like friends. Chen Hao hopes to see them have a bright future.

"Our fame is given by your boss. We all know that we are grateful and will always work for the boss. This is our future plan!" Wu Dan answered without hesitation.

Chen Hao smiled with satisfaction: "I am optimistic about you too. Now that you are famous, your salary will increase. I will let Xia Jing be responsible for your salary. I plan to sign a new contract after the Spring Festival. Can you think it will work? "

"Yes," Wu Dan said quite loyally, "In fact, the wages are quite a lot now, and we are very content."

These straightforward girls are more loyal than some men, and they are more emotional, that is, they value affection and light money, and will not leave as soon as they are famous.

"Okay, I see, you guys will behave well, and you won't be treated badly in the future."

With a slight smile, Chen Hao decided to sign the contract again.

Wu Dan's heart is warm, and it is their blessing to have such a considerate and generous boss.

After the conversation, Wu Dan went back to practice dance, and Chen Hao went to visit Xia Jing. She always sent WeChat messages these past two days, but Chen Hao didn't reply a few.

When Chen Hao came to her residence, Xia Jing was still wearing a chef’s uniform, experimenting with dishes in front of the stove. After returning from the last cooking contest, she became fascinated. She spontaneously spent several hours in front of the stove every day, more than work. diligent.

Perhaps it was stimulated by the talented chef Ge Fengbao and wanted to catch up with him.

Seeing Chen Hao's return, Xia Jing was overjoyed, she immediately brought a plate of brightly colored dishes on the table.

"Try it, my new experiment!"

The smile on Xia Jing's face was a bit mysterious.

Chen Hao took a bite of the chopsticks, and the taste was good, but after a few chews, his brows wrinkled. The taste was a bit weird. He didn't like the taste.

"How is it?" Xia Jing asked with a smile.

"still alright."

Chen Hao couldn't bear to beat her enthusiasm, so he gave a vague answer.

"Huh, it's dishonest at first glance. It's obviously not tasty, but it's okay. Men are the most deceptive." Xia Jing pouted and buttoned Chen Hao a big hat.

Chen Hao smiled and said, "Why is this dish substandard?"

Xia Jing said: "I'm experimenting with new methods, and I can't succeed every time. This is just a failed work. I will show you a taste. If you have diarrhea, remember to tell me and I will modify the formula later."

"You are using me as a guinea pig." Chen Hao couldn't help but complain.

"No, you are the big fat pig in the experiment!" Xia Jing laughed after she finished speaking.

Chen Hao also laughed. Of course he knew that Xia Jing was joking. Although this dish tastes strange, it is absolutely hygienic and does not cause diarrhea.

Cooking is clean, hygienic and nutritious, which is a must for chefs.

Xia Jing is such a happy fruit, which can draw laughter anytime and anywhere.

She then tweeted, what did Chen Hao do in the past few days, and she doesn't even like to reply to WeChat, did she have a pretty girl again?

"Don't save others by yourself, I bought a new company and I'm busy taking over." Chen Hao said.

"Career mad, I have time to eat more of the dishes I cook in the future. You can't make money. Enjoying my food is the first priority."

Xia Jing was instilling strange ideas into Chen Hao.

The two chatted for a while, and she talked to Chen Hao about the tourists at the door.

"Now there are more tourists day by day. I originally came rushing to Wu Dan and the others, but after I was on TV, I would be surrounded when I went out. It was so annoying. There were also reporters inside, asking questions about you.

As she said, Xia Jing's expression became very ambiguous, and she leaned close to Chen Hao's ear and said, "There are other gossip reporters who think that the beauties of Wu Dan and I are your little mistresses, and they praise you for being beautiful!

"What kind of messy people!" Chen Hao was a little annoyed. This tourist problem has to be solved, and there will be more people if it drags on.

This is indeed a problem. It’s a tourist area outside my home, and I can’t drive tourists away. If I live here in the future, it will definitely be noisy. At least the security force must be strengthened. It is necessary to have 20 or 30 security guards, otherwise it may not be able to resist. Enthusiastic tourists and fans.

To solve the tourist problem, Chen Hao's previous immature idea came to mind again.

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