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Peng Yutan is the same heart, after the flower dance, she also waved, and gave the lower flow embryo that Huaqiang.

Huaqiang is just a mine downtown, which is a mine. It is tangled in the next day, and the class is in the nearby county. Yao Wuyangwei, it is very pence, especially in this reverse village, it will play a young master, but only pick the wrong People.

At the moment, the whip of the two sisters attacked at the same time, one person, whip smoked a little in Huaqiang's face, equivalent to the loud slap in two.



The two faces of Huaqiang suddenly painful, with a hand, after HK, his followed the class, two cheeks have been swelling from a red-red pin, these two times are really awkward, but also Two beautiful girls hate this person's mouth.

"Yes, give me, odor dare to hit me!"

Huaqiang was beaten and angry, and he didn't pity. He called his class.

"Dry them!"

A group of young girkers rushed together together.

"Let me do it."

Chen Hao blocks in front of the three girls, as the only grandfather, of course, to protect women.

"No, these small three still can't make my sister, I can't always be white, you have to give me an opportunity to help you do things!"

Flower dance is in such a tense, still small spoiled, indeed, where these ordinary people, as a trainer, indeed be worried.

Chen Hao gave it a position, allowing them to show, he fame behind, if there is danger, he will shoot again.

In this way, the two women will become the main force and stand up at the forefront.


Peng Yutan is a northern sister, and the character is free, whip is dry style. She has a long whip, and the long whip is imitation Buddha with the tracking attribute, and the face of the three people is very close to the position of the eyelid.

The eyes are the windows of the human mind, and one of the most important senses. The sudden attack, all the eyes are hurt, and the nose is tearing, and it is temporarily recovered.

Peng Yuyan was in the martial arts of Wulin, and learned more than ten years of martial arts. He knew that all the truth of break, so he first put the focus in the face of disturbing the opponent, waiting for the opponent's loss of sharpness, it is the opportunity of their counterattack.

Flower dance is more spoiled, she is a flaw and light power double repair, such as wearing flowers butterfly, in those young people, not a whip pumping someone, is the lower abdomen of another person in front of the near.

Anyway, the guy in the hands of the men, waving, all chasing the residual shadow of the flowers, no one can touch her clothes.

These youth feel that the front of the eyes, a beautiful girl is like the waves, bringing them a pain, waiting for them to fight against the counterattack, the flower dance is like the wind, leaving only a series of "giggling" Laughter, laughing, these men are too useless, and the movements are too slow.

"The old uncle of the park practice sword is faster than you!"

The flower danced whip tall after a young neck, ridicule.

"Yes, when is the whip? Do you have no food? Give it to play, let me lose!" Huaqiang is called there.

However, he was shadowed by the two girls. Now, the command is in the back, but it is not willing to participate before, his face is hot, it feels more swollen, and it hurts.

Chen Hao saw two women's young people, there was a little smile, then smiled slightly, and then said Cao Qi, said to her: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

"You are, I am not afraid." Cao Rui smiled.

This is a kind of trust. After Chen Hao, I feel that this back is wide, good shore, can cover all the wind and rain for her, too safe.

Chen Hao and Cao Rui have not been attacked at all, the group of fierce young men is completely peripheral.

Instead of saying more than a dozen wings, it is better to say that two males are hitting them. As early as the early days, the flowers and Peng Yuyan also adopt a guerrilla, all breaks, wait until the number of each other falls to eight people, they will stand Pile output.

When the whip is whip, you can take one, then he heard the whip of "", smoked on those men and screaming them.

All people have fallen into the rogue, saying that they are holding a mouse, running slowly, there is a whip, which is in modern society, still suffering from severe prison, these sorrows and long-growing young guys have fallen to the bottom of the valley, and escape.

"do not run!"

Now, flowers and Peng Yutong have a pursuit, two people chase more than a dozen people, and the situation is reversed.

Huaqiang's pace has always been playing others. Now encounters the wind bureau, no one has the minds of resistance, and I have ran to Huaqiang, and I am looking forward to Zhang Wang.


A whip of the flower dance will be drowning, they discovering that Hua Shao is not safe, one by one, running around, to open.

There are also a few faithful followers, ran together with Huaqiang.

"Huado, these two maids are too fierce, arratuous, look back and find them." After the class was finished, he was taken up by Peng Yuyan, and he hurt him on the ground.

Although the whip is unfamiliar, it is really pain on the body. These people hate the mother less than two legs, and they will drill in the car.

If so many people have got on the bus, I really don't want to catch, but the ghosts are bout, I know that I want to thieves first, as long as I leave Huaqiang, others are not afraid.

So she whipped, I watched Huaqiang's neck, and suddenly let him suffocate.

And Peng Yuyan's whip is coming, and I wrapped around the two legs of Huaqiang, so the second woman was one person, pulled Hua Qiang, and dragged itself.


Huaqiang's neck was suffocated, the face was rising, and his hands were smashed, and then he saw two beautiful women, looking at her.

"Put, let me go, it is not too angry ..."

Huaqiang is in force.

"You know it now? What do you say?" The flower dance kicked him, leaving a shoe print on his face.

Huaqiang is now thinking about death. He is the same as the Towa King in the county. I didn't expect this to be in this broken hillunity.

His face is so red, some is because they are not breathing, and they are ashamed because of their shame.

"I'm wrong."

Huaqiang feels life in the lapse, and it is not angry. His mine second-generation has not enjoyed enough life. I don't want to die, and I will ask for mercy immediately.


The flower dance is cold, and I will receive a whip. Hua Qiang is on the ground and calm and breathe, and fortunately I live.

However, he can die from the crime of death, and the flowers dance angry. He just insults on the speech, go up, "", drums to the slap in the face.

"Don't hit! Don't beatented!"

Hua Qiang hurts to die, hugging his head and shrinking the top of the turtle.

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