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"Drink a cup, there are three cups!"

After the excuse of Bi Shuze, I found another one. After drinking the second cup, I also took the initiative to the wine, and I will continue to drink.

The people in this are seen, this is a good time to be deliberately drunk, really can't afford, even the dragon's president is not pleasing: "Drinking two glasses."

However, the Bi Qizhuo is not known, but also uses the common moral kidnappings on the wine table. It is similar to "no drink."

To be honest, the face of Bi Shuzhuo is really worthy of money in Chen Hao, but a stinky hand is defeated, but Chen Hao is currently identity, can be seen in the same way as this, etc., only needs to perform Your own gesture, who is mature who is naive, others are clear.

Chen Hao has also found that Phaffinity is deliberate, he can ignore it, but avoiding his character, you have to fight, the battle!

Chen Hao So got up the flying Maotai on the side, said to Bi Shu: "Don't you want to drink with me? Then we have a drink, blow it directly, how?"

After the brother, he heard the heart, although he also had a lot of wine, Chen Hao had already drunk a minimum of more than three pounds. If it is blowing a bottle, it is necessary to be drunk, and even possibly enter The hospital, then he is cool, so I am busy consent.

"Well, the gentleman is difficult to chase!"

Bi Hui is afraid of Chen Hao to regret, and others are afraid that others will stop, and immediately open a bottle of white wine, come and hook the bottle.

Hao Hao saw it, I wanted to stop it. I haven't come. At this time, I am afraid that it is not happy to be born.

Chen Hao saw the Bi Hui Zhuo Zhuo, which as if the victory was held, but smiled and touched him and touched him, then said: "You can drink one breath."

"Reassured, I am afraid that you can't finish it!"

Bi Ah Zhuo Yushu, then started to blow the bottle.

Chen Hao also elegantly raised the bottle mouth, let the liquor flow down, draw a perfect arc in the air, enter Chen Hao's mouth.

The real man, drinking is also a chic, can't drink as a boss.

Now, there is such a famous side of the bottle, and the noisy restaurant is suddenly quiet, the Chinese is silent, everyone is watching the victory of this spell.

Indeed, compared to martial arts, it seems to be more important to win the next table, so the result of this fighting will affect more far.

"Oh, Chen Hao is drinking so much, too great, this bottle is drinking, it is estimated to go to the hospital to wash the stomach."

Hao Dao is very worried, he quietly called the disciple beside him, letting them quickly open a ambulance, and will send Chen Hao to the hospital in their lives.


Chen Hao controls the amount of liquid, so that you can have an elegant swallowing liquid, which is neither not slow, gesture calm, and there is a fan of those ancient gods in the film and television drama.

Chen Hao's role of alcoholics, so many wine, there is no drinking of drinking, controlling alcohol enters the speed of blood circulation, but he has done too much before, this bottle is finished Still a little dizziness, but it is forcibly to hold back.

Chen Hao took the wine bottle, there is no alcohol, he has already finished the entire bottle, this handsome action, triggered a sound.

The opposite is the same, and a bottle of wine is drinking, drinking a half bottle, drinking, there is a lot of spray, coughing, but he watched Chen Hao has been finished, bite the teeth, Handicide, then supprack a few mouthfuls.

However, his will, but can't help the real reaction of the body. It is really drinking, and it is really ambiguous, and the conscious begins to blur, after all, he also has a 62 degree white wine.

He breathed a while, erased the licking of the mouth, the heart of the wine, resentful, Chen Hao is still drunk, this is not scientific!

"This, the little brother."

Chen Hao is still awake, and now it is the way to him.

The Bi Zhuo really can't drink, and it feels that the head is very dizzy, this is a small half bottle of spirits, and it is estimated that people must be stupid.

But so many people looked at it. If he got it today, it can be losed twice in Chen Hao, and it will not be able to look up in front of the same way, so it is to fight for the old life, and the minimum is still Hand.

"I, I am fighting with you!"

Bi Aux Zhuo Tian really thinks that this bottle of wine is finished, and then Chen Hao is a bottle of Chen Hao. It is also drunk to pull Chen Haoyang pad. As a result, he drunk the rest of the wine, he swallowed, but the stomach But do not receive, the corner of the mouth keeps leaking, even so, he still can't finish it.

In the end, he called, the stomach was turned into the sea, and the head was turned around the alcohol paralysis. When I got it, I was in the ground, and then the mouth was blown out. When I was helped around, he was drunk universities.

Bi Ah Zhuo Yi is a nausea of ​​vomiting, smelling the sky, and some staff immediately took the drunken Powers to the shelves, and then cleave the ground.

As for the ambulance prepared by Hao Wei, Chen Hao is useless, but it will give the Bixual average, and it is also necessary to use it.

These old predecessors in the table, did not think about drinking, especially the old president of the Hulu Wu Association, this is really giving him a throwing home, and the angrical render of angry will have a crutches on the ground. Get up.

He didn't have his face and stayed here. Back must let the disciples from the PRP and punishment.

If there is nothing wrong with martial arts, it is a strong body, but the character is not good, but it is none by all martial arts.

"Dear, we open another table, don't leave." Long Xiu said.

"I don't eat, I am very energetic, go back to rest."

The old president of the lake and the veteran were alive at the disciples. The remaining old predecessors still didn't want to retreat, today I saw a wonderful champion, Chen Hao became a wine god, and someone didn't have a serious problem. This restaurant is afraid to be famous for a battle, no one will dare to spell with him in the future.

So they changed a table to continue to drink, but the Dragon's words still let Hao Hao release the news, not allowing to give Chen Hao to be, mainly afraid that Chen Hao is too much to hurt the body, now the dragon president Chen Hao is a martial arts In the future, there is no flash.

Chen Hao went very happy today, with himself to wake up, and took the initiative and several seniors.

The wine table is the best to close the relationship. Under Chen Hao seems to be the amount of alcohol never seeing, a few old predecessors have been bodied. The most admired Chen Hao's predecessors, even in listening to Chen Hao marry.

"I didn't marry." Chen Hao recognized the answer.

"That's just, my little daughter is 26 this year, no object, just right, I see this pro, in the middle!"

The predecessors of the red face Chen Hao, I want to let him be a son-in-law, I also took out the mobile phone, and took his little daughter's photo to Chen Hao.

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