I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 735 Professional Equipment

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Ice ground.

This is where the flower dance is selected. After visiting a lot of outdoor projects, the flower dance has a strong interest in skating.

She watched many tricks in the sports channel, and I was very envious of men and women in the ice, but I was very envious of it, but I didn't have a smooth ice rink in the south. I have never experienced it.

Today, she comes to the north, there is such a good opportunity, can not be missed.

In the southern ice rink, it is necessary to use additional refrigeration equipment, so the cost is quite high, and there is no such trouble in the north, and the temperature is the natural refrigerator, outdoor and indoors are the same temperature.

However, the ice rink is isolated from the cold wind, but it is still warm compared to the outside.

The first step in skating is to have professional skating equipment.

Ordinary tourists should go to the equipment rental office set by the venue, rent the public ice skate shoes, but these are all people passing, if there is a clean person, you can purchase it yourself, these ice skates from more than one hundred yuan to thousands of yuan Everything is, this is also part of the venue income.

Like Chen Hao, this successful person, naturally don't rent skating equipment, don't have to buy those high-priced goods in the store, he directly opens 100 billion subsidy App, search for skating equipment.

Kay silk · figure skates professional ice cutle shoes, priced price of 10750 yuan, subsidized price of 3 yuan.

Subridden, skating professional protective equipment, price of 1780 yuan, subsidized price 1 yuan.

There are also some special skating performance services, etc., are all prices, thousands of yuan to 10,000.

Chen Hao looked looked at the flower dance that is a fat down jacket, but also a fall buffer, it does not have to cost the cost of the model.

Ice knife and protective supplies Chen Hao bought a full set, and replaced with the seating of the flower dance.

"These are all replaced."

Chen Hao stuffed her a bag of equipment.

"Wow, this ice shoes are good!"

The flower dance suddenly took the tens of thousands of white ice skates, and the ordinary shoes wearing more than others, the materials and workmanship were selected.

As a result, she put on a good-looking ice skate shoes and standing to the ice.

"Wait, put the protective gear." Chen Hala lived her hand and put her protective gear to her.

The flowers dance self-consciousness, will not fall, want to refuse, but by Chen Hao, the inexplicable heart is like a deer, and a bunch of reasons can not be exported, people are also stupid standing .

Chen Hao shook his head, this girl was frozen?

So he personally handed his hand, helping flowers to wear the protective gear, have a guard, elbow and knee, plus thick down jacket, so it is not afraid of falling.

Chen Hao also replaced a pair of black ice skates and greeted flowers and danced into the ice rink.

The ice rink here is very large, after all, there are many tourists, and one-time accommodation will not feel crowded.

Among them, there are several severings, including children's districts, speed slippers, and VIP areas.

Among them, there is the best facilities in the VIP area, and there are special skating coaches, because the venue uses the price, more than 300 yuan per hour, so the number is also the least, the tourists who are not bad money is used.

Chen Hao saw nearly 100 people on the biggest place, from time to time, someone hit together, not too safe, spend money into the VIP area ice rink to slip.

"Ah, slide!"

The flower dance is the first time, when wearing a ice cutting shoes, it is difficult to stand straight, the ice knife is a slender metal, the ground is a smooth ice, the friction coefficient is very low, slightly slippery Go out, and the focus is unstable, and you may fall at any time.

The average person is also this state, the first skating basics can stand straight, even if the victory, don't fall, it is difficult to learn the normal sliding, which can be more difficult than learning a bicycle.

The same is true for flowers. Just entering the ice rink, I have been pulling Chen Hao's hand. I have the basic station unstable, just drink a jack of white wine, and the east down.

Chen Hao actually skating, if he is not he has been holding the guard field next to it, it is estimated that he will fall in an early morning.

"Hello, this gentleman and lady need me to teach you to skating?"

At this time, there is a skating coaching and elegant slippery and take the initiative to talk to the two.

"OK, you talk about how to slip." Flower dance said.

"First, the feet is eight characters, legs micro-band, steady center, and put the ice knife behind the ice, thriving ..."

The young male coach explained the basic movements, and the flowers danced to practice their own practice, although she fell, but did not fall.

The coach came to see the results of your own teaching, and they came to market the course: "Beauty, you and handsome guys want to teach less less than? Baochuan bag, price is also cheap!"

Their private trainer is the quality of charge, and the coach of the gym is almost.

"I will, I don't have to teach again." The dance dance began to slide in the field, and there was a model.

This is the magical talent of the flower dance. It is invincible for limb control, no matter what she is learning light, whipping, or the happiness game that needs to be reactive before, it is to get started, this skating is also the same.

As a result, this coach saw that the dance dance that was still very awkward, after slipping a circle, there was a model, the second lap, and there was no different from them, and they could not help but laughed.

"I said beauty, will you get before?"

The flower dance is a beautiful emergency stop, the ice knife arouses a group of icicles, then use "Lu Yu" body, ask him: "I said I just learned, do you believe?"

"I don't believe!" The coach shook his head.

"Oh, you have to believe that there is a genius in the world!"

The flower dance then slipped to Chen Hao, stretched out, said: "Come on Chen Hao, I will teach you to skate, free!"

Chen Hao shook his head and smiled, and the dance of this talent is really unsatisfactory. He is in this area, and the talent is unmortically, and then it is also a burst.

Fortunately, Chen Hao has a work, more controlled than ordinary people, and use a jack, and the ice knife is firmly tied to the ice, not falling.

"Haha, you are stupid, come and chase me!"

The flower dance silver bell came from Chen Hao's four sides, she was like a flower butterfly, and her fancy skating in Chen Hao, showing her skills.

Chen Hao has four flat and eight stable. The typical beginner is pose, and it is clumsy, but it is better than other beginners, at least not wrestling.

After a while, the flower dance is no longer satisfied with simple sliding. She remembers that I have seen the same fancy skating like dance on TV, I feel special, when I tried to rotate, I can't Essentials, the body is imbalance to fall.

The flower dance is a light, which is extremely controlled to the body. She is gently pressing on the ice, and the whole person will be stood on the ice, and this mistake, it has become a beautiful action, very chic. !

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