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Outside the ice and snow, it is 1: 1 Simulation Ice City Wall, the built-in magnificent, and each piece is a transparent ice, which is also inlaid with a luminescent lamp and wire. If it is night, the light is on, it is certainly very beautiful.

"Is this a ice lamp? It is too big!"

Southern little sister dance, exclaimed.

Chen Hao met the ice lanter on TV, but the first time I saw it, he also felt very shocking, this is the unique scenery that is not seen in the river.

At the entrance, the two bought tickets, and then entered the play.

There are many private guides here, and there is a domestic character.

Chen Hao and flower dance didn't like to be disturbed, so I refused the tour guide, and I would like to find various projects in accordance with the official play.

Among them, the ice lantern is to look at it at night, so the two automatically skip the ice lantern and transferred into the engraving area.

There are snowcots and ice sculptures in this engraving area, all kinds of animals or characters are lifelike, look beautiful.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, like art, like crystal!"

Flower dances, and a surprised strokes an eagle ice sculpture, the ice feathers on the eagle, just like it, let her amazed.

"It is very good, it really is not as good as you see." Chen Hao nodded, to read 10,000 volumes, walk through the Wanli Road, walk around to see it, it is indeed a growth.

Like this kind of art-level engraving work, in TV and newspapers, it is impossible to completely understand its charm, and it is enough to see it.

"Take photos for me."

Flowers dance to Chen Hao, she wants to leave a card commemoration, take pictures with this kind of artwork, compares to the afternoon tea and hotel than those of those Magic cassia, and the character is much higher.

Chen Hao was unable to press the screen, picked the gloves, and suddenly the cold wind blemed the cold, but also his skin is thick, not care.

Chen Hao took a few photos to the flower dance, and she had to take a photo.

Even the classic ice sculpture of Ma Fefei, the flower dance is coming, and it is a dry place, directly jumping on a few meters high ice sculpture horses, riding up, a girl in a hobe.

Chen Hao shook his head, this dance is still like a child's character, but his sister is of course whatever, when you have taken photos in a lot of angles.

"Wow, you see, there is a little girl climbed to the horseback!"

After seeing visitors around, they are amazed, and they finger the point below, because this ice sculpture can be free of ladder, the height of the four meters, the average person can climb.

"Mom, I saw it, this sister just jumped directly." There is a child who said innocent.

"Don't say, so high how to jump, definitely someone helped her, more dangerous, you can't learn." This mother's hardship education.

"But I really see my sister jumps."

The children were misunderstood and tied up their mouths.

This cannot blame the parents who don't believe in the children, because the flower dance is too big too much, when you jump, you will borrow your ice sculpture, just jump, easily.

This light kung fu, even Chen Hao also sighed, and he couldn't go up.

I was taking pictures, I suddenly came to two staff members wearing security uniforms, and I saw that the dance dance was shocked on the horse and hurried over.

"This girl has been tight, don't move, let's take a ladder!"

The scenic spot is quite attached to the safety of tourists.

This is cold and frozen, and it is possible to be injured. Don't say so high.

"Don't be so trouble!"

The flower dance is directly jumped from the horse back, and the two security guards will run through the past, they are very responsible.

As a result, the flower dance landed to the ground, even the legs did not bend shift, this is to put it in the gymnastics, which is the perfect landing action.

"You, you, girl, are you practicing gymnastics?"

Waiting for both security guards, found that the dance is already in peace, they are all shocked.

"Almost." Flower dance said relaxed.

Dangerous lifting, these two security guards began safety education for flowers.

"Girl, can't climb in our park, this is not playing, if you fell, let's play, you can't be happy, crying."

Both security guards are local accents, and they are quite funny.

After all, it is a lot of flowers and dances. She is embarrassed to spit the tongue, and then say "knowing", she ran back to Chen Hao.

"How do I see it?"

The flower dance is rushing back to the mobile phone, but is frozen "ah", "Ah", is like the ice, and the truth is similar to the ice.

"It's cool."

The flower dance is frozen, but wear back the glove, but find that wearing a glove can not operate the mobile phone, and then find that the cold northern outdoors is more strange, and all situations are unexpected.

On the side, there is a good passport to remind: "Beauty, winter wants to use mobile phones outside, you need to touch your gloves, no words, but use less mobile phones, just a few minutes of fingers."

The flower dance feels really, now her fingers are frozen, and they have to wear gloves. Only after waiting for it, look at the photos.

I have seen the ice sculpture, two people went to the next classic, the folk performance of a row, there is a dog, and the dog sled experience area, the flower dance saw a row of Budarand, a sleigh sleigh, Excited shouting immediately.

"Hao Ge, I have to sit here!"

In the past, the dance dance is directly called Chen Hao's name, which suddenly called such a nickname of meat, so that he is a bit not used to.

"Who is you talking?" Chen Hao asked.

"Summer sister, she said that when she asked men to do things, she must be divided into her family, send it, guaranteeing half a power." Said the flower dance.

It seems that the flower dance is born with Xia Jing.

However, the dog sled is really interesting. Chen Hao has paid the money, and then the two people sat on the sleigh. The driver took a drink, and the dogs heard the command and ran up.

These eight sled dogs consisting of teams, but also very powerful, holding three people running in the snow, flow dancing has been cheering.

She is sitting in the pumpkin horse, and there are various super-run, but this dog sled and other feelings are very different, and there are many dogs, and there is a teamwork.

"Well! Play!"

When the flower dance is happy, the hot air exhaled in her mouth is blinking into a group of white fog, disappearing in the air, the face is frozen, but the body is very warm, really curious.

"You like it." Chen Hao said smiling.

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