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This policeman is in handling the situation, and the official car came down on the official car, and he looked at this corrupted belly. They knew it was a small leader. They took the head with Hua Lao, whispering.

After saying a few words, these public officials said with police officers: "These people are all kinds of murderer, and they will give them a grasp!"

The flower dance is not happy to listen, ask this big belly leader: "Why do we say that we are glow? You are embarrassing, be careful, I sue you!"

"Hey, you have a lot older, you are not small, these people are hurt, don't fake? This is the murder! Then you block the mining of Chenjiacun coal mine, this is illegal, I said wrong ? "

"You can figure it out, it is to attack us first, you have seen our four people, can you hurt more than 60 hooligans? Don't donate people you need!"

Flower dance teeth, I can't say this big belly leadership.

"Let's go, dare to talk to us with us!" There is a civil servant that came along with our leadership.

"Only a small chief is so cow, I don't know, I thought you were the Emperor of the Jade." The flower dance is nose.

That small civil servant also had sprinkled, and the Cai Keji pushed him, took out the mobile phone, and there was a photo of the document on the official seal.

"Take a good look, this is the coal mine business license opened in the province. It is timely, there is a public security comrades, which is always out of the mine."

Flower dance: "Just now, the kid said, it is the gift of his father to the official, and it is estimated that you have also received a lot?"

"I haven't said it!"

Now someone supports the waist, Huaqiang is busy.

"Cough, you don't want to stick, the police officers, let them catch them!"

This Cai Kee is said to be in fact, and they have been engaged in coughing twice.

"He is as obviously the benefits, are you talking about Chen Hao?"

Flower dance to find Chen Hao, seeking agreement, but found that he used a bracelet to talk to someone.

"Who are you calling?" Dancing him.

"A powerful person."

Chen Hao ended the call and put down the bracelet of the special and balm communication.

Nowadays, the scene is very disadvantaged, the other party has a formal document, and the police officers are in, to catch him to ask, and in the other party's site, it is very likely to suffer.

Therefore, Chen Hao did preparing when the police car was just coming, contacting the pig.

If Chen Hao is recognized by Chen Hao, who is the most energy, no doubt is the Linlong organized.

The garre before the Pan Long organized, Chen Hao has only been seen more than once. Now the other party is engaged in positive in formal documents. Chen Hao also replied with a regular way. Isn't it looking for someone, he Hua boss found A Cai Kee, then he will directly find the dragon organization, see who is powerful!

"Please cooperate with our work, give us to the place." The police officers said again.

"Wait a few minutes, you still find a rescue first, pull these people away." Chen Hao said the wounded in the place.

The police officers think about it, as long as Chen Hao doesn't run, they are in contact with the hospital to save people.

It takes some time from the county, and the Cai Science, Cai Kee, can't wait for this time, just put the things in Chenjia Village, first push the village, prepare the coal mine.

So, the three excavators they prepared were also opened, and they were excavated to the village. There were police officers here. They were not dared to stop.

They want to be wrong, Chen Haogen is too lazy to play with them, and wait for the phone to wait for the phone.

After a while, Chen Hao's mobile phone rang, a number of Yunyang, the provincial city, Chen Haoxin knows that the people of him will come, and then pick it up.

"Hello, are you Mr. Chen Hao?" The other party is a full man, talking to the taste of the system.

"It's me, are you?" Chen Hao asked.

"I am the staff of the provincial coal management bureau, I heard that Chenjiacun's coal mine has caused trouble, very sorry."

"Nothing, the coal mine has not been excavated, but there is a very noisy here, but also on the spot." Chen Haozhen.

"This is the negligence of our work, please rest assured, I will solve it, you will give him a call, I will tell him."

The middle-aged man of the phone is talking, but it is very horizontal. It is a manner who has a real power.

Chen Hao took the mobile phone to send mobile phone, and he handed to Cai Kejo's near, said: "Hey, your superior leaders will talk to you."

"What is the superior leader, give me this set, I am, I am?"

Cai Keji did not believe that Chen Hao can contact his leadership.

The person in the phone heard it, said seriously: "Are you an official of Wakayama? I am Wu Qiusi, the coal management bureau, please stop the mine's homework, waiting."

"Wu Qiuyuan?"

Cai Kuo is shocked, thinking about it is not the leadership of the direct tube coal mine in the province, how can you understand this youth in front of you.

"It must be fake!"

Cai Kemitao did not recognize that there was a mobile phone directly, as a liar.

In fact, he faintly felt that this phone is not simple, but he is now riding a tiger, he will count, first temporarily ignite, put the coal mine first, causing a established fact, he can find an excuse to cover the excuse.

Therefore, this small chief will make a self-propelled command, and excavated on-site excavation.

However, I don't have a fire in the paper. The mobile phone of Cai Joji immediately rang. Chen Hao's phone can not pick it up, but he can't pick it up by this phone because he is helping his head.

"where are you?"

The phone is connected, and the boss is seriously drunk.

"I, I am in a project." "Musk, the branch of Joji.

"Is it in the small coal mine? Bae, hurry to me, heard no, let's save a hand, let me give him a clear reply within 5 minutes, do you understand?"

The boss is very urgent, obviously is not going to slow.


Cai Ke Minister was shocked. I didn't expect this small coal mine. I have already got it up. He still dare to make this time, quickly promised: "Well, immediately stop working, I will return to you."

"Hurry up and roll back, it is the scorpion of you!" The boss has hung up the phone.

Cai Ke long is cold sweating, even his direct boss is tone, he is obviously a person who can't afford it, and everything, it seems to be related to this handsome youth.

He looked at the wounded by the place, and he won the two calls before, and scared couldn't help but hit it.

Cai Kee is careful to come to Chen Hao, asked: "You, know people in the province?"

Chen Hao did not care about him, this small department is not enough to talk to him.

Cai Kezi's heart is in his heart, and it is slippery, and those excavators are also in his order, and Chen Jiacun exemptedly promoted the fate of the promotion.

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