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"What are you doing? Behavior Art?"

When Chen Hao came to the scene, I found that the flower dance stretched the tongue on the signboard. When I moved, I still stopped.

Rao is that he has seen a wide range, and he has not seen this form.

"Just joke, come to help me, I stick it!"

Flower dance is incomparable, tears are swayed in the eyes, and they are ashamed and urgent. She is a bit whimper because of the inconvenience of the tongue.

Chen Hao went to observe it and found that the area hidden is very large. If it is hard to break, it may tear a large piece of meat, and it is not strong.

Chen Hao is really no experience, but also wants to use his hand to help the iron card, but the human is compared with the cold, that is a drop in the bucket, and the hand is cold, and it is impossible to warm the iron card.

There is also a passers -ter tourist has experience. If this situation is can't help but, they still provide help. They call the real rescue team, which is the lifeguard set by the scenic spot.

The lifeguard does not seem to have this situation for the first time, directly with professional equipment to rescue, Chen Hao will never think of it, professional treatment of the stucked equipment is actually a hot water bottle that will be home.

"Little sister is careful, don't be nervous, don't be nervous."

The lifeguard Uncle also comforted, telling her that this kind of thing will always happen in the north, there is nothing wrong, life is always the first time.

Uncle lifeguard opens the hot water bottle, and put hot water above the flower dance tongue.

"Wait, don't you burn the tongue?" Chen Hao asked nervous.

"Reassured, this kind of thing I will have every week, very experience, will not be hot."

After the lifeguard explained, I used a small plastic plate to block the flower dance face, so even if there is a hot water drip, it is not burn the cheeks.

After the hot water is in contact with the iron, it will fall along the iron sign, and the hot gas is also reduced, and it has become a cool water, and the temperature of hot water is also fully transmitted on the iron plate, let this The temperature of a zone is instantly rising to zero degrees.

The water of the water is zero. So Ice is also melted into water, and the tongue of the flower dance is separated from the iron plate, and finally takes off.

Hot water, there is a cow, no wonder people always advise others to drink hot water, which originally have such a wonderful role, really.

"Try it, have you hurt."

Chen Hao immediately inquired.

The flower dance has a tongue, and it is found that there is a lot of luck in addition to freezing. It is no fortunate.

"Thank you Uncle."

Flowers are grateful to lifeguard uncle.

"you are welcome."

Uncle said, but also told: "It will be long in the future, don't lick the metal in the winter."

"Never do it." Flower dance said that he said.

Chen Hao is also put into his belly. This saving a lot of uncle is helping, he will place an order from the billion subsidy VR mode, bought two packs of Yellow Crane Tower cigarettes, to give Uncle ceremony.

I don't want to send more, but his pocket is so big, you can't get a cigarette, scare others, and expose yourself.

"This will send you." Chen Hao sent the cigarette.

"Don't do this, I will help you are a job responsibility, and I will not be suitable, and I don't smoke again."

Uncle, I walked, and two people waved farewell, and then leaving the hot water bottle.

This big uncle is quite noble, and some scenic spots are stark contrast.

Then Chen Hao asked the flower dance, how can I think I can't open the iron?

"Which is what I want to squat, I was cheated by a woman!"

The flower dance is very angry and said things have been said.

Chen Hao listened to the Jijiatong, and she stood up and looking for it. However, the woman had already fled, and now I can't see the figure.

"Don't be angry, I trustee to inquire about the news of the Ji Jiadong, I will find him to give you ventilation." Chen Hao ensured.

Although it is a woman to lie to the iron, but must be blamed on the body of Jijia, you must have to come to the cooker.

"You will find someone to find someone, I don't have to do it, I want to revenge yourself!"

The flower dance bite the teeth said: "I still have to be so shameless, I have to be revenge yourself, otherwise I can't go in my heart."


Chen Hao got up, then sent a news to Xing Zhai, let him find information on this name called Ji Jiadong. Before they go back, I have to give this kind of grievance.

After such a toss, the strength of the flowers and skiing disappeared, and the whole person is also drumming.

"Don't be angry, I will find him for you." Chen Hao comforted.

"Well, don't be angry, let's go to the professional ski competition." The dance dance suddenly said.


Chen Hao has agreed, so the two have arrived in the entrance of professional tracks, and then pay the ticket to enter the inside.

There are still many people here, and there are many reporters to shuttle, after all, is a more important international event, there is a certain amount of attention.

Chen Hao and flower dance came to one of the tracks, which is where the performance of the air project.

A foreign athlete slid down from a height, then jump in a high stage, when it drops in the air, make a variety of difficult movements, and then smoothly and land, the action is completed, and the on-site applause is harvested.

"This is very fun!"

Flower dance seems to find new mainland and is very interested in this sport.

"That can wait for them to end, we also try it." Chen Hao said.

"Okay!" The dance is happy, and she is paying attention to observing the movements of those players, and learning this game.

After a player completed the air movement, a judges gave them a score, and then the next player was connected, so loop.

The flower dance is a lively girl, watching the performance of seven or eight players, she felt that she had realized, but I would like to try it, but nearly near the high platforms have been occupied by the game, and they did not allow her to practice. Place.

Flower dance is difficult to see, seeing because some reason delayed a high platform that has no players for the time being, she moved her mind, looking for a number of numbers of Chen Hao, which is the same as the contestant.

Although the flower dance is not concerned about the magical in Chen Hao, but he knows that he and Xiao Jie are basically, so ask him for help.

"What do you want to do?"

Although Chen Hao has questions, but still placed in the billion subsidy, I found a lot, take it out from the bag with you, like it is ready in the morning.

"Of course, it is acting as a contestant!" The flower dance is blinking.

Chen Hao Ming, this is a trip to jump, and she doesn't have a way. As the madman of the pet, Chen Hao certainly satisfies her request, so I will pick a special number of 999, absolutely will not participate. The heavy name of the player is reluctant to interfere with others.

So wearing a professional skiing, a number of "999" numbers, just not pay attention, came to the high platform that was temporarily used.

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