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The first game is the nature of the performance competition, and the moving gorgeous and obvious, but there is obvious performance traces, playing for a while, a knife is more than the other side, and the other sword swept the opposite throat. The two played a flat hand, then I got each other.

"Thank you for the wonderful performances brought by two small comrades."

On the side of the host, I learned, and then announced that the next competition began, the strength of the Wuxo Association of the River War and the Hushu Association will be a hard battle.

When these two people reached, they saw extraordinary, and they were very solid, Chen Hao also looked at the spirit, pay attention to observing the details of their movements and observations, these are all rare valuable experience of weapons, and they can not see it.

Chen Hao also fully understood the purpose of this martial artist, to enhance the repair of martial arts people to maintain vitality.

The two people used in the stage are swords. It is really a lottery, the audience is extremely wide, and the weapons carried by these marties under the stage will be seen.

After more than one hundred tricks, the two were over 100, and the members of the Wu Provincial Wudi Association used a Qiao, Jian Feng scored the other's clothes, because the game players lined in soft leather, so there was no injury, but according to according to The idea of ​​point until the victory is divided.

There is no victory in a failed, one step is automatically retired, and then the two sides pay tribute, and they will take the stage.

The audience sounded warm applause, Chen Hao was also applauded, and the two people were very inspired by Chen Hao, and the applause was affirmative to them.

The battle continues, the game is also two strength players, one person uses the Emei thorn of the Qimen, short and delicate, and one person uses a long stick, one inch is long.

This battle is a good look, and there is a small amount of weapons of the weapon. Chen Hao is watching the taste of Jinjin.

He also put himself into the court, in the simulation, if he fights, the method of using the five birds can not win.

Chen Hao is very difficult. This person is not refined for more than ten years of millennium, and Chen Hao is just a few times, and it is still evolved from the five birds. This is obvious. The five birds are not a trick design for the blade. Of course, there are of course a discount, so all the conditions are added, which causes Chen Hao not to practice the opponents on the stage.

Perhaps he can fight with excellent agility, but there is no comparability in the impact, it is undoubtedly defeated in the limited martial arts.

The war is to pay attention to seeking truth from facts. It is not as being unfustered. No one can guarantee that he is the first in the world. It will be diligently exercised. Nowadays, the main purpose of martial arts is a strong body, this competitive nature is not too tangled.

Chen Hao is thinking about whether he is also looking for a team of soldiers, but it is not easy to encounter a teacher. Chen Hao does not want to worship the teacher. This is pressed.

This is a winner of the sword mountain, and the two sides are in the end.

More than two consecutive games, the host arranged a literary performance, which is the small product of the disciples of the Villa, of course, thanks to professional comedians, but the story is a martial arts, close to life, and also harvested a lot of applause and laughing. sound.

It seems that now is no longer a victory, the martial arts is slightly, all the martial arts are holding the group, and the two sides are also very harmonious.

I have seen a small product to adjust the atmosphere, and below is the heavy play, from the two sides of the disciples.

Among them, the representative of the sword hill is Hao Wei. He holds a pretty gorgeous long sword. It is worthy of the hull of the iron, other places can't see this luxury sword.

This sword will feel good, Chen Hao is not a hipster, but it feels that this sword is absolutely incapable, tens of thousands of pieces are at least, because all are hand-made, this labor cost is a lot.

Hao Hao's opponent is a guy with a long gun, the gun is the king of the hundred soldiers, because it is powerful in actual combat, the attack and defensive speed is fast, and it is often caused by people. Everyone in this battle is very close, it is the direct confrontation between the two provinces.

Although it is a martial arts, everyone and and gas, people are inevitably stronger, and they are looking forward to their brothers win, so every time someone in the stage makes a subtle move, it is called well.

The two people are also familiar. I have also learned it before, and there is a lot of things in the minds of the other side.

In the end, the two were exciting on the stage, and they hit 300 rounds, and they took out the beads on their forehead.

"300 rounds have arrived, counted as flat!"

At this time, the host announced the results, this is a very happy ending, and everyone is applauding, Hao Hao and his opponent, and then take the stage.

The next thing is the young generation, in order to speed the progress, a three-pair of players on a stage, and the table tennis ping pong in the stage is picked up.

This kind of apprenticeship is relatively low, but it is also the hope of the future of Wulin, no one will criticize them, this loss is not so important, get exercise is the first .

The level of the apprenticeship is uneven, and the mind is not calm enough, it is easy to urge, so the winning points are very fast, less than five minutes, the three groups have decided to win, and then change the wave.

On the front, a total of 12 apprentices were up, and the test is almost the test, the whole discussion meeting is basically the same, and there is the last link, that is, the challenge.

The previous gods were in advance. This time, each team will choose a young master, and the next normally challenges the personnel.

First, it is a young disciple of the Jiancheng Villa. Chen Hao took him, once he had a meal at a table, this person first gave a gift to the seniors, then some people of the Lake Provincial Welfare Association, they It is time to test.

Of course, there is not anyone here, one is to have a lot of people, can't let you challenge the head, and the second is that the default is to pick it in the top two people, this is a well-trained, And prepared players, can make the two sides comparable, dedication to a wonderful struggle.

After picking up a good person, the two people gave birth to the gift, and then they panted, war.

The tricks of them have compared to the past, and there is still a difference, but there is also a racked place. After a few minutes of competition, the disciples of Jiancheng Mountain are defeated, and it is also obvious. Feeling that the other party has been dressing, after leaving each other, it will retreat.

The host came to the stage to announce: "The last item today, there is a Shu Shu Zhuo Zhuo Zhuo, which is invited to the Hunxi Association.

From a strong young youth, it is about 267 years old, holding a wooden long stick in his hand, and powerful coming to the middle.

"Please pick your opponent now." Under the host finger.

This Bi Zhuo Xuo saw a circle, suddenly staring at Chen Hao, pointed to him: "I will choose him!"

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