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The column was blinded by Cao Rui's eyes. He suddenly understood, he also understood, and the pretty assistant supported the drunken boss to go upstairs to rest upstairs. If he still dared to bother, it is estimated that you will take the right leg first. The company is expelled.

The pillars did not dare to put it, pulled the follow-up, and the little ran and left, and I was afraid to make a good thing to bother the boss.

Next, no one, dirty, Cao Rui, who is wearing OL, holding Chen Hao, take the elevator to the room to the room.

Here she has already wrapped two rooms, and the drunken martial artists lived, and she deliberately opened a presidential set in the top floor, which was prepared for Chen Hao, or said, the room prepared for her own.

After Cao Rui helped Chen Hao to enter the room, let Chen Hao lay on the bed, then carefully, in addition to his shoes and socks, then went to a cup of water, let Chen Hao drink the solution.

"Thank you."

Chen Hao really felt fainted, in Cao Rui's serving, drinking half a cup of water, dizzy, lying back, closed his eyes.

Cao Rui will then open a pot of warm water, dip it with a towel, and carefully wipe his face and hand.

This time, Chen Hao is a little, and the nose is a unique fragrance in Cao Rui, and the face is still soft and wiped. When he opened his eyes, he saw the quiet Cao Rui, smiling at him.

Chen Hao was very touched. She has been taking care of her own relationship around, and can even give him the most precious things, but she can't give her any promises, and in the jealousy, I hold Cao Rui's hand. .


The towel fell back, the two hands were holding together, ten fingers crossing, the four eyes, the feelings were constantly warming, gradually, the two began to move, breathing.

Suddenly, Cao Rui's tender eyes changed, she bite her own lips and then took back hands.

Chen Hao thought she had to leave, I was eager to shout: "Don't go first."

He intended to let Cao Rui left, more accompany him, but Cao Rui did not want to go.

After she put it on my brain, she took the long-lasting plate to the brain, and the hair would not hinder her, and then she declared her wearing a lady tie and white shirt, and the big white skin was present. Before the face of Chen Hao.

Chen Hao couldn't help but swallow, a heartbeat.

Today, he drank wine, and the reason soon became clean by alcohol. Now he, only the Cao Rui in front of him is so fragrant, so beautiful.

Cao Rui has been in addition to the skirt, then come to Chen Hao, and the action also has such a wild wild.

Now she has a hot radiant, and the gentle image is different. Maybe, the first two drunken nights, she is also this state, the woman is really changed, Chen Hao did not expect that Cao Rui, a gentle sticker After he drunk, it will become such an active and fanatical state, it is really unpacked.

Cao Rui took the initiative to help Chen Hao to go to the clothes, when I couldn't let go, even directly exhausted, at this time, I was inexplicably rude, and there was a catalyst role. The two were more can't wait.

Next, the water will be accepted, this for young men and women, will complete the big harmony in life.


However, in the mouth of the shirt, Chen Hao took the wound behind the clothes, could not help but frown, Cao Rui, which found that Chen Hao has so many injuries.

"Ah, how do you hurt!"

Cao Rui suddenly was anxious, and the two nets were retired in an intermediate, and they were busy looking at Chen Hao behind the injury.

"Nothing, when saving people outside, I accidentally being exploded." Chen Hao met with respect to it.

"Oh, let's go to the hospital to see it!" Cao Rui's urgent eyes were humid.

"It's not in trouble."

Chen Hao looked at the two more people to be relative, and fingertored, and the indication can you continue?

Who knows Cao Rui's strong shake his head, she jumped out of the ground, touched the clothes on the ground, and gave him a rescue.

"No, this hurts me to use medicine."

Chen Haichen, he believes that his injury should not be tight. I didn't expect not to pay great attention to it. Even Cao Rui is also so worried.

In fact, as long as it is a real love, the level of care, it is absolutely more than yourself, this is the performance of love.

Chen Hao knows that his injury is not a big problem. With the help of various gods, you can heal it. Now he is smashed on the string, just grab the hand of Cao Rui, pull her back to bed, indicating that not Nervous, you are fine.

"Don't go to the hospital, then I will find a doctor to show you." Cao Rui said.

"No, Hu Bo has opened her medicine for me, and his old man said it, you just don't be nervous, we are ..."

Chen Hao's eyes suddenly heated, and it means that adults understood.

I heard Chen Hao said, Cao Rui is only slightly put down, but she gently shakes his head and refuses to say: "You hurt, if you want, wait for you to hurt, I must accompany you, how do you want to accompany you? All according to you. "


Chen Hao suddenly felt some absurd, these two women, seeing themselves, the refusal, the words are different, it seems that this injury is really not the time, the old thing is misunderstood.

At this time, Chen Hao lined in the bed of the bed, and the caller show is his believing girlfriend Zhou Xi Tong.

Chen Hao is not awkward, Cao Rui's skirt has not been put on, he is so embarrassed to pick up a friend's phone.

Cao Rui saw Chen Hao's difficulties, took the initiative to take the mobile phone for him, and erect the index finger on the lips, he spoke: "I will be small, you will pick it up, the phone can not delay, or Girls will be angry! "

Cao Rui said very playful. She immediately quickly took her own skirt, picked up her own skirt, stockings, etc., did not expect this tolerance, white-collar workers, even dressing.

Then Chen Hao was stunned, wearing a neatly and sweet smile, and he kissed in Chen Haoyu, then quietly left the room, outside the room, her high heels stepped on the rhythm of the rhythm, gradually went away .

Chen Hao touched the forehead and left the lip printed, it felt some incredible, watching the movie drama and novels, the green tea, which is going to take the opportunity, is a way to destroy someone else, and Cao Rui is different. I think about Chen Hao, I will take the initiative, I didn't see her jealousy. Is this the ultimate performance?

Chen Hao then louched the phone. Zhou Xi Tong, who was called Chen Haobao, said that it is a hot search on the Internet to the international company, and everyone is talking about the power of the Internet. , Actually directly acquired the competitors, the company's current fame will increase a level.

Of course, this is Chen Hao's credit, so Zhou Xi is coming to thank him.

"You don't have to be polite, are you not my girlfriend, this should be." Chen Hao said.

"Do you have a good job?" Zhou Xi asked again, her most memorable is Chen Hao's hurt.

"It's a lot, it is estimated that there will be two or three days will be healed." Chen Hao replied.

"That is waiting for me, I went to see you at night, you are in a hurry, even Haber gives you the medicine."

Zhou Xi said that he was tied to him at night. Chen Hao said welcomed, after all, the villa of the provincial city, since I bought it, Zhou Xi has not been there, her hostess, it is time to come home.

"Tell you a secret, I have been eating folic acid for pregnancy, waiting for you to hurt, we can have a baby."

Zhou Xi said, there was a bit shy, and quickly hang the phone, leaving a hanging upon sound.

Chen Hao took the mobile phone, and suddenly there was a feeling of He Desi, and she could have two women who love their own, and they were fortunate.

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