I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 638 New Efficacy of Wu Qin Xi

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"Hey, let me prepare, and you will be surprised."

Facing Chen Hao's urgency, Zhou Xitong pointed his nose with jade, very playful.

Today, the birthday star is the biggest. Although Chen Hao is already on the line, he has to be patient at this time and let Zhou Xitong go to the bathroom.

According to the speed of the woman's bathing, it was at least half an hour later, and Chen Hao saw that it was almost 12 o'clock, and the intimacy must be until tomorrow.

In order to pass this boring time, Chen Hao took out his mobile phone to check the Moments, and found that everyone who stayed in Hope was crazy. They had just started the late night dance, and Xia Jing also issued a declaration that he would play all night tonight.

The girls filmed a variety of luxurious scenes on the ship, and they received countless praises on Weibo. Some people asked what kind of ship it was, and they wanted to play, and asked whether the ticket was expensive.

"Sorry, this is our boss's private cruise and it is not open to the public." Qiu Yanan answered on the spot.

Some of their friends said half-jokingly: "Wow, is that the boss who let you live in the villa? He has such a luxurious private cruise ship? Does your boss still lack the boss wife? Wait online, urgent!"

"You are late, we have a lady boss, today is to celebrate the birthday of the lady boss, the boss bought the cruise ship."

Qiu Yanan's explanation made those close friends jealous and hate, but it was a pity that he was not a country of beauty, and he was not liked by the rich.

"Do you think our boss is such a superficial person? Tell you, our boss wife is Zhou Xitong, President Zhou, wait until you can manage the top 500 companies, and then come to chase love."

As Qiu Yanan said, those women who want to get rich overnight will die. The local tyrants are too demanding, and they are destined to be out of luck, so they should lower their grades and find an affordable man who opens BBA.

Chen Hao was looking at the photos sent by his subordinates, when the door of the room suddenly opened, Zhou Xitong had already walked in.

Chen Hao is a little strange. It hasn't been ten minutes since he went out. Why is he taking a bath so quickly today?

When he looked over, his eyes became straight, and he didn't even notice the phone dropped to the ground.

I saw Zhou Xitong had put on a set of black lace pantyhose, and he was wearing two decorative cat ears.

This is the kind of clothes that couples often wear to adjust their tastes, highlighting the charm of women, the combination of white and black, the visual conflict is too intense, only a small part of Zhou Xitong's skin is covered by the streamlined fabric, still holding the pipa half-hidden. This obscurity makes her charm more invincible.

Chen Hao once wanted to let Zhou Xitong wear this kind of clothes to adjust the atmosphere, but she refused mercilessly. Unexpectedly, she suddenly took the initiative to wear it today and gave Chen Hao a surprise.

"My wife, you are so beautiful!"

Chen Hao couldn't help but praise. Zhou Xitong, who put on this set of pantyhose, was suddenly transformed into a wild black cat by the dignified goddess. Chen Hao, who was scratching, was itchy, opened his arms and walked towards her impatiently.

Zhou Xitong smiled sweetly and rushed to meet Chen Hao. When the two were hugging each other, she suddenly pushed Chen Hao onto the bed.

Chen Hao was a little surprised. The conservative Zhou Xitong rarely performed such extraordinary performances, and didn't know what she was going to do.

"Husband, thank you for allowing me to spend a perfect day today. You have fulfilled my dream all the time. Then, in return, I will also fulfill your dream."

As he said, Zhou Xitong's fragrant tongue licked along his red lips, a flame was burning in his eyes, and the whole person rushed up, wild and unreasonable.

Chen Hao realized that he was wrong, and that he was wrong. Tonight's girlfriend, not a little black cat, has evolved into a black leopard. Seeing that this posture is going to devour him and eat it all.

Tonight, some have fun.

Chen Hao is in the blessing. If it is better to say that it is the cold and orthodox Zhou Xitong or this wild leopard, Chen Hao will only have one answer, that is, children make choices, and adults choose all!

The twelve o'clock bell rang, but the two people in the house had fallen into the ocean of love, and the waves of love seemed to never stop.

The light in Chen Hao's bedroom was on all night (96873 words are omitted here)...

The next day, until three poles in the sun, Chen Hao opened his eyes laboriously, feeling that his whole body was powerless, his head was dizzy, and he couldn't gather his energy, as if he had been doing physical work all night.

In his arms is the soft and slippery Zhou Xitong, holding him firmly like an octopus, sleeping very sweetly.

Chen Hao looked around in a daze and found that there were fragments of clothes everywhere, all kinds of tissues and small pink packages that had been taken apart, and the sheets were crumpled. All of this explained the degree of madness last night.

Recalling the process yesterday, Chen Hao couldn't believe that it was his cold and conservative girlfriend.

Yesterday, Zhou Xitong and Cheetah, who had been hungry for a week, almost swallowed Chen Hao.

This kind of novel experience made Chen Hao not control himself, so it caused the fact that he was hollowed out.

Of course, Zhou Xitong was also uncomfortable. There were bruises all over his white skin, which were their masterpieces last night.

Zhou Xitong was also exhausted. Chen Hao pulled out of her arms. She did not wake up. The two of them did not sleep until dawn. She was extremely tired and asleep.

Chen Hao quietly got out of bed. As soon as he stood up, he felt a sore waist and backache, and his knees were sore. It is no wonder that the ancients would say that the emperor did not reign early from now on, and it is true. There is no intention to deal with the political affairs at all.

Chen Hao found a set of clothes from the closet and put it on, cleaned up all the trash, and went outside.

In the winter sun, Chen Hao started a day of exercise, playing Wu Qin Xi slowly.

Because of the body's buoyancy, every move was very difficult, but then the movements became faster and faster, and it seemed that there was a breath of energy that radiated from the body from the inside out, merged into the limbs and the limbs, filling the lack of physical strength.

After one punch, Chen Hao recovered a lot, and after another set, he became radiant.

"Wu Qin Xi still has this effect?"

Chen Hao was very happy. He played twice in a row and his physical strength returned to normal.

Now that Chen Hao understands, it’s no wonder that Wu Qin Xi has this hidden function to strengthen the body, so there is no need to worry about the consequences of occasional indulgence, and you can enjoy life with indulgence.

After Chen Hao finished his meal, he returned to the room with some food, and found that Zhou Xitong hadn't woken up yet, her milky white shoulders were exposed under the Jin Fu, and the blue silk scattered on the pillow, as beautiful as an oil painting.

Chen Hao smiled knowingly. Yesterday she was really exhausted. Even a brawny man like him had weak legs. Then Zhou Xitong must have paid even more. It is estimated that she will have to sleep all day today.

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