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The drone was shot, but he also exposed the position of the killer. He has been quietly moving, and the side of the two people will be left around. Fortunately, it is obsessed that it will become a fish on the case, and once.

The two quickly move to opposite opponents, which is safe in a short time.

The pigs are somewhat nervous, this killer is very powerful, gives her a lot of pressure, she is now fighting, hopes to be pinned on Chen Hao.

Chen Hao faces the color of Shen Si, pay attention to the things that can be used, first is a billion subsidy app, then it is a metal whip, then there is no.

However, there will be a billion subsidy in hand. It is basically unbearable. At present, I want to take a way to kill the kill and I will oversT, only this can get rid of or overcome him.

"I have a way." Chen Hao suddenly thought of a good idea.

"What? Say." Xiang pigs have a long time.

"To take off your clothes!" Chen Hao said that a word that made the pig pigs tongue.

If a man says this to the woman, iron is considered a hooligan, but the pig knows Chen Hao's ability, trust him very trust, and starts to take off the silver light cover.

She still wears a slung vent and sports shorts. The exposed body is very well-known, and the skin color is a healthy wheat color, and it is often exercised and sunbathing.

Chen Haoma placed the two sets of forest cockroacies from the billions of subsidies, and the green-based camouflage is best for this forest environment.

Chen Hao also took off the jacket and shirt, only wearing shorts, then set on the camouflage, just because the cuffs and collar of the white shirt may expose his orientation.

And the clothes of the two were changed, Chen Hao did not discard it, but inside the dirt and leaves, preproped, from the distance, just like two people like it.

"Coating this, prevent thermal imaging detection." Xiang pig handed Chen Haoyi bottle reagent, and the two were painted by no one, even the privacy department did not let go.

Of course, both are adults, they have not peeled to each other.


After the preparing work, Chen Hao greeted the pig, moved, and quickly hidden in the green grass.

The forest camouflage is perfectly integrated into the environment, which is good vision, and it is possible to find them smoothly in a massive green plant.

The two are not far away, and they are in a distance from the boulder and then observe four weeks.

After a while, the two blue light shot from the height to the clothes left by the two, and suddenly became two.

Blu-ray weapons, there is no powerful sound and sound, but power is stronger, and it is necessary to live.

The killer obviously found that there is no effect after the hit, did not have a while, one body is also a green oil, a camouflage straw hat compiled with a tree branch, appearing on the ground.

After the killer approached, I found only two empty clothes left in the ground, he was up.


The killer immediately squatted in the original place, then opened the thermal imaging scan equipment, but he did nothing, because Chen Hao, the two people had painted the reagent, completely invisible in the equipment.

Not far from the grass, Chen Hao and Xiang pigs are not far from this killer, but they look at the strange launching devices in the killer. It is estimated to be a blue guilty gun. It can't act rashly.

Chen Hao gestured to the Yan pig, let her wait here, but he slowly moves to the killer.

The combat capacity of the pig pigs rely on various technological equipment, but because of the killer count, weapons are reimbursed, only to hold the fist, bless Chen Hao to win.

Chen Hao did not make a sound, the speed of movement was very slow, and when it was not close to the best distance, the killer couldn't wait for the country, and started to search Chen Hao's trail.

The killer began to move, seeing to lose the best ampillary location, and it is possible to expose yourself. Now Chen Hao has to launch an attack.

Chen Hao grabbed a soil around him, throws a distracted killer, and then the metal whip of the right hand flew out, and the dual tube is neat.

"Hey Hey!"

The killer is hit, but there is no panic, but it is very unusual, which is very unusual, maybe this may be killer deliberately reveal the flaw in attracting Chen Haosheng.

The killer is obviously prepared, and the blue guns in his hand suddenly aligned Chen Hao, and he took a blue fire.

"not good!"

Chen Hao was aware of the danger of fatalness when he killing his hand. He recently cultivated the drama, and the drama is good at using the surrounding environment. There is a tree to provide Chen Hao, his feet on the trunk One, forcibly change the direction, a flying to avoid shooting.

"" Sounds, blue light is wearing the past, although there is no hit his body, but the metal whip is blotted, and the metal is turned into two trips.

This magic weapon has an electric spark at the fading, and then it is completely scrapped.

Now that it is not a distressed equipment, since it has been exposed, it is necessary to take a drum, and it is estimated that the killer will not give him a near contact opportunity.

However, this blue-rail gun is a charging weapon. It doesn't have to change the movie. It doesn't have energy, and a shot of a shot of Chen Hao.

Chen Hao was only a wolf to avoid the surrounding environment. He used the pace of the five birds and will also be self-promoted.

It is now lacking a valid remote weapon, just limit the time to live in one or two seconds, Chen Hao is likely to defeat.

"Right, how do I forget that thing!"

Just when Chen Hao wolf dodge, suddenly it flashed a shadow of a spell in the brain, which is his previous task reward.

This kind of combat spell has been sent in the personal card package in the app, and now is a good time to use.

"Use the lightner!"

Chen Hao used a billion subsidy VR mode to choose to use it. It is in an excitation state. It will see a lightning chain in the range of Chen Hao, with Chen Hao as a heart, and the killer is shrouded.


When the killer is suddenly shaking, the whole person is in a stiff.

Billions of subsidies, must be boutique, the lightning error is not obvious, but the effect is outstanding, and the killer will lose the ability.

Chen Hao grabbed this rare opportunity, a dragon and tiger stepped into the killer's near, a boxing of his face, the left hand also captured the blue-racer gun in the hands of the killer, this is the biggest thing to him.


This boxing is very strong. In the urgency, Chen Hao did not leave the hand, his arm is completely excited, hundreds of kilograms of boxing is in the opponent's face, and the killer flew out of the sandbag, hitting one On the tree, then rolled down on the ground.

The killer snort is not a sound, and the land is moving, I don't know how to live.

Chen Hao, I am afraid that he is swindling, picking up a stone of a basketball size, throwing it in the killing head.

The stone is very pleasant. I will smash the killer back, and he is not moving with two legs.

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