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"I am indeed Chen Jiacun ..."

Luo Xin said, what is it, what is it commeminated, and said, "Do you also?"

Chen Hao slowly nodded, asked her: "Who are you?"

"I am my family!"

Luo Xin felt that he had a little stupid and added: "Say the name, you may not know my dad, others call him the outer number, the cow, because my family raises an old yellow cattle."

"Will n't it be so smart?"

This time, Chen Hao is shocked, because his neighbors are Niu Shi, he doesn't know the name of Niu Shu, and we wear him with him, and the daughter of Niu Shu.

If this, this Lu Xin is actually his blueme bamboo horse, two girls, two people can be played together, then the two people are close to, and the two parents have been saying, grow up to marry Chen Hao, two are all saved.

Therefore, when Chen Hao's children said that Chen Hao had a "little wife" two, so I still launched him for a long time, until the Niu Shu is sold, and then breaks the audience.

However, the creation of people, I didn't expect two children who had no group, but they would gather again under such a chance.

However, Chen Hao's memory, Luo Xin is dragging his nose all day, shearing a fake kid of short hair, and now pure and weak Luo Xin, it is too unbelievable.

"Chen, Chen Hao, is you also a person in Chenjiacun?" Luo Xin asked.

"I am your small brother." Chen Hao said slowly.


Luo Xin's surprise, I can't believe it. Because they have no culture in the village in the village, no one knows the other's parents.

Luo Xintang had a buddy, so her out is called two, and Chen Hao has a Hao, and the family called him Xiao, but because the child does not know, it is wrong to become a musical instrument "small "", Causing them to be complained at this time.

"Are you really a trumpet? Can you let me see your left arm?" Luo Xin asked.

In the memory of Luo Xin, the trumpet brother once in order to save her, the arm was drawn by the stone, leaving a deep scar, if Chen Hao has a hop, the iron is her small brother.

Chen Hao got a sleeve. He is a healthy skin color of bronze, but it is still a slight color of the skin, it is a scar position left behind.

"Trumpet brother, it's really you!"

Luo Xin stood up. She consciously wanted to puff the small brother's arms. After all, it was the closest brother of her child. However, Chen Hao in front of him was a high handsome boss, let her hope .

"I didn't expect that we can still encounter."

Chen Hao looked out smile, he saw the idea of ​​Luo Xin, he took the initiative to open his arms.

Luo Xin's eyes wet, she was relieved by lonely, and now she is now protecting her trumpet, this excitement, let her cry.

Luo Xin felted into Chen Hao's arms and sobbed gently, and Chen Hao also patted her back and comforted.

Although the two did not see for more than ten years, the pure feelings were also hidden in the bottom of the heart, and they did not forget.

After a while, the two were separated, but the face had a smile.

After two people left again, this time, it naturally, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

Chen Hao said simpler in his junior period, and then change Luo Xin again.

It turned out that her fate is also very bumpy. After the move, she arrived in the field. Her parents sent her to learn art class. She was still a warm family, but in a car accident in her high school, she took her parents. Life, Luo Xin became an orphan.

After she, she was boarded in the relatives' home, and she was hit, causing the college entrance examination to play, according to her previous results, I can adopt the Capital Music Institute. Later, I took a general three-run undergraduate in the province.

During the school, there are many rich boys in pursuing her, but Luo Xinnie refuses. She has worked hard to learn, I have finished college. During this period, she has never given up the music, and also practicing self-study.

Although she has excellent performance during the school, because the school qualifications can't, can't find a good job after graduation, most of her alumni enters the factory line, and takes a worker.

Luo Xin is not willing to be a no-time girl in the production line of 12 hours. She uses her own vocal specialty and began to make money in all nightclubs, bars and other places.

Although it is also a meager income, this is her hobby and dream, even if there are some male customers who harass her, she will not retreat, wipe the tears, and continue to go out the next day.

However, such a bitter day can be declared, because Luo Xin encountered a small brother from a child, which is Chen Hao.

The two people are very happy, talking about childhood, Luo Xin also "giggling" smiles, forgetting, there is no big voice.

"This lady, please small spoof, affect us to do business!"

At this time, a waitress came over to Luo Xin, and the tone was a bit less good.

"Oh, I am really sorry, I will whisper." Luo Xin said.

However, the appearance of the waiter, disturbing the conversation of the two, and it is inevitable to disappointment.

The two people speaking slightly, the waiter came to reminding, they also reduced the sound, I originally a little thing, and the waiter just came, and there was a male waiter again, and I asked Luo Xin and Chen Hao to be small. Otherwise, you will not welcome them in the store. It means that we must go.

"Hey, what are you going? Impact us talk, don't you know?"

Chen Hao said to this male waiter.

"This is not a place where you speak."

The male waiter got a sentence, but also looked at the two cups of coffee in the store, as a waiter in the store, the most annoying this kind of cup of coffee is a long time.

"If we don't talk to a place, the trumpet." Luo Xin advised, she didn't want to conflict with people with others because of their own negligence.

"Don't change, and the eligibility of your sister is not in the society."

Chen Hao is also a person with a wrist. This waiter makes him unhappy. He is not going to talk here today.

Since the store doesn't welcome them, I am afraid of affecting business, then buy the store, become my own, don't have to consider business problems, they do two how long, how long it is.

So Chen Hao took the mobile phone, opened the billion subsidy app, search in the property area, and found this peninsula coffee, achieved the management of this store, only 3 points, because their store is rent, There are very few funds you need.

Chen Hao is here to have a lot of points, the wealth is thick, and the 3 points are exchanged directly under the coffee shop.

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