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Brother Chan was very embarrassed.

He was originally a second-rate young man in society. Three years ago, he brought up a few brothers and formed a gang. These years, he has been bullying and dominating the market, and he has also eaten food.

By chance, I met the son-in-law of Zhou's International, a big company. Since then, he has climbed to the top and became a helper.

Until not long ago, he received an order from Zhou Dashao to go to the hospital to snatch his father. He thought to himself that a sick old man would grab his hand casually, but he did not expect to be given him by a group of security personnel who did not know where to come out. Painfully beaten up.

Angrily, he passed by a certain community when he returned home and saw the security guards. He left for a while without saying a word. Who made them be the same.

To this day, I received a secret order from Zhou Dashao to "solve" Chen Hao and kill him directly, without ambiguity.

This time involved human lives, and the price was of course high. Zhou Xinan offered a one million deposit, and then three million after the incident, that is, four million would buy Chen Hao's life.

Faced with such a huge amount of money, Brother Chan was tempted, so he personally led the little brother, drove the van to track, and also lay in ambush on the way home Chen Hao in advance, planning to stop Chen Hao's car and hacked him to death. The routines learned in Taiwanese young and Dangerous movies.

Then he can take the money and go to the surrounding small countries to be cool.

As a result, it is not a reality for Brother Can to suffer a loss in the movie. He and his men were taught to be humans by Chen Hao on a belt. In the end, he and his two younger brothers were left to escape from the farm, with mud on his body and shoes, very embarrassed.

Nearly blasting his lungs, Brother Chan found that no one was chasing him, so he carefully returned to the road, stopped a car, and returned to the city.

"Brother Chan, what should I do?" the two younger brothers next to him asked him in a panic.

Now, no matter how stupid they are, they know that they offend someone who can't be offended and don't know what to do.

"You go to hide first."

Brother Can dismissed his hand in a few words, and then he went to the bank alone, lined up to withdraw one million, and was about to run away with the fierce deposit given by Zhou Xinan.

As a result, the bank needs to make an appointment in advance to withdraw huge amounts of cash, and he can only withdraw the upper limit of 50,000 yuan.

Brother Chan was also helpless, first withdrew 50,000, then transferred the bank card to another bank card, and then changed the bank to get it. Temporarily got 150,000 cash, which would waste more than an hour.

After that, he went home to pack his things and prepare to run away, and the rest of the money was the same when he waited out.

His crime is not enough to be wanted, so his bank account will not be frozen for the time being, and he is not so urgent.

Brother Chan randomly stuffed his belongings into the suitcase, removed the phone card and threw it away, so as not to be tracked. However, as soon as he walked out of the door of the old complex, he felt that his eyes were dark and he was put on him. The bag.

Brother Chan wanted to struggle, but he was hit with two punches in his lower abdomen. Suddenly, he lost the ability to resist and was put into a car.

"It's over, it's a dead ball now." Brother Chan was ashamed.

In the car, his headgear was lifted off. At first glance, he was surrounded by sturdy men. The most important thing was that Chen Hao, who frightened him, sat in the co-pilot. He still had a shadow in his heart because of his belt twitching. , The heart can't stop beating wildly.

He didn't have much spine, so he came up and begged for mercy: "Boss Chen, I was wrong. Your lord has a lot. Give me a break!"

Chen Hao looked at him calmly and said, "Oh? You brought a group of people to kill me, that is, my skill is not hurt, and now you fall into my hands, just one apology is over?"

Lai Wu also snorted coldly: "Do you think it's enough to apologize? Well, I'll cut you into eight pieces and throw it into the river to feed the fish, and then apologize to you. Do you think this works?"

"Don't, I was wrong. I was really blinded by the surname Zhou. I took him one million and gave it to you. Please let me go!"

Brother Chan was crying and struggling to kneel down in the car, and then pointed to the suitcase beside him: "There is 150,000 cash in there, and the rest is in my card. I will give you all the money!"

He knew very well in his heart that the person Zhou Xinan was willing to spend four million on to buy a life was definitely someone he couldn't afford. Killing him was really like crushing an ant. Now he can only admit it, and dare not consider other things. .

"Oh? I actually gave you one million directly? It seems that I am very valuable." Chen Hao said mockingly.

Brother Can also gave it up and told everything: "It's Zhou Xinan. He gave me a one million deposit, saying that he let me be you, and then he gave me three million to make me fly high. I am also a ghost. I really knew it was wrong!"

"Oh? Four million will buy me a life, ha ha." Chen Hao sneered, this little brother-in-law seemed to give him a face and wanted to kill him.

"Boss?" Lai Wu made a slash with the knife, asking for instructions on whether to retaliate.

Chen Hao didn't speak, he pondered, and suddenly he had an idea.

If someone else wants his life, Chen Hao doesn’t mind getting rid of the potential threat, but Zhou Xinan is kinship after all, for the sake of his beloved girlfriend, he can’t be brutally killed. Zhou Xinan’s kid is a straw bag with embroidered pillows. As long as he can't make trouble in a short time, he can also achieve the effect of venting his breath.

Chen Hao hooked his fingers, whispered a few words to Lai Wu, and took out a black bag full of cash from under the car.

Brother Can thought that Chen Hao was discussing how to deal with him, and it seemed that he did not end well, so he knelt down crying and said, "Boss Chen, I know I was wrong. How can you calm down, I will do it, don't kill me!"

Lai Wu came over with a black leather bag, and Brother Chan was so scared that he thought he wanted to see him.

As a result, Lai Wu opened the zipper, and the bag was filled with stacks of brand-new hundred-dollar bills, conservatively estimated to be as large as one million.

"What are you?"

Brother Chan was a little confused now.

"Find the one with the surname Zhou, practice him well, just leave it alive, you can take this bag of money and get out of it after it's done, are you willing?"

Lai Wu asked in a low voice, he was buying Brother Chan in the opposite direction and let him use it for himself.

As long as you are smart, you know how to choose.


The news was too sudden, and Brother Chan was still hesitant.

"I will give you 10 seconds to think about it."

Lai Wu had already prepared the belt and hung it around Brother Chan's neck, tightening his posture when he didn't agree with him.

If he dares to kill Chen Hao, then he must have the same consciousness.

"Okay, I will do it, I will do it!" Brother Can hastily agreed. He has realized that Chen Hao is many times better than Zhou Xinan. He must be right to hear this.

Although this is a little different from his original plan, he can still make money, and he doesn't have to kill people. The charge will be much less. When the wind passes, he can even come back. He is willing to take risks.

"The surname Zhou, if you hurt me first, don't blame me for being unrighteous!" Brother Chan thought viciously.

"Remember, we never met each other."

Lai Wu gave an order, and then put Brother Chan down at an unmanned intersection, gave him one day to prepare, and agreed on the handover location.

Chan must now race against time to complete.

As Zhou Xinan's friend and dog friend, he certainly knew Zhou Xinan's location, so he called his two younger brothers and went straight to the Guanghan Palace clubhouse.

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