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The silver brother has not waited hard, and it was taken away from the two police cars. This is the police of Chen Haobao, facing this social residue, a lot of reports, everyone is responsible.

Originally Chen Hao also explained the situation with the police station, but he also gave this matter to the lawyer, and the lawyer hired from the billion subsidies, it is really playing, litigation one-stop service Very intimate.

There is no time to live here, Chen Hao's phone is ringing, it is a flower dance.

"What happened outside? Are you fighting with people?"

Her voice is lazy, it should be just getting up.

"There is no big thing, these locals are very enthusiastic, the big clear morning is not to show me the northern songs, I will give you a speech, say it again."

Chen Haohu has a reason, and there is a dance that is "giggling" smile.

"When is I idiot? I have heard the police car, I need to help me?"

The flower dance made a yawn, and said: "But I haven't worn clothes, you need to wait a few minutes."

At this moment she is leaning on the window, wearing the thin little sling, is picking the curtains to look outside.

"Don't help, this is over, go down to have breakfast."

Chen Hao immediately hangs, and this is also tailing, and the security personnel left a part of the Jindham Palace, and the rest of the personnel took away.

Those who have been eradicated, they have also been lifted away, the culprit is also taken away by the police, and things seem to be solved.

However, Chen Hao has a kind, this is not a good fortune, it is estimated that it is necessary to come to a wave of anti-false, but Chen Hao Bai Tian wants to go to play, there is no time to be true, Let him reflect on the police station, Yinlong is still obsessed, then come back at night and teach him to be a person.

The surroundings of Jinham Palace are finally quiet. Chen Hao also returned to the house, danced or wearing the sling pajamas, holding a pancake fruit with hands in the mouth, spring litter, she actually didn't care.

Also, I took the initiative to let Chen Hao stayed overnight. I really don't care about this section, and women always like to show my most proud capital in front of themselves.

"You do more clothes, be careful." Chen Hao took a coat to her.

"It's not cold, the heating is too comfortable, the ice is snowing, the house is warm as the first summer, I even want to eat root album to celebrate." Flower dance laughed.

"Still eating some ice."

"Why are you so embarrassed, is there a menopause?"

When the two dinked, he didn't forget to mix the mouth, and finally opened the breakfast.

"Oh, eat well!"

The flower dance wiped the mouth and stood up, and then stretched behind the table, the soft curve was full, Chen Hao couldn't help but he was hot, and he hurriedly went, and reminded her to change clothes.

"I know, I will leave it when I change clothes, today you decided to play, I listen to you."

The flower dance is smiling, as the butterfly is the same, the foot is a few times, fly the building.

There is a light power to be such a cow, and I don't have to climb the stairs on the building, and the dance is all "flying".

Chen Hao also shouted clothes. If you pass through it yesterday, you will not wear it. If you put it down, put it in the wardrobe, wait for the dry cleaning, and he bought it in the billion subsidies.

Peacock, down jacket, men's classic wool long-sleeved blue model, price of 42480 yuan, subsidy price 11 yuan.

Emperor Mr. · Cashmere warm pants, price 6710 yuan, subsidized price 2 yuan.

Filmartin leather plus velvet snow boots, priced of 8800 yuan, subsidized price of 3 yuan.

Chen Haoyi button, soon these clothes appeared in the wardrobe.

Chen Hao took out, after replacing the new line, Chen Hao stationed in the landing mirror to see his own image.

Today, this set of cold clothes is much smoldering than yesterday. It is no longer like yesterday, wearing too thick and awkward.

After a day of the northern outdoor experience, Chen Hao has drawn the best matching between the wind and temperature.

Today, Chen Hao is planning to go to skiing, skiing is physical exercise, need to maintain good exercise capabilities, and it is easy to sweat, not suitable for wearing, Chen Hao is just right.

I will dance and dance it. She dressed in the flower branch, today she also learned, changed a thin down jacket, or red blue and white three-color, plus her section and color value, out of the whole scenic spot The most exciting girl.

"Is this a set?"

Flower dance turns a circle and asked.

"Good look." Chen Hao said.

"Your clothes are also very handsome, and walking with you, then there is a face."

Flowers also learn the tone of local people, come praise.

Chen Hao smiled and handed her a new collar, and the two met.

At the outside, Chen Hao appointed a Maybach in advance, carrying two people going out.

"Boss, where to go?" Asked the driver.

"Diwi Ski Resort." Chen Hao said.

"Wow, are we going to ski today?" Asked excited, she was very toward skiing, and I can go today.

"Of course, how can the ice and snow project not to ski?" Chen Hao said.

The driver also said: "The boss really has a vision, Di Wei is an international ski resort, and our province's best ski resort, hosted a lot of sports events. Today, there is a ski championship. If you are interested, you can go see."

"Okay,!" Said that the dance is happy.

She likes to skate, of course, I also like skiing. I have experienced skating yesterday, and I have learned about half an hour, I have surpassed the vast majority of professional figure skating athletes. Today she also wants to challenge skies.

Flowers dance believe in their own talents, they should also learn quickly.

Di Di Ski Societi is in the suburbs of Bai'an, driving an hour to place.

At the entrance, I saw the propaganda notice of the 2020 International Ski Invitational Tournament, and there were many reporters at home and abroad, and it seems that the specification is still high.

However, this ski resort is divided into professional districts and ordinary districts. If they want to go to skiing, they can only go to the ordinary district. Today, today's competition is held in the professional area. If you want to go to the professional competition, you can't ski, this is fish. And the bear's paw can not work.

"Do you think? Go to the ski or go to the game?" Chen Hao asked the views of the dance.

"Of course, I will slip first, anyway, I have to hold two days. We will go see it again in the afternoon." Flower dance said.

"OK, then let's go to experience ski!"

Chen Hao took the ticket in the entrance, took the cable car on the mountain, and he did not rent a ski equipment.

As a billion subsidy VIP user, of course, it will not go to share a second-hand item with others, he will buy at the scene.

STOCKLI20 new double-board competitive ski board advanced, priced at 15,800 yuan, subsidized price of 7 yuan.

Pingup men and women coil ski suit * 2 (bright silver), priced at 37650 yuan, subsidized price of 14 yuan.

Chen Hao bought a full set of equipment from the billion subsidies, and then replaced in the wind shed from the top of the mountain.

The flower dance passed these advanced ski equipment, and there is no doubt. Her mind is all in the next ski. When I change it, I urge Chen Hao, she can't wait.

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