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"Captain, I feel a bit problem with the hotel service life." Chen Hao used communications to report to the squid captain upstairs.

"Let me see."

The squid immediately switched to the floor monitoring, and then reviewed this hotel service life, and did not find his suspicion.

Generally, the accuracy of the big data is very high, so the squid believes that the data is the result of Chen Hao: "There is no problem with temporary, as long as he does not come to you, you don't have to manage him."

That is, Chen Hao is always observing that service.

After the waiter sent things to a room, he pushed the car to the elevator, and saw Chen Hao, and then he bowed, entered the elevator, left.

There is no problem with this process, Chen Hao will not take him.

However, Chen Hao then heard a slight buzz in his ear, and it seems that mosquitoes flew, but there was no relevant tips in the glasses.

To know this high-tech glasses, put in mythical novels, it is a flavor, and some chemical elements that humans can detect, let alone mosquitoes, but he looked around, that is, no ghosts have prompts. .

And the mosquull's buzz is too long, it seems to fly in the door.

Chen Hao frowned, this situation felt something wrong, he is a newcomer of Changlong, and it is also used to take the glasses. If you pick up the glasses, this, I finally discovered the clue, it seems to have a small black mosquito, have drill Get into the door.

A mosquito, very common mosquitoes, if it is usually, Chen Hao will not cause a little concern, but Chen Hao is currently performing security tasks and can't have a trace of slopes.

Suddenly, from the success of the waiter, there is a mosquito, which is only the weather is still cool, and the high-tech glasses can't see. It is easy to find that the naked eye is easy, so many unreasonable things together, it is absolutely unusual .

Chen Hao is in cautious, you must go in to check this mosquito, because before the pigs have given him a science, now there is a bionic pocket mosquito aircraft.

Chen Hao pushed the door and found that it was locked inside, only let the pigs came to open.

"Piggy, open the door!"

Chen Hao was very embressed in the communication device. He used the private chat communication frequency band, mainly worried that there were ambitions, disturbing other teammates were not good.

"What?" Xiang pig asked there.

"I found that there is only mosquito to enter the room." Chen Hao is already anxiously knocking.

"Come on." There seems to have running sounds there.

However, Chen Hao suddenly had a strong uneasy emotion, which is completely awareness, and from the past experience, it is basically a dangerous situation.

At this time, it is a gold inhibition. Chen Hao can't wait to open the door. I will open the door directly. This luxury room is not a security door for decoration, and it is not strong.

Chen Hao rushed in, at the same time, the pigs came out from the bedroom inside, and she shocked Chen Hao, knowing a serious incident, but there is no tip in her glasses, that is No danger was found.

Chen Hao's eyes quickly glanced in the room, in the light of the night, looking for a small mosquito, but Chen Hao's vision is excellent, and the mosquito is found in the mouth, flying into the direction of the bathroom. .

"not good!"

Now Chen Hao is already definitely, this mosquito is definitely not natural creatures, otherwise it will not take straight to the suite of the princess, even if there is a mosquito in advance in April, it does not breathe his blood at the door, not in the room Flying, the purpose is so strong, it can only be said that it is controlled.

"The princess is dangerous!"

Chen Hao was broadcast through the region, then he didn't come to explain, and he used the dragon and the tiger step, and a arrow rushed to the bathroom direction.

When Chen Hao came to the wall, he found that mosquitoes did not see, and iron was in front of the bathroom.

The bathroom door is not locked, and a fine water is transmitted.

Chen Hao should not have a lot, directly pull the sliding door of the bathroom.

This sliding door actually didn't lock. Chen Hao saw the situation inside.

In a luxurious bath, there is a brown-haired foreign beauty in bathe, the white arm is puzzling, pouring on a tight clavicle that is enough fish.

This beauty is of course the protection goal, Jessa princess, and her female assistant, it is sight to clean her hair.

These two foreign women, Chen Hao, who was suddenly coming in, was screaming, Jessa protects the upper body, and the whole person is indented into the water.

Female assistant is more armbanded in front of Jessa, and the sound of the pig is protected. In their view, Chen Hao is a murderer who is unauthorized.

However, Chen Hao's sight did not stay on the princess of the beautiful, because the bathroom light was dim, he fed enough to discover the mosquitoes, and the straight straight fly to Jiezika in the bathtub, this is not a normal mosquito Flight status.

Now Chen Hao runs again, it has been too late, and will be blocked by the female assistant, but he still has a remote attack method, that is the spell.

" !"

Chen Hao used VR mode to choose a cold crowder used once. This time he controlled the release range. The temperature of the extremely cold appeared around the mosquitoes, and immediately hanged the flying mosquitoes.

"Breast, go out!"

Jiezika was bad, the arm took out a piece of water, headed toward Chen Hao, of course, threatening is equal to zero, but it has been an unexpected role, and the water has passed the cold gland, and it is directly frozen into one. Ice cubes, and mosquitoes were also wrapped in ice, lost motivation, and dropped directly from the air.

Chen Hao took the first two steps, escaped the female assistant, he reached out and clicked the ice.

I haven't waited for Chen Hao to observe the mosquito, a bunch of watercorn and various toiletries are coming to Chen Hao.

Chen Hao quickly ran out the bathtub. At this time, the pig was also rushed in, and Chen Hao retired and went out, and asked him what happened.

Chen Hao suddenly stroned the princess bathroom, which can rise to the cross-level accident. If there is no good reason, then the whole team will have a big event.

"check it out."

Chen Hao took it out of the ice, and there was a lifelike mosquito, but how to see how not to twist, it is very cumbersome than the real mosquito.

"Bionic mosquito!"

Pig pig is out of mouth, she is a professional, and I have seen the clue at a glance.

The mosquitoes in the ice cubes are surrounded by gray blue matter, and it is not good from mosquitoes. It is definitely not good.

At this time, the black shadow outside the door flashed, and the teammates came to the room in the room, and the nervousness of his face was nervous.

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