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Zhixiang is not explained, slamming Chen Hao, at this moment, at the moment of life and death, she has already counted Jieqika, she chose to save Chen Hao, Ning Ke, and I don't want to let Chen Hao appear unexpected.

Pig pigs use the power of mechanical skeleton, so this is very strong, she and Chen Hao play it in the opposite direction.

At the same time, Chen Hao's eyes faster, grabbed Jessa's wrist, flying with her, the pig can not see Jieqika, but he has this opportunity, as a player can't give up the goal, although there are The threat of people, Chen Hao does not want to give up a living life.


Then, there was a huge explosion in the same place, and the bridges of the cross-lake bridge were blown, and they can see the lake water below the bridge.

The huge impact wave stroke, Chen Hao is at the moment of life and death, opens all the potential, one side with petrochemicals to strengthen their own defense, on the other hand, using the wind, and use the wind speed to reduce the impact of the explosion.

After doing it all, Chen Hao pulled Jieqika, protecting her in front of her, with her back to the explosion point.

This moment seems to be free, then the explosion shock wave is coming, and Chen Hao and Xiang pigs will shoot at the same time, and the two have become a parabolic, two directions, fall into the lake.

"Sea, snail to save people!"

The squid captain angered the crown, the firepower opened, and the killer who took the energy gun was honeycomb.

Subsequently, he followed the enemy, and his forehead was also touched. He went to see the bridge plane like a war, it is a pothoish and wreck, and many cars are smoke in burning, while There are also many ordinary guards being hurt, and they live on the spot.

Of course, the killer is also covered with the whole army. It probably has 12 or three people. These killers are basically all members of the organization in the country. This is all reimbursed, and there is no longer turn over the abilities.

In the face of such a brilliant result, the squid captain is very happy, and he is directly in the lake, and he is looking for Jessa. He as the captain, to be responsible for the mission, although he is very worried about other players, but the first To save, or the princess.

Each of them has a positioning device, the squid captain is like a true fish in the water, and the fast approach Jiezika's direction, which makes him happy, Chen Hao and the goal.

Chen Hao was shocked by the shock wave. I woke up, I woke up by the water, I immediately took Jaytack to float the water, but he was hurt after all, I feel that I can't use your strength.

Wait until the water surface, I saw that the squid team was accelerating to him. Chen Hao once again saw Jiezika, she was close, brown hair wet stickers on her face, Chen Hao pressed her wrist, Also, there is a pulse, take her to the shore.

Waiting for the shore, Chen Hao will put Jiezika on the shore. She took a water in her mouth, and it was estimated to be vivid, then drowning.

Chen Hao followed the common posture of drowning, first put Jessa on his legs, control water for her, and then do artificial breathing.

Chen Hao, there is no other idea, just want to save people.

At this time, the squid team went over, took the shoulder of Chen Hao, let him open: "I have equipment."

The squid captain took the same thing as a small respirator from the body, giving Jesska in the mouth, then this equipment immediately started, while automatic pumping, he can assist breathing, not a few, Jiezika spit out After a few lakes, the eyelashes were also moved, saved.

The squid opened her eyelids to see, confirmed that there is nothing wrong, call all team members to come over.

Subsequently, the base of the base has also come to the scene, this time because of the main movement, the base is sent a special action team, and a part of the bridge is went to clean up, and some with the goals and team members.

Everyone has been on the plane. This is more important in this. It is Chen Hao and Xiang pig. The pig is checked. There is a brain shock. There is internal organs, this level of injury, nothing in the , can cure, no There is a sequelae.

Chen Hao's hurt looks the heaviest, behind a flesh and blood, there are several large concrete blocks embedded in muscles, and they need to return to the base to be customized.

However, these are peeled, this is much larger than the symptoms of the pig, Chen Hao also went to see the pig, she lying on the stretcher, her eyes do not want to open, and a move will vomit.

"You don't move, will soon get better." Chen Hao grazed her hand and said grateful.

Before the explosion occurred, it was a pork pushed him, otherwise it was slow, it may not be later.

The corner of the pig's mouth reveals a smile expression, although it is hurt, but the mission is not failed, this injury is not white.

The squid is looking at Jessa princess. After she took the medicine, she had woke up. She was protected very well by Chen Hao, so she was only scared, and there was nothing to rest for a day or two, and I made up to a psychological counseling.

Because there is an unprecedented assassination, the Jessa's trip cancels, and after the Baihe City base, after one or two days, the staff of the Beijing headquarters will be directly connected, and it can be said that their security mission has been completed. .

However, this task is completed, it is not easy, and it is called the nine deaths.

However, the record is also remarkable, this serious assassination, in the past 30 years, the first time, this failure will make this organization, there is no vitality in China, even completely disappear.

The pig is so late. Chen Haocai launched her hand. When he turned back, he saw a few teammates who had slightly wounds, they were staring behind him.

"What's wrong?" Chen Hao asked, but thought that there was something on his face.

"Listening to the camel coach is very strong, I didn't expect it, when the outer proximal person was too generous, with your strength, directly when the official member is enough." Snail thumbs up, praised.

"Yes, go back to the base, I will give you a successful." The captain of the squid said.

Chen Hao smiled, did not reply, official members, he didn't care, as long as the goal was safe and sound in their protection, Chen Hao was relieved, and there was no white fee for a day.

The helicopter arrived at the White River Base and the players were all sent in the medical room.

Have a doctor to treat Chen Hao, see his wound, you have to inject anesthetic, then create.

"Don't have anesthetic, just come here."

Chen Hao was in the hospital bed and said.

"Our anesthetic side effect is very small, you don't have to worry." This male doctor said.

"Nothing, despite it."

Side effects are small, the anesthetic is still a certain harm, so Chen Hao can use it without having to use it, this point of skin is injured, he still holds.

Since Chen Hao demanded that the doctor did not have anesthetic, and started to clean up the wound with tweezers and suction trays.

Feel the stinging of the back, Chen Haoshi has no expression, as if the treatment is not his back.

The male doctor was shocked, and Chen Hao didn't think so. Chen Hao did not think so, with the clouds of clouds, he took some slag soil in meat, it was not worthy.

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