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These three animal trainer came back and forth, it was rules, and each person was about 5 seconds, and it will throw it to another person. The monkey observes for a while, and masters the law, in an animal trainer shot. It is time to leverage the animal's dress, take the opportunity to jump, and intercept the banana in the air.

After falling to the ground, the monkey excitedly, and then stripped, and made a banana.

Chen Hao saw the monkey of the machine, and nodded.

Haber took his own white beard and said: "You have seen the smart monkey, then see the other side of it."

Said that he played a gesture, the three trainer opened the Cage of the Guan Hitcass, on its collar, tied a beef.

One of the animal trainer explains: "This is the murder like the snacks."

The monkey finished the banana, and he was excited after seeing beef.

The Bit dog is very fierce, in addition to the familiar owner, anyone or animal it has to attack, at this time, it is more than the monkey closest to it.

There are two animal trainer to come to Haber, Chen Hao, safety protection, and one person is supervised in the field.

Now a monkey has released the reins, and the turn will play freely.

The monkey wants to eat beef, just need to go to the mulberry collar, while the Bit dog is very fierce, it will bite all the strange animals close to it, including people.

Monkeys are undoubtedly smart. It first saw the Bit dog for the first time, and quickly went back from it, waiting for the opportunity.

As a result, the Bit dog was very alert, and it turned half of the body and biting the monkey. It is accompanied by a series of "Wang Wang" sound.

However, the speed of the monkey is faster, it hides the bite of the Bit dog, but also hits a pitch tail.

Bit Dogs are only despising its majestic monkeys, hate into bones, and pitched the bones and grin, seeing its dental dental teeth, it is estimated that you can tear down a large piece of meat on the bite.

Monkey is busy, hiding the Bit dog, and trying to grab the beef on it.

However, the Bit dog is born in the dog, the reaction is fast, the big mouth opens, and bite it to the paws of the monkey.

This time is not to take the beef dried, so the monkey is naughty on the Bit dog's head, and the flow of smoke.

"Wang Wang!"

The Bit dog is angry, then chasing it, and the monkey is an animal living on the tree, the line speed is like a bit dog, it is smart to climb the dog's cage.

Flexible, is the advantage of monkeys.

Bit dog chasing, also going to climb the dog cage, the result is because agility is not enough, you can't jump on the top, and you will see the monkey in the top of the martial arts, it can only be fly.

The monkey found the safety island, from time to time, using the claws to shoot the hit dog's tail or the body, the bitch flexibility is not enough, repeatedly harassment, but can't catch the monkey, the irritability is like thunder, and there is no way.

After a while, the Bit dog was crazy around the cage, I hope to find a flaw on the monkey, but the monkey is not giving it the opportunity, after a few minutes, the body's physical strength is declining, the fierce property is also reduced, just standing in a direction call.

The monkey did not let it, the Bit dog stopped, it went to Sao, and then took the firk's fire, crazy chasing bite, and the monkey was steadily sitting on the dog cage, seeing the opponent's arrogance And happy.

After a few minutes, the physical strength of the Bit dog consumes more, tired of spitting tongue on the ground, then there are many physical strength, at this time, it goes to the cage to harass, the Bit dog is just a head to tear. Biting, the body is too lazy.

The bit dog, the monkey is spiritual, this time it goes around the Bit dog, it is easy to remove beef from its collar, then jump to the dog cage.

The Bit dog is just a waste dog, and it is not willing to move.

At the end of the animal show, three trainer gave Haber and Chen Hao, and then sent the dog into the cage, monkey teddy, and took out the hall.

"What do you realize?" Haber asked.

"It's a bit clear."

Chen Hao said, "This macaque shows the advantages of monkeys, one is the mind, one is flexible, give me a lot of inspiration."

"Yes, you will go back to cultivate a lot of cultivation," said Hu Shi smiled.

"Thank Hu Shi"! "

Chen Hao hugged the boxing.

This Burgo is a famous teacher. Chen Hao plasted to paste a brain bag, and now I saw the monkey won the banana and the evil dog. He has been inspired.

Have to say, this is much longer thanked by Haber, otherwise he cultivated, afraid that it will take a lot of detours.

Chen Hao will bring the gift to Bobo, and then he will leave.

He drove to the training ground of Hao Ran Security. Seeing the advice of the instructor in strict training many students. Seeing Chen Hao came, it was only nodded and did not stop training.

After a few days of adaptive training, they have now become the training level in the army, and the five kilometers of weight-bearing off-road are all standards.

These students do not have any problems, which is not high for themselves, but under the strict requirements of weekly, they can also be able to practice physical fitness, and the effect is remarkable.

In this way, after a month, you can reduce some, add some security professional skills training. Three months, you can form a preliminary combat force. One year, it can be called a team.

Chen Hao came here, inspections are an aspect, on the other hand, through the venue here, cultivate the Temple Opera.

Today's macaques have given Chen Hao very inspirated.

Through wisdom, gain bananas, then take a closer look, and then reach your own purpose.

The other fighting dog is also very classic. It is not as good as the opponent, but it uses its own and environmental advantages, and puts the Bit dog to the group, and finally become a tool dog with beef dried.

This church Chen Hao is a truth, and the strength of the strength is not a real strength representing a person. It can take advantage of the Times and will make your own strength.

Chen Hao began to put on the monkey play, and then used a few fake people as a false enemy to attack.

He has a chapter of the drama this time, and it is very smooth compared to the past, the process is very smooth.

However, there is a little, these fake people are dead, will not move, there is no difficulty, they have been knocked down by him.

"Not addiction!"

Chen Hao has recruited, and the drama will not be improved to the target, or to practice in actual combat, but the low hand is still abuse, it is possible for the master because the trick is not understood, and it is purstered to be a pig head. .

Another way is to have a special intensive training ground. It has a similar venue. It is similar to the past, and the martial art lanes in the past is replaced by robot. However, he has seen the wood lane under Hao Hao's leadership, those The fake people are a few routines of the dead, and they can pass the eyes after familiarity. There is no challenge.

It seems that the practice of the drama can only be counted from the long, after all, the Kung Fu is not a meeting.

At the end, the practice, the sky is also dark, Chen Hao will drive to Zhou Xi Tong off work.

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